
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

first time fursuit???

Started by FWO heltash, 13.09.2006, 12:23:24

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FWO heltash

hello to all at eurofurence

just asking, hopefully i will attend eurofurence next year (my very first con) and i might have a fursuits by then, so do any of you have any tips for comeing up with performances and how to get over really bad stage nerves.

all the best
FWO heltash


Hi FWO heltash,

first - you do not have to go on stage if you feel uncomfortable with it. :) There are more events that do not need stage performance. Like the Parade or the Photo Shooting, or just posing with other suiters.

I would suggest you to wear your fursuit when many suiters meet, e.g. for the Fursuit Parade. There you will find many suiters you can talk to and perform / practise with. Learning by doing is the best way for fursuiting.

If you really want to take part in a stage event, there is the Fursuit Gameshow (they will tell you about the games and what do to), or the "Masquerade Fursuit Show" (no contest). There will be a mailing list where people can discuss performances and ideas. A performance can be anything - a sketch, alone or with other suiters, just some dancing or singing along with a song, a short story... whatever you like!
Artist - Fursuiter - Pawpeteer
Charity Team | |


sweet coz i already have around a dozen ideas in mind like doing a few songs (depending if i vocal training at college is good enough) and maybe a dance routine or two.

p.s im sorry about heltash putting down the FWO thing, its just a group we both started at our local laser quest arena and he says he going to try and do something with it at furry cons *grunts*
You have the F.I.A, me and heltash have the F.W.O (The Furry World Order)

FWO heltash

Quote from: TaniDaReal on 13.09.2006, 12:50:21
Hi FWO heltash,

first - you do not have to go on stage if you feel uncomfortable with it. :) There are more events that do not need stage performance. Like the Parade or the Photo Shooting, or just posing with other suiters.

I would suggest you to wear your fursuit when many suiters meet, e.g. for the Fursuit Parade. There you will find many suiters you can talk to and perform / practise with. Learning by doing is the best way for fursuiting.

If you really want to take part in a stage event, there is the Fursuit Gameshow (they will tell you about the games and what do to), or the "Masquerade Fursuit Show" (no contest). There will be a mailing list where people can discuss performances and ideas. A performance can be anything - a sketch, alone or with other suiters, just some dancing or singing along with a song, a short story... whatever you like!

thanks Tani for the advice(i am comfertable with performing in genral il just be crapping myself five mins before i go on), id keep that in mind one more thing, i know this might sound stupid but what wont be aloud on stage, since im a pro-wrestler i might try to do a tiny bit with it. (if thats ok)


note to self, beat up brother

heltash, use some common sense, we wont be able to do any wrestling stuff you wyrm
You have the F.I.A, me and heltash have the F.W.O (The Furry World Order)


i might go on stage but i need to sort out a plan first heh heh and also it my first time at EF (if my evil parents let me go to germany that is) ooo i can't wait to get my fursuit and have fun with it on stage!


Quote from: njhcerebus01 on 23.11.2006, 21:51:41
i might go on stage but i need to sort out a plan first heh heh and also it my first time at EF (if my evil parents let me go to germany that is) ooo i can't wait to get my fursuit and have fun with it on stage!

You know that you have to be at least 18 to attend EF, right?



Pity it doesn't mention that on the website anyplace that I could see.

I thought the under-18s *were* allowed at EF as long as they had consent?  (and if this isn't the case then why bother to say at the start of the art auctions "If you are underage please leave now..."?)


I'm not sure why and how, but there always seems to be a small number of people under 18 attending. ::)
It indeed seems conflicting, but it's not my responsibility as general attendee, however I'm convinced their motives for allowing this are genuine.
And as the current state of affairs is (but I presume you already knew this), German law deems this as inappropriate for people under 18, and thus forces them to take preemptive measures.
Furcode: FCM3df A--- C+ D H+ M- P+ R+ T+ W--- Z Sm RLAT a++ c e f- h* i+ j* p- sm+


Quote from: K9Primate on 28.11.2006, 13:08:09
I'm not sure why and how, but there always seems to be a small number of people under 18 attending. ::)
It indeed seems conflicting, but it's not my responsibility as general attendee, however I'm convinced their motives for allowing this are genuine.

Okay, I need to clarify ... indeed, until EF12, it has always been possible to attend even if you're under 18 if you're accompanied by at least one of your parents.

However, we're seriously considering no longer offering this option, because even WITH their parents on board, we've had some incidents with minors that were legally dangerous, and given the paranoia level of German "youth protection" laws, the risk of SERIOUS liabilities just isn't worth it any more. At least not for the two or three minors in 400 total attendees.

With serious liability issues, I mean, that even if parents are on site, I (as the chairman) may still be PERSONALLY held liable for whatever might happen if the parents don't look for just one minute.

It's crazy, yes. That's what the "OMGWTF, think of the children, someone might abuse them"-Mentality got us to. I can't help it.

My personal worst-case horror szenario would be: A 14 year old girl slips away from her parents at night, goes to the hotel bar where everyone else is hanging out, someone gets her a drink or two, she gets drunk, they decide to go off "cuddling", and she ends up pregnant. Mom sues us, describing our convention as a place where pornographic artwork ist being sold, and adults running around in animal costumes, and that her daughter has been malicously been lured away and abused while she wasn't looking. The judge concludes gross negliency, and we're all majorly screwed ... including the possibility of the chairman (that's me) going to jail.

You know, being in a situation like this ... and it's not exactly a far-fetched scenario ... you think twice if you really want to allow minors at all, or not.

(Another thing is ... even if they come with their parents, there's always a lot of pain and discussions to go through. Absurd situations like minors producing artwork they're not legally allowed to view themselves ... parents unwilling to accept that even they can not override the law, and we're still forced to exclude their offspring from certain events, even if they personally ask us not to ... )

I hope this makes the motivation behind this move a little more clear :) Even a very small number of minors, and even with their parents around, still cause a lot of fuss, and a certain risk ... that just uses up more of our resources than is appropriate for the microscopic fraction of guests they represent.



Then it handy to have something on the EF site that this is an 18+ event and/or a birthday-checker of some sort, so you can't register on EF unless you're at least 18 years old... ;P

And an another point: I don't think EF is a kiddy-party, expcially with the casino-theme now :p
Have you seen minors in a casino anyway?

By the way, Nice theme and artwork on the EF-site ;P
I really like it...


Quote from: Cheetah on 28.11.2006, 14:24:17

Okay, I need to clarify ... indeed, until EF12, it has always been possible to attend even if you're under 18 if you're accompanied by at least one of your parents.

However, we're seriously considering no longer offering this option, because even WITH their parents on board, we've had some incidents with minors that were legally dangerous, and given the paranoia level of German "youth protection" laws, the risk of SERIOUS liabilities just isn't worth it any more. At least not for the two or three minors in 400 total attendees.

With serious liability issues, I mean, that even if parents are on site, I (as the chairman) may still be PERSONALLY held liable for whatever might happen if the parents don't look for just one minute.

My personal worst-case horror szenario would be: A 14 year old girl slips away from her parents at night, goes to the hotel bar where everyone else is hanging out, someone gets her a drink or two, she gets drunk, they decide to go off "cuddling", and she ends up pregnant. Mom sues us, describing our convention as a place where pornographic artwork ist being sold, and adults running around in animal costumes, and that her daughter has been malicously been lured away and abused while she wasn't looking. The judge concludes gross negliency, and we're all majorly screwed ... including the possibility of the chairman (that's me) going to jail.

Ouch! :o I see, that's indeed a very good reason for not allowing it.
Furcode: FCM3df A--- C+ D H+ M- P+ R+ T+ W--- Z Sm RLAT a++ c e f- h* i+ j* p- sm+


Quote from: Cheetah on 23.11.2006, 22:04:19
Quote from: njhcerebus01 on 23.11.2006, 21:51:41
i might go on stage but i need to sort out a plan first heh heh and also it my first time at EF (if my evil parents let me go to germany that is) ooo i can't wait to get my fursuit and have fun with it on stage!

You know that you have to be at least 18 to attend EF, right?

am 20 heh heh my parents are too over projection but soon they have to let go!


Actually doing real wrestling on stage is not possible, because of the security. I think it would be possible to do some mild action simulation but see this: You are a furstuiter, you have limitied vision, you perhaps don't see things of importance. You're fursit is not made to be punched, kicked or bodyslammed. There is no appropriate Ring and the biggest thing that ist really SERIOUS:

Wrestling, howsoever it is show and simulation, it is risky, there are injuries risks in wrestling. And I think no Cheetah wants a guy with a broken leg or a broken arm or a broken neck on his stage on his Con and under his supervision!

I think it would be possible to do a really mild brawl thingy pn stage, but only as long as you retain common sense.

And no Thumbtacks or whatever hardcore components you could imagine :P :)

But as I'm only experienced with wrestling but no member of the orga you have to talk this out with the orga people. My statement is just as a kind of "visitor with subject competence".

And if there are any more questions about this, everybody, feel free to email me at


Quote from: FoxMcCloud on 04.12.2006, 11:18:35
Actually doing real wrestling on stage is not possible, because of the security.

replace "security" with "safety"   .. thanx