
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Registration Process

Started by Wyrryel, 07.09.2017, 20:56:21

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Hey, I didn't quite knew whom to ask or where so I just thought the EF forum would be the right place. I registered on the 23th august and haven't got a confirmation besides the automatic email and my login details. Did something go wrong, or is the wait time normal? Also, I looked at the estrel homepage and there were no rooms available during the con. Are they already booked out our just reserved? Do I get a promo code or something with my registration or do I have to call them?
Sorry if this is all obvious, it's my first time at EF.
Thanks for your help in advance  ;D


I'm sorry to say, but Eurofurence for this year is already over. You were about a week to late.

If, however, you intended to register for next year, you're too early. Official registration opens somewhen in January.

Your registration attempt is thus placed in limbo, on a system which is shut down now. Please register again in January for EF24.



A little hint: You should read the page content, before registering for something.
The actual page says (and said):

Eurofurence 23
August 16-20, 2017


Thanks for the fast answer! I want to go to the next EF in 2018 and thought Id plan early to get a room at the estrel. I'll try again in january