
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


Started by SiranaJHelena, 06.08.2014, 23:34:06

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Nice to meet you! I'm Sirana J. Helena (or just Sirana), 25 and living in Berlin. I've been in the Furry Fandom for ages (2001) and visited many EFs except the ones in Magdeburg.
This year I'll finally be able to visit EF again due to its location being almost in front of my door. ^^
Although I've been here for so many years I don't have a fursuit yet, so if you see a white, fluffy lioness somewhere, it's probably someone else.

It will be possible to have a look at my artwork in the EF Art Show btw. It's not much and it's no porn but maybe you might like it anyway. ;)

Ok, now I'm out of ideas what else to write.
If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to ask. ^^

Kind regards,

Edit: Oh and one more thing which might help in interactions with me at the con: I don't read signs. If something I do or say is bothering you, then tell me that. When I talk too much, tell me, I'm talking to much instead of giving me some cloudy misunderstandable hints. I won't get them.
I'm in ur quantm box... maybe...




Hey Du *Löwin durchwuschel* :)
In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, as modest stillnesse, and humilitie. (Shakespeare)


Hi di hi and welcome aboard :)
More is more.


Thanks, buddies! ^^
I'm in ur quantm box... maybe...



Huhu, *flausch*.
Yay, eine Berliner Löwin :3
Willkommen und viel Spaß auf der EF. Hoffentlich trifft man sich mal :3
Bei mir kann man sich immer einen hug abholen =^.^=


jo cool bin auch nen berliner ..freu mich voll auf die EF 1 jahr drauf warten is totaler horror!! xD
bin gespannt wies wird.. > inner art show mach ich auch mit ^^

erst 2. jahr im fandom.. und suit ist auch am start! ^^.. wer in Berlin chillt hats diesmal echt easy xD
greez softwolfi ^^


So viele Berliner die sich weigern zu Stammtischen zu kommen :O


ach wart ma ab ^^ wenns klappt organisier ich mal nen suitwalk im süden hier gibt's paar fette lokations ^^ .und stammi hab bisher meistens verpasst oder konnte schlichtweg einfach nich  >.> ... -.-
greez softwolfi ^^