
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Body Painting

Started by agrajag_fur, 21.01.2009, 14:15:05

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The first obstacle is to get a place at the convention. I've been going for three years now and have seen the popularity grow so I'm guessing it's going to be more difficult this year.

Secondly If I go ahead and do this I think the best way would be to just paint up one or two people specifically for the SIG. The agreement would have to be that they only get painted if they're careful with it and don't go into the dance etc...

As for others - no reason why I couldn't do a face or two I suppose - less risky than a whole body - but I'll leave that up to the committee / chairman.


I see a problem with the body painting because even if we would have rules to lead it a little bit... fun, party and some alcohol can make people less thoughtful about some rules they might have seen once.... You know what I mean? I am a little bit scared that we could have some really serious pissed of people if something goes wrong with it.

Just my opinion

So long

There is no business than show business

Fawks Beaumont

Quote from: Hidalgo on 04.02.2009, 15:06:58
I see a problem with the body painting because even if we would have rules to lead it a little bit... fun, party and some alcohol can make people less thoughtful about some rules they might have seen once.... You know what I mean? I am a little bit scared that we could have some really serious pissed of people if something goes wrong with it.

Just my opinion

So long


SIGs happen early enough in the day, that it shouldn't be much of a problem, as long as the "models" are reasonable enough people.  All SIG programming is usually done before dinner, which is well before any dances.


I completely agree. That's why I'm not proposing to do it as a free for all.

I have had a brainwave (I'm known for having a wavey Brain)!

What if I painted a zentai suit while someone was wearing one? I've not done it before but it means I wouldn't have to use body paint - it could be ink which would be permanent and also the suit could be removed.

In fact I know that HR Giger has done this before. I've got a pic in one of my books somewhere.

Quote from: Hidalgo on 04.02.2009, 15:06:58
I see a problem with the body painting because even if we would have rules to lead it a little bit... fun, party and some alcohol can make people less thoughtful about some rules they might have seen once.... You know what I mean? I am a little bit scared that we could have some really serious pissed of people if something goes wrong with it.

Just my opinion

So long



That idea with the zentai there is absolutely brilliant - if you go ahead with it, i'd love to volunteer, and will of course bring the suit (needs to fit, yeah? ;) )
..Dan // Leinir..

"A Vast Swimmer Keeps No Pets"
- Seamus Z. Harper, Andromeda 1:14


Quote from: Fawks Beaumont on 04.02.2009, 15:55:45

.... that it shouldn't be much of a problem, as long as the "models" are reasonable enough people.  All SIG programming is usually done before dinner, which is well before any dances.

Right... it shouldn' could and I am pretty sure it would in some way. ;) Thats what I am talking about...

So long

There is no business than show business


Well for my part i will be pissed if someone ruins the suit. Please be responsible enough to not mess up expensive suits. :)
Ich ziehe durch die dunkle Stadt, nur der Schatten ist mein begleiter!


Hey there.

The whole bodypainting discussion is still going on, but I'd *personally* like to keep a relatively lax attitude.
Yes, there have been a handful of bodypainted furs around who were not careful enough, especially after getting drunk and hugging everybody and the kitchen sink (literally, I could image, later at night). However, there's still a simple rule in effect: You break it, you pay for it. If somebody ruins someone else's attire, be it with bodypaint, a cocktail or a snot rocket, that somebody has to undo the damage. Simple as that.

The dances and certain fursuit events are a special matter, though. It's way too easy there to bump into someone and leave some permanent, expensive damage. Henceforth I'd like to see no bodypaint during the dance or in a pile of fursuits. Facepaint is a difficult gray area, but most likely not a real problem, even during the dance. It might be easier to ban paint from the dance altogether, though, and there's plenty of time beforehand to prance around in your colorful attire. Unfortunately, especially the glowing paint is *way cool* and adds a lot to the atmosphere.

Why so lax?
I don't see a sensible way to police issues away that merely could happen, if the expected damage is rather low. You know, basic risk calculation. During the dance and in (fursuit) crowds, the risk is much higher und should be avoided, but it's a slippery slope we're getting onto if we're trying to replace basic, personal responsibility with rules. We're not in the U.S. after all! ;)

What I'd certainly NOT advocate is holding the *painter* responsible for any damage done. The coloring's sole purpose is NOT rubbing off on others and causing damage. :)

My 2¢,
Give a man a fish, cats will pester him for a day. Teach a man to fish, cats will plague him for a lifetime.

Shadow Seerclaw

I wore facepaint and bodypaint at RBW and I didnt damage anyone's suit. Yes people hugging me turned them blue but there was nothing to do about that. I went into the dances with it on, it classed as being sensible about it I think.


It might be possible that you didn't damage anything... but you are not everyone.... that is the problem. We need and we will have rules about body painting.
If the people hug you... it is their own problem I think. We are more talking about collateral damage.

So long

There is no business than show business

Blackie Leone

*cought* I watched some films from beastpaint. The actors were bodypainted and that paint did not get off to the other in their close encounter.

Why do not use that type of paint and have the bodypaint-SIG at thursday. The paint would last for the con and should be able to remove before going back to normal days life.

It depents how expensive it will be, but I am stronly interested in being painted. Do not have to be the colours of a lion, could be a pattern of something else. :)
FFLs6as A- C++ D H+++ M- P++ R++ T+++ W- Z- Sm++ RLCT a+ c++$ n d++ e++ f+++ h++ i+ j p- sm++


Paintie Leone ;)

Sorry.. I couldn't resist.

There is no business than show business


Quote from: Blackie Leone on 04.02.2009, 21:48:44
*cought* I watched some films from beastpaint.

Oh, yes, I just looked that up last night. Interesting website, not quite what I had in mind for a SIG.

I am going to order a zentai suit and experiment with some ink on it. I think that would solve most of the issues raised so far. I will keep you posted.


Quote from: Blackie Leone on 04.02.2009, 21:48:44
Why do not use that type of paint and have the bodypaint-SIG at thursday. The paint would last for the con and should be able to remove before going back to normal days life.

I agree, but the problem is, how permanent body paint is depends on a million factors. And even if it weren't, I don't see any way to actually enforce this without generating a lot of red tape. I don't want the rules about this to get too complicated.

At the moment I tend to allowing bodypainting as an art form, but only under supervision, and with strong limitations what the painted persons are allowed to do. Sitting down on chairs and leaning on walls is probably one of the things they won't be allowed to do :) Also, we'd have to make clear that the dress code policies also go for painted people. The discussion is still going on in the staff forum.
