
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Make a How to Elevator!?

Started by meo, 28.08.2014, 06:49:40

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Quote from: Tinka on 30.08.2014, 16:02:24
I can see Anthrocon/EF growing a bit more and one day hiring a lift repair man just be on-site during the convention xP

We had elevator maintenance technicians stationed during EF at the Maritim. The Estrel has their own house techs who can repair many elevator issues themselves, and a very good SLA with the elevator company for everything else.

I expect elevator management like at the Westin during AC at least for wing 2 next year, by the way. Fortunately, it's the only wing with serious capacity issues.
Is it that things really change? Or does the outside rearrange?
Is perception genuine? Or does truth lie deep beneath the skin?
— Alexander James Adams, Blood and Passion


The thing that annoyed me the most about the elevator where that people ran in asap as they arrived, without letting fursuiters first. Even after shouting "FURSUITERS FIRST PLEASE" no-one would react...
I thought it was annoying and it should probably be pointed out more outside Kage's "First time at a furcon" and other pannels =.=
Twitter: Taorupanda


Quote from: Aysel on 07.09.2014, 22:51:00
The thing that annoyed me the most about the elevator where that people ran in asap as they arrived, without letting fursuiters first. Even after shouting "FURSUITERS FIRST PLEASE" no-one would react...
I thought it was annoying and it should probably be pointed out more outside Kage's "First time at a furcon" and other pannels =.=

With all due respect, and as my personal, completely non-official opinion: Why? There is a fursuit lounge for a reason. Any fursuiter who believes that their egoistic fun at a convention is so much more important than all the work of artist, panelists, helpers, dealers, hotel staff, or any other person at the hotel that they are entitled to skip lines, just because they are at the same time incapable of waiting and too vain to use the lounge, is a egoistic, self-righteous prick. Sorry for my harsh words.


Quote from: ysegrim on 07.09.2014, 23:17:20
... so much more important than all the work of artist, panelists, helpers, dealers, hotel staff, or any other person at the hotel that they are entitled to skip lines...

I subscribe to that. With a convention with so many interests no group should think they have any extra rights. I really don't see the point why this should even be thought about.

I might be a good idea to mark some waiting lines in especially for block 2. It is always very crowded there and I very often couldn't tell who is just socializing there and who is waiting for the elevator.
just an average con goer