
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism

Started by MrEvers, 14.08.2016, 12:53:10

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Last year was my first time in Berlin, and one of the places I visited was the Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism.
I was going to pay my respects again this year, but I was thinking, as we have a large representation of non-heterosexuals in the fandom, more people would like to come along.
If there's enough of us, we could also get some nice flowers (flowers are always crazy expensive) to lay down at the memorial.


Hope it's ok to bump this.
I went again last year, laid down a single pink rose and sang "Der gute Kamerad" (as song about fallen comrades).
I am continuing my new tradition, and all are welcome to come along.
If we are with enough, we could sing together, I'll leave the choice between the aforementioned song or "Die Moorsoldaten", which people might be more familiar with, and which would also be appropriate considering the location.

Latharn Keogh

I don't want to make any promisses, it is my first EF and maybe I'll get so distracted by everything new that I forget, but I would be interested in coming along. I will not sing though.