
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

your first EF????

Started by FWO heltash, 19.09.2006, 13:46:18

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~7~CyanFOX~7~ In The HAUS!!!

*wagwagwag* /me very much excited, first International con <3 I will be turning 21 ( TWENTY ONE ) on 07 SEPT 2007., Legal Drinking AGE USA!!! *partyParty*  I happen to know a lot of you going but I don't actually have a complete running list... So If you are just lurking but know me then feel free to give me a *knuddelt*



Another first timer here. Haven't ever been to a con before so this is going to be interesting. My girlfriend will be coming too but other than that I've no idea about anyone else. How do you people find each other at these places?!

I hope to get to know some of you here so maybe I'll have a few more people to meet at the con itself. And if there's anyone around who recognises me, gimme a shout! ;)
Join #eurofurs on! Everyone is welcome!


I've been to another convention before FurFright2006  it was wild time, in fact KwisA from Amsterdam, NL came there and was farthest traveled fursuiter at whole con :3  Amazing time!!!

Now, By time of EF13 this year I will have also taken the experience of AnthroCon07 *points at an Onkel Kage and chortles*

Now, you mentioned concern about being able to find people?  Well at FurFright06 ( here after FF or FF06 ) since it was no more than 520 constituents it really was not that hard to find people in the small airport/hotel space :3 it was wild time!!!

Now in terms of large scale conventions such as AnthroCon ( here after AC ) this has been told of to me that people have planned very hard to meet each other at AC and never actually end up meeting up :/   I don't mean to frighten you, but if what i Understand is to be correct, that we will ESSENTIALLY have whole entire hotel to self save for people that have registered way long time before us...  So if you are at the hotel you probably are a furry :3

I'm coming over from "Cross The Pond" from U S and A land >.> New York State to be exact, around Albany, the Capital of NY! I am very much so excited and cannot wait ;3


Quote from: CodeCat on 06.03.2007, 20:01:09
Another first timer here. Haven't ever been to a con before so this is going to be interesting. My girlfriend will be coming too but other than that I've no idea about anyone else. How do you people find each other at these places?!

I hope to get to know some of you here so maybe I'll have a few more people to meet at the con itself. And if there's anyone around who recognises me, gimme a shout! ;)


Quote from: ~7~CyanFOX~7~ on 06.03.2007, 20:39:03in fact KwisA from Amsterdam, NL came there and was farthest traveled fursuiter at whole con :3
Hey, I know him! Haven't met him in person but he drops by on Anthrochat regularly (as do I).
Join #eurofurs on! Everyone is welcome!


irc.anthrochat #DutchFurs ???

Jah :3 I know him from FurFright :3 he's coming to EF :3 partyParty^^

Quote from: CodeCat on 06.03.2007, 22:22:18
Quote from: ~7~CyanFOX~7~ on 06.03.2007, 20:39:03in fact KwisA from Amsterdam, NL came there and was farthest traveled fursuiter at whole con :3
Hey, I know him! Haven't met him in person but he drops by on Anthrochat regularly (as do I).


Nah, not #dutchfurs on anthrochat. I actually started that but it's perpetually empty, hehe... I see him mostly in #furrycoffeehop.
Join #eurofurs on! Everyone is welcome!


CodeCat!! You'll recognise me (Rob) and Sari! :)

You've been missing from her forums as of late...


Hey, I'm sure you recognise me as well :P.

This will also be my first con, I'm not 100% sure what to expect and how things will go, but I'm looking forward to it :).


Won't be my first con (first was Animethon 8, in YEG), and sadly it won't be my first furry con (AnthroFest will take that claim, sooo can't wait for Montreal), however it'll be my first con out of country and continent... ^_^  Sooo can't wait for the culture shock...


you shall be molested


Quote from: etherkye on 14.03.2007, 21:20:41
you shall be molested

Oy, at least say who that's directed at, silly fox. :P



Fawks Beaumont

Wow, that almost sounds like a promise. :P
