
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?

Started by LeTigre, 10.10.2012, 18:55:22

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I'm an early bird with this question, I know^^

At my workplace is the vacation plan for next year ready to be discussed. So it would be awesome to have a date to work with.

Thanks in advance^^
"No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep"


We want to announce the new date as soon as possible. The reason for the current holdup is that we need to move the originally projected date for internal reasons, and communication takes time. We know that you all want to start planning as early as possible. We're sorry for the inconvenience - and we'll announce the date for 2013 as soon as we can.



I also woud be glad, to know when EF 19 is ;  I Have to tell my company my vacation times until next week.  

And please dont plan it from 13 - 15.0913, on this date is Connici in Kassel and I woud like once to gop to there to take pictures of an other stile, altrouhgt I like Fursuits/Fursuiter and Furry`s over all.

Thank`s a lot.


Of course the EF organisation will take utmost care of finding a suitable date that does not clash with any of the ~1400 expected guest's personal plans. In addition, they will certainly make sure to have only the most fursuit-compatible weather during this time period, and end all wars to lighten up the mood during EF as a whole.

Please allow 3 days for delivery, as they're currently working to get cold fusion finally going.

Give a man a fish, cats will pester him for a day. Teach a man to fish, cats will plague him for a lifetime.


There's no need to be sarcastic. We do try to avoid major clashes with other big conventions, and connichi definitely is one. If jashi had said "don't put it on my grand-aunts birthday", that would have been a different thing :)




Thanks for announcing the date! Glad to see it a few days earlier than next year.  :)


So no gamescom next year for me ^^
But I'm glad it's not on the same date where my favorite musicband makes 2 concerts here


its clashed with a big convetion in the netherlands called abunai (last yera and yeat before its was sold out the saturday)

so now i have to choose :(

Quincy the Raccoon

I've heard today how much I can spend for 2013 and very SADLY I cannot come to next year's con. (I'm 500 € short on that!) Man, I hate crisises...
Ringtailed bandit, that's what I am :3


How much money is spent in average?

Quincy the Raccoon

Quote from: Leor on 10.11.2012, 05:31:46
How much money is spent in average?
As an example, I spended last year 1000 euros on the entire vacation, that includes train, food, money for ef and some other small things. If I would join the action, it even costed me MORE! EF is superfun but also superexpensive, please take that in account!  ;D

Yeah I know, I'm not an überrich fur.
Ringtailed bandit, that's what I am :3


1000€? What did you do that you payed so much? o_O
I payed 290€ including hotel, train (Intercity), food, EF ticket, EF shirt.
I live next to cologne which isn't that far away from the netherlands.


Quote from: SunWolf on 10.11.2012, 07:47:20
EF is superfun but also superexpensive, please take that in account!  ;D

Compared to other ways of spending your vacation, yes. But compared to other large conventions we're not to bad.



Quincy the Raccoon

Like I said, I paid everything! From food to stuff to buy, to Eurofurence itself. And also the traintickets were paid from the 1000€

Quote from: Cheetah on 11.11.2012, 16:48:21

Compared to other ways of spending your vacation, yes. But compared to other large conventions we're not to bad.

Correct. This and the EF from 2011 were the best vacation I've ever had!  ;D *sorry, went a bit sentimental*
Ringtailed bandit, that's what I am :3


Yeah, it was great. Half of my mind is still on the EF :D

Like I said, I payed 290 for the same stuff. The most expensive part was my hotel with 100€.
I just can't imagine how you get up to 1000€, just if you would have payed for a 2nd person

I have nearly everything planned for next year
Everything I have to do now is to make a new fursuit.. I sense a lot of work.. And i'm the laziest person ever.. x_X