
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Changes in the Artist's Alley?

Started by SiranaJHelena, 12.01.2016, 16:15:14

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Hello everyone,

I have a question about the Artist's Alley. I visited EF last year and I was hoping to sell some stuff in the Alley because I didn't get a table at the Dealer's Den. Sadly due to some misunderstandings some things went wrong, e.g. many people didn't even notice the Alley or just rushed through on their way to the Dealer's Den. I didn't have much time to spend on the con at all and after I heard the critique from Artists sitting there, I decided to skip it and hope for an improvement or a Den table at EF22.

Now I'm almost sure I have to work during EF (in Berlin) or at least I get to know if I have to way after the Dealer's Den registration closed. So I'd like to ask if you can share some information about the Artist's alley aside from the basic information on the homepage. What is going to be different this year? What changes do we have to expect? (Or what stays the way it was? It had many positive sides, too.)

Kind regards,
I'm in ur quantm box... maybe...


Hello Sirana,
thank you for your questions.

As you said, last year we had great plans with the Artist Alley and they were all turned down the last minute by the hotel security (not the EF security).
We will discuss this matter till end of January and as soon we have a new layout and can provide specific infos, we will publish them here.

Best regards,


I'm in ur quantm box... maybe...