
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


Started by beanieferret, 13.02.2007, 19:36:15

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Hey all
This has been batted around a bit on the forums, but will there be many roleplayers (of the tabletop/larp variety) attending EF ? If so, there may be plans for some small games to be run... either the classics, or with furry variants.
I'm even willing to run a game, but being the snobby rp-er that i am, (or just being too lazy to teach people much) i'd like it if people knew the game system first...
Anyway, i appear to be babbling.


Hmm... I've done some vampire, although I wouldn't consider myself an experienced roleplayer. Depending on the style of play, this could be fun to either watch or join.

Snowy Fox

Ironclaw, anyone? ^w^


I played pen'n'paper rpgs some time ago. D&D, DSA, Shadowrun and something I don't know the name of. It had something to do with pirates. Anyway I have a rulebook for Gurahl, the werebearversion of werewolf, the apocalypse. So I would join a game.
If you hear a wolf howl, you can guess which pain he feels.



Quote from: Okami on 19.02.2007, 09:42:38
Anyway I have a rulebook for Gurahl, the werebearversion of werewolf, the apocalypse. So I would join a game.

I think I have all the books (as pdf's) for the different were-creatures of world of darkness. So an apocalypse game might be possible. Though getting all the different were's to work together can be difficult.
My main hope was that someone might be willing to run a game.. there's a couple of systems that might work well with furs, there's ECO, which is a free to download animal roleplaying game, or the Crushed (the doomed kitty adventures) supplement for good old DnD.


Tabletop/LARPer here.  ::)


I have a rough idea.. of DnD anyway.. not sure which version. Only ever played once though.


HEhe, I'm a roleplayer actually.

I am more like an D&D roleplayer, even though I've played D&D only once and I loved it, however, I more go to games where you roleplay your character...

One of my favorites are on a game called Valikorlia.

I really do not like when you are an RPG and you have to do quests and such, I more like the ones where a world of building up and -you- can do whatever you want.

Sure go on a quest to destroy a dragon....or sit at the Tavern and drink yourself wasted...but a more freeform...

Fafnir Kristensen

QuoteSure go on a quest to destroy a dragon

cheers the dragon to stomps the invader!!!  ;D


lol, it was just an example, do not be offended :(

Also, my char only kills Chromatic Dragons ;)

Metalic Dragons are left alone, since they totally kicks ass!


Quote from: Kixt on 12.09.2007, 18:37:44
Sure go on a quest to destroy a dragon....
I think I found my next target to burn, if he dares to come... after this Fauho-fox was nowhere to be seen to compete with *g*

(the b/w picture does not give it away, but I'm actually a green dragon, and my mate is a red one)



Would be fun to meet fellow Rpers as well :D.

lol let us sit down and throw dices like D&D!

Also, D&D 3.5 is the best!

Oh yeah, sure. Try to get this wolf >:3.

He bites, he slashes, he wears armor and swords!

I am the epic knight!



Huay Roleplayers ...  :o

hehe ... it's a while since I played D&D last time. I can make some character sheets or write a background story till 2009 or buy a lot of dices  ;D

"My precious gwahahahaha!"


I play D&D quite a bit (love my wolf ranger ^^), but I'd love to get into WoD or Ironclaw. I have the books for both (Including Jadeclaw), but, since I'm not a very good GM, I've never been able to get a game going XD


and to think, I was going to bump this thread myself, and see if there was still interest!

Last year roleplaying didnt really happen (that I'm aware of at least) but I'd love to see some at this years.