
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Sad news about Kacey Miyagami - Your help needed!

Started by ANTIcarrot, 11.09.2007, 12:29:21

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I regret to report that while traveling home from the convention, Kacey had several items of property stolen. Though neither she nor Ayukawataur were hurt in the incident, Kacey was understandably very upset, and they are both particularly distressed at the loss of the digital camera and all their photographs.

More information can be found here:

How can you help?
*If you have pictures of Kacey and/or Ayukawataur please send them a copy.
*Especially if they also involve Tani. (Double especially if they also involve her business suit and/or the EF 13 sign!)
*Any members of Eurofurence eV, please sticky this, or move it to whatever part of the forum you feel will get the most attention.
*Spread the word and tell other people about this.

Kacey worked hard to get all her sketches done on time, we'd all like them to come back in 2008, and together they both made the convention a better place to be this year. So let's all pull together to help replace their memories of the convention.


Arf... what a terrible bad luck... :( I was already so happy that - so far - we didn't hear of things got stolen at EF this year. I am so sorry to hear that...

I'll see what I can do.
Artist - Fursuiter - Pawpeteer
Charity Team | |


Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 11.09.2007, 12:29:21
I regret to report that while traveling home from the convention, Kacey had several items of property stolen.

That's very unfortunate, indeed.  :(  We'll keep this thread sticky for a week or so.
Is it that things really change? Or does the outside rearrange?
Is perception genuine? Or does truth lie deep beneath the skin?
— Alexander James Adams, Blood and Passion



if you have any pictures with Kacey or Ayukawataur on them post or link them here, to give them back their stolen memories.

Only those that can see which is invisible can do the impossible.


yes, it kind of is a bit of a smack alongside the head with a very big baseball bat. in a metaphorical sense.

kacey is still shaken up by it. i wish there was something more i could give her to make things better, but i am only one girl, and truth told, it has hit me kind of hard as well. different reasons, mostly that i failed in my job to protect her.

please, yes, any pictures would help. and, even though it makes us sound a bit obsessed with tani, i would again ask for images as above. she is the one who made the con the most special for us both and we would dearly wish to remember her for that.

* new sig coming soon *
* rain expected somewhere *
* film at eleven*


Quote from: ayukawataur on 11.09.2007, 22:36:12
even though it makes us sound a bit obsessed with tani

That's because you are. But let's see what we can do :)



Quote from: Cheetah on 11.09.2007, 23:32:16
Quote from: ayukawataur on 11.09.2007, 22:36:12
even though it makes us sound a bit obsessed with tani

That's because you are. But let's see what we can do :)

no fair, you were supposed to keep that a secret.
* new sig coming soon *
* rain expected somewhere *
* film at eleven*



thank you, i will have a look and see. they should definitely help.
* new sig coming soon *
* rain expected somewhere *
* film at eleven*


God this is terrible! I hope the German police catch the arsehole that did this.

This is shocking news and I only just read this. I wish that I could do something to help, I do have pictures but sadly I don't think I have any of you, but if you want to browse through most of what I took of the main convention your welcome to.

It was nice meeting you this year, as was getting to have dinner with you on Saturday and the art Kacey did for my sketchbook was amazing!

I can only hope she feels better soon!


i would love to browse. you never know what you might find.

it was great to meet you as well. i always enjoy meeting fans of kaceys. though i do hope i did not say anything that might have be seen as not proper for dinner conversation.

i also very much hope she is do better soon. she really have take this hard. and i think it is finally beginning to hit us both how much work there really will be to recover from it.

three-way hug from a particular snow leopard would really help.
* new sig coming soon *
* rain expected somewhere *
* film at eleven*


Quote from: ayukawataur on 13.09.2007, 12:47:05
i would love to browse. you never know what you might find.

it was great to meet you as well. i always enjoy meeting fans of kaceys. though i do hope i did not say anything that might have be seen as not proper for dinner conversation.

i also very much hope she is do better soon. she really have take this hard. and i think it is finally beginning to hit us both how much work there really will be to recover from it.

three-way hug from a particular snow leopard would really help.

No don't worry about dinner if there was anyone there who thought that they could say something wrong it was me.

I've got about 30mb of pictures and I checked through them today, sadly I don't have anything of you two. I did have a lot of fursuit pictures, with a few of Tani in her savoy costume. I really don't know if this is of any help to you but if you want them I can see what I can do to post them, or email them to you.


That's really unfortunate... there are also lots of (unfiltered...*sigh*) photos at Furcon:

I know that this is only a small gesture (didn't make any photos myself), but I want to apologize for what happened on your trip back. It's really sad to see our guests from overseas being treated like this by someone in our country (but yeah, these things to happen on both sides of the great pond).

Thygrrr Darkfurre


Quote from: ayukawataur on 12.09.2007, 21:18:17
thank you, i will have a look and see. they should definitely help.

and did it help ?


i have downloaded them, but this machine is a stock mac laptop. it does not have the ability to open a .rar
i will be getting back to the us in the next 24 or so hours and will go through them then and will be happy to get back to you and let you know

my guess - any pictures help  ;D
* new sig coming soon *
* rain expected somewhere *
* film at eleven*