
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Friendly lion / Free hugs

Started by KittehBit, 16.08.2014, 11:17:54

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So, um, hi there! *waves*

I'm a friendly and sometimes silly lion from Berlin. :3
This will be my first furry convention of this magnitude. I've been to other big cons, but they weren't .. so full of fluff and hugs. I like hugs. =^.^= I might not walk around and just hug ppl, but I always appreciate a nice friendly hug. Hmmm... except maybe when it's really hot, in which case I might spray you with a water hose for trying to make me feel warmer. But as long as you don't see me with a water hose, you're fine. :D

I am really looking forward to this years EF and I hope to meet some nice new friends there.

Umm, not sure what to say anymore.

Berlin lion - check
Friendly - check
Hugs - check

Just feel free to ask me if you want to know something. I'm quite chatty (except early in the morning).
Guess that's all for now and I hope to see you there. :D

PS: Free hugs


Hey there!

I'm looking forward to working with you this year, security can always use moar hugz instead of pushing people's noses in.  ;D Surely you'll find a considerable amount of new hug victims across the seccies, let alone the 2000 other attendees.


Give a man a fish, cats will pester him for a day. Teach a man to fish, cats will plague him for a lifetime.


Have lotsa fun and see you there - if someone wants to nom on my otternose again, I'll run to you ^^


Hi di hi there :) It will be ok to hug with a cool vest, they're cold!
More is more.