I think the one thing that will never really change big time in stats, is the comparison between how many males and females show up at EF xD. It's such an low amount :(.
But the stats are really amazing Cheetah! 180 fursuiters so far? Not bad xD.
We need moer womenz...
BUt yeah, the stats looks awesome..Will be a lot of fun ^^!
Goodness! First ConFuzzled sells out (http://furry.wikia.com/wiki/News:ConFuzzled_sells_out%2C_as_Eurofurence_14_opens_its_doors), and now you? My congratulations . . . and I hope you can convert some of those double rooms to quadruple occupancy. ;)
The gender ratio may change in time, though it is unlikely that it will ever be equal. I believe there were times in the past when even a 1:10 ratio might have been unexpected.
The news article isn't quite correct.... in fact, EF broke the 600 barrier in less than 12 hours! :) Given last years conditions, we would've been sold out after just that little time frame. But well, there'll be some kind of expansion.
Quote from: BigBlueFox on 09.01.2008, 08:35:33
The news article isn't quite correct.... in fact, EF broke the 600 barrier in less than 12 hours! :)
Ah, indeed? I wil update it; I suspected it was a bit higher but I could not find a solid reference to substantiate it, just the lower figure. You know how we newsies get raked over hot coals if we repeat something untrue that we saw on CSI. ;)
At least this explains the delays in the actual processing of applications ;D
I'm keeping a close eye on my inbox to know when I need to milk my bank account...
My personal stats:
Eurofurence.org/-Website "Last Modified" HTTP Header (presumably changing the redirect from EF13 to EF14): 19:23
Cheetah announcing reg opening here in this forum: 20:50
Me getting notified via mobile while driving back home from holidays: 21:30
Us coming home and immediately registering: 0:40
Resulting number: 638 (I assume the number is counting, not purely random as some other cons choose to give them)
Interesting to see that there are already three cancellations.
I know that there was going to be a mass rush of furs registering, but I was flying from America back to Belgium when registion opened. I just registered a few minutes ago and my number is at 779. So, time to wait and see. Last year, I didn't register until March, and my number was in the 500's, so that just goes to show that EF is a great con, and just keeps getting better.
Add 2 to them Paid totals :D
I'm all done and waiting impatiently for August to come! 8)
We have this year three more women from Finland. ;D I hope we have more next year when people turn 18.
So....any plans made or help needed for next year's location?
I should perhaps open a new topic for this, but anyway...
I see in the stats a "single day" and in the registration a basic con fee "at the door".
But no single day ticket :(
I guess that's not planned, the FC would be way overcrowed and parking a bit of a problem up there ?
Well....at least i asked =^^=
There's actually a lot more people arriving early / leaving late than I thought!
Also, out of interest, is it possible to get some stats from registration night? It'd be cool to see just how quickly registrations were being snapped up!
QuoteAt 8:31PM the same day:
The registration database gets finished early and goes life.
Opening is announced in the irc channels. (furnet - anthrochat)
After 10 minutes: Reg-Number 100 is given away
After 30 minutes: Reg-Number 300 is given away
After 1 hour: Reg-Number 410 is given away
After 2 hours: Reg-Number 520 is given away
After 3 hours: Reg-Number 600 is out and people start getting put on the waiting list.
Midnight: After 3,5 hours i stopped counting with currently 620 registrations. You're all insane !
Thanks to Mystifur for this.
So many men ^^
Well, maybe I can manage :)
And nice to see that lots of fursuiters are coming also ^^
Are there more women this Year? I can't find the old statistic...
I wonder how many more suits will be there now. I hope alot.
Whats the maximum of guests in the Hotel? 600? 650? Somewhat?
I registered a while back, number below 500. I hope i will get more info soon, need to set my Room-partner and Pay... i like things complete.
Keep it cool. There is planty of time left. No need to worry, no need to hurry.
Well, i just would like to know if i can be there or not.
I know that there is plenty of time...
Sadly, i went to the waiting List for MMC.
EF was the main event of 2007 for me, so i hope that EF14 will be the highlight of 2008.
Don't worry. You sure will somehow.
Is it possible to know, how many furries who registered this year, also registered last year? And how many "new" furries there is this year?
Quote from: Kamuniak on 13.01.2008, 17:15:15
Is it possible to know, how many furries who registered this year, also registered last year? And how many "new" furries there is this year?
really lot of furries that come back every year. and there are lots of new furries every year. we are sorry that we cant say that a bit more precise, but we have a lot of work these days.
The male-female stats are as frightening as ever. XD
Quote from: BHO on 23.01.2008, 19:24:16
The male-female stats are as frightening as ever. XD
Then invite more girls! We could really use some female activists :)