
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

belgians and dutch furries

Started by vinnie, 10.02.2008, 00:48:16

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I will put my pict and video later ^^'

Just a quick question : those a furmeet at the oceade swiming pool interest you  ? :)

on the the 19/20 arpil wek-end ?

Is proximate to the atonium, so whe can do swiming pool + fursuit outing :)


If all the world's a stage... I want better lighting!


Rubber chicken! :D

Nice vid, pity it was so dark though.
Join #eurofurs on! Everyone is welcome!


Alors :

Que ceux qui vienne diner le Samedi 12 lève la main !

Que ceux qui vienne le dimanche 13 lève la main !

Pour le samedi, rendez-vous à 17h chez moi, mais je passerais la journée du côter de la grand place à faire les magasin :) Donc vous pouvez venir plus tôt. Hébergement => me demander.

Dimanche, rendez-vous à 11h à l'entrée de la piscine océade SAUF si vous trouvez une autre activité sympa à faire :)

Et après si la météo le permet, sortie autour du parc du Hezel en fursuit.



Djem proposes dinner at his place saturday 12 april starting at 17h afternoon, you can come earlier and do some shopping and preparations for the dinner. He also proposes you can stay overnight at his place. If you want to have dinner and/or sleep overnight at his place please contact him. After dinner I guess there will be time for playing some computergames and some time for artist to draw at his place.
Sunday 13 april the furries will gather at the entrance of Oceade to go swim and have fun. Afterwards -if the weather is fine- fursuit walk at the Heizel *keeps his fingers crossed for good weather this time*.


A furmeet at 'Plankendael' zoo (Mechelen-Belgium), gathering at twelve at Mechelen station from we're we will go by boat to the zoo, spend the afternoon there untill closing time and then return to Mechelen-city to eat and do a little walk in the city. Fursuiting is maybe possible in the city (but not intended) but unfortunately not in the zoo (I asked very friendly and although they liked the idea they refused for safety reasons, tails, ears and such is no problem).
Attention; this event might be cancelled in case of bad weather!!!


Psst, Fauho, you forgot to give the date for your furmeet..
"He's nice your uh ... uh.. squirrel?" said a guy talking about my ... ferret !


Quote from: Cookie on 22.05.2008, 09:49:23
Psst, Fauho, you forgot to give the date for your furmeet..

It's in my post's subject *wink*

At the moment we have;

-Cookie + ami (?)
-Undonielle (?)
-Zihrung (?)
-Djem (?)
-Aruna (?)
-SXTC (?)

*keeps thumbs up for good weather*


Hello, new belgium (and Flemish even!  :o ) furry. Pretty new to the furry fandom, hope to have a good time!



Go to to check out what's going on in Belgium.




A Dutch equine raises his hoof! ;)
The sun shines in my face, running as fast as I can, the wind blowing thru my mane...


"Just one sign... and your cookie is mine!"


Quote from: gwyndolium on 13.03.2009, 11:41:43
More more!

you need more?

*dutch foxy raising both his paws*