Question about hotel room availability + potential waiting list?

Started by Hazel, 11.04.2014, 21:03:46

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Hello there, I have a question on behalf of two friends of mine who are registered and paid for the convention but have yet to secure a place in a hotel room.

We are concerned (I say 'we' because I'm the one paying for their trip) because obviously, the ideal option would be for them to stay in the convention hotel but we're not entirely certain how the system works (i.e. overflows hotels + waiting list)

So my questions are as follows:

- Is there a current waiting list for hotel rooms?
- What are the other hotel options?
- Is the hotel room fully booked by Eurofurence alone - if not, are there rooms we can book separately?

I appreciate all responses, thank you so much :) We all love Eurofurence, and we hope we can all attend


This may be helpful:,5110.0.html

When in doubt, call the Estrel directly. They organize the entire hotel booking this year.
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