
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


Started by Goldie, 10.01.2015, 21:54:30

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Maybe you allready have seen the pictures on Facebook or in the news, they lost nearly 80% of the work of the past 12 years.

I think, as Cheetah said, we have to invite them back for the charity on Eurofurence 21 again!,shmag31658.html

They need us!

PS: Sorry for my bad English, I still have tears in my eyes and can't find the right words.. :'(
I am not a hamster or a goldfish either....


If they decide to build everything up again, they should build it weather safe.
It's not like it's new that germany gets weather like that :/


After nearly 3 weeks of rain, the ground is that wet and weak, a normal fence foundation will become loose. And as you can see on the pictures, even stone plates got lifted by the wind!

Also they got directly hit by the hurricane.... and the last big one was with strength 3 and 4 was Kyrill back in 2007.

If anyone think we would choose and invite them again, please write something.



I am not a hamster or a goldfish either....


Quote from: Suicune on 10.01.2015, 22:58:06
If they decide to build everything up again, they should build it weather safe.
It's not like it's new that germany gets weather like that :/

Urm.... yea...

They really should have done that.
It's not like they are an organisation where each cent counts and money is always short.... oh... wait!

Anyways, thank you for spreading the word.
Has any decision been made yet who the charity partner for 2015 will be? I would be very happy if they would get the chance to participate at the EF21 and to raise money to finance the rebuild.

With many kind regards, Arahn
Contact Info: +49 175 194 2566 - - Telegram: @Arahn - Twitter: @Arahn_Doberman


The enclosures were, of course, built storm-safe to a degree (precisely because the west cost gets quite a bit of storms) but this was unusually ferocious. You can only do so far if you don't want to put everything in a concrete bunker.

So please, no trolling. This is a serious thing.


Quote from: Cairyn on 10.01.2015, 23:36:08
So please, no trolling. This is a serious thing.

Thanks Cairyn!
I am not a hamster or a goldfish either....



I've seen the picture, too, tonight and it's heartbreahing to see all that hard work and dedication being destroyed in an instance. It's good to see that they were able to save most of their animals event they now have to live in realy cramped quarters.

If they decide to carry on, I really support the idea of having them as charity again.
Some people here even think about offering them to help cleaning up an rebuilding their facillity.

We don't have a charity yet, so yes, please!

Only those that can see which is invisible can do the impossible.


I support the idea, but they would have to wait at least 7 months for the money.
As an alternative (or in addition), we could ask the furs around here to make "emergency donations" per bank transfer. That would help them much quicker.

Bank account information and Paypal donate button is on their website:
Furry conventions are like light bubbles in a dark ocean.


Quote from: Cairyn on 10.01.2015, 23:36:08
You can only do so far if you don't want to put everything in a concrete bunker.

Not even that, Kyrill in 2007 even managed to damage bomb shelters that survived the entire second world war and since then ...
Okay, the storms of these last days are not THAT crazy, but as Goldie already said: we had over three weeks of rain. The "Unwetterzentrale" (for the international visitors: they give out the weather warnings for Germany  []) has their warning set for the second highest rating for almost half of Germany up until Monday. Some parts of Germany are even rated with the highest rating right now an up to Monday.

I can't imagine how heartbroken the people of Wildtierhilfe Fiel must feel right now. Seeing all your efforts destroyed is terrible, additionally when you are sheltering animals in need.


Thank you for the link, i guess you are right, they will need the money right now.
Contact Info: +49 175 194 2566 - - Telegram: @Arahn - Twitter: @Arahn_Doberman



I would love to see them being the charity this year again!


Count me in! I would love to see them again at EF and be able to help them rebuild.
FUCHS - Seit 1972


I shure would like them to get my and our money.
We loved them once, we can love them again.
Invite them back!


Gonna make a donation now, but sure would love to see them again as a charity. This is just tragic and I'm sure they can still use our money in 7 months.

Such nice people too :( Bah.
Registration & Social Media staff


Made a donation via their website and also fully support bringing them back as charity for the next EF they will really need this


Count me in. This is a real emergency, we should do it.
Director of Video
Director of EF Prime
Director of Social Media