
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Newb Advice D:

Started by DaRaccoon, 22.01.2008, 16:36:33

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I'm new here and this will be my first Euroference, and my first ever big convention, and I am rather petrified o.o; I'm not very social and find it hard to make friends. Can anyone give me any advice and of course any other new furs advice on how to settle in o.o


Hi Dan,

Can't give much advice but I'm in exactly the same situation myself. Maybe we can get meet up and cower in a corner together :P

BTW You're in Manchester no? I'm up in Preston and hope to get down to a Manchester meet in the near future: We can panic together!



no need to be afraid i was on EF13 fisrt hour i was there i was a bit lost but then try to talk to people and then it wil be ok  :)


I'm new too, and this is also my first big convention ^^
So, maybe it helps if you know that there are also other people in same situation :)
And if it doesn't try to find some friend before convention!


All newbs should stand together :3


Getting to know people before the con helps too. Drop in on #eurofurs on Anthrochat IRC, there's plenty of congoers there. :)
Join #eurofurs on! Everyone is welcome!


It'd be generally advisable not O.o to overuse smileys ^.^, refraining from snarky O.O comments and generally not being a prick ^^. Also, some form of socialisation might help. (Contrary to what some people think, the furry fandom is _not_ an acceptable substitute for a lack of social skills, nor a training ground.)

With all that in order, people might even take you seriously and not just think "Oh god, another one of those".
I will accept other opinions as long as you all accept that those opinions are wrong.


I'll check that room :D

What's wrong with smilies? o.o I use them all the time and noone complains.


drink a few cold ones and loosen up a bit at the con

I slice pizza like no other


Speaking of alcohol, what kind do they have over there? Never been to Germany.


Quote from: DanRaccoon on 23.01.2008, 13:03:10
Speaking of alcohol, what kind do they have over there? Never been to Germany.

Not much in the way of alcohol I'm afraid, you see Germany is a "dry" country.



Quote from: Recherei on 23.01.2008, 15:11:45
Quote from: DanRaccoon on 23.01.2008, 13:03:10
Speaking of alcohol, what kind do they have over there? Never been to Germany.

Not much in the way of alcohol I'm afraid, you see Germany is a "dry" country.


Don't tell him that XD

Let's see...Last year they had this Jeagermister tap thing that cooled it to around 34 degrees F, wines and beers...If they still have it, get the dark beer they have. Garr told me that "If you could barbeque beer, this is what it would be" XD OH, and they have several different mixed drinks too, one of which had a rather entertaining name.


Quote from: DanRaccoon on 23.01.2008, 13:03:10
Speaking of alcohol, what kind do they have over there? Never been to Germany.

Ah, German beer :-) Germany, like its neighbour, Austria, is home to many a fine beer. In fact, in my experience, they don't do bad beer - I think they have a law against it!

Oh, and Jeagermeister - hic! Just watch out for the bad head the following morning.


So there is beer? o.o