
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


Started by Kisu, 12.08.2015, 10:57:55

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Mraw would it be possible to get/order this years conbook as I can't come to the convention due moving new home?

If so how much would it cost or do I need to pay full registration for it :3?

My friend could pick it up as he is attending the con.

- Kisu
The name 'leopard' may derive from an old notion that leopards were the result of crosses between lions (leo) and panthers (pard).


We used to have these at the Eurofurence Shop at the Dealers'Den.
At the moment I don't know which we have in stock; best way to check is coming by and ask for older conbooks. :)


Quote from: Kisu on 12.08.2015, 10:57:55
Mraw would it be possible to get/order this years conbook as I can't come to the convention due moving new home?

If so how much would it cost or do I need to pay full registration for it :3?

My friend could pick it up as he is attending the con.

- Kisu

We will only know at the end of the convention if any Conbooks are left over. Of course Attendees and Day guests do have priority. In case there will be any left-overs, as Alpha-Ki said, those will be sold at the Con Store in the Dealers' Den next year.

Mhm. However you might tell your friend to ask Saturday evening at the Registration Desk how many left-overs we've got because by then all Attendees and Day Guests should have picked up their copy. I don't know for how much they are being sold at the Con Store though but it will most likely be the same price then.