EF 2016 Photo galleries: dance contests, fuzzies, portraits and party people!

Started by Khaki, 22.08.2016, 01:35:14

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Sorted by day, here are my photo galleries for Eurofurence 2016:


Thank you to the organizers, the hardworking staff, and all the wonderful furries who make Eurofurence the highlight of my year time and time again. I hope you enjoy the photos, and if you'd like to use a photo you're in, feel free to do so (credit is appreciated but not required!) and if you know someone in one of the photos, please feel free to share it with them.

I'm @khakidoggy on Twitter and Telegram, and khakidoggy@me.com by email.

As always, share and enjoy!

– Alex "Khaki" Vance


no one photo about me :P

Looks like that I'm too ugly to be some one to be shooted xD


Quote from: RedFoxy on 23.08.2016, 15:27:22
no one photo about me :P

Looks like that I'm too ugly to be some one to be shooted xD

Nope I have one of you. I will upload it soon ;)


Nice pictures Kaki. I really need to get one of those flashes you had. The lighting looks very smooth especially in the pictures taken inside the hotel.


Thank you kindly! It's less about the flash itself and more about the modifier:


This is what I use currently, because it collapses like a reflector disc so it's easy to bring. Previously I've also used the Lumiquest LTP, which is rectangular if those are your preferred catchlights, and the Lumodi plastic beauty dishes.


As much as I got a tad annoyed by all the photographers muzzling through everywhere xD, these are some good pictures.
Thanks for sharing them


This may be the wrong forum - but please bear with me.

Does anybody know if there will be an official video with the main events?
I'm interested in the dance in particular.


"Fluffyness is happyness!"


Wow, your images are stunning!

(mine looking like crap in comparison)
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


Thank you very much !! I really love the photos you took of Mydeggi <3


Heh, just my luck. First ever photo I find of me wearing my fursuit and I'm blurred out in the background: https://www.flickr.com/photos/alexfvance/28827010260/in/album-72157671527299980/

Great set of photos needless to say.  ;D


Wonderful photos :)

Thank you for making them. You made so fantastic pictures of Felix Stripes (the dancing white tiger on the Enter the Arena) I couldn't imagine was possible :)
Life is a big game... and it's graphic engine is extraordinary :)