
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

[EF 17] Jugglers SIG ?

Started by Sinea, 08.01.2011, 22:08:27

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Quote from: Zefiro on 18.07.2011, 15:28:34
Indeed. We do have neither the open space nor the fire safety precautions in place for doing such activities in the middle of a city.

to bad.. would have been nice.. :3 (few weeks ago)


How do we want to organize this? Seeing how we're most likely going to keep this outside, we're heavily reliant on the current weather.
Did anyone ask for this to be an official event (with an actual day/time/location "TBA" at the con)?
Where should we look for further information at the con?
I was husky before it got trendy


As the timetable for all events is fixed now and all depending items (EF Prime, Conbook) in the process of being finalised, it's too late for making it an official event.

We could ask whether there is a pinboard to put up a sign. I thought there was something like this at earlier EFs, but didn't notice last EF.

I'd propose Thursday or Friday, either noon (12:00) or 17:30, what would you folkz fit better?

Also, depending on what we want to juggle, we might want to ask security beforehand out of curtesy.

Is someone willing to take a lead here, i.e. organize the event? I assume we're all beginners, we just need someone to decide on the time and double-check with the orga / security. I'm not sure I'll have the time to attend myself, but if you want, I can do this. Also, you can of course always gather spontanously whenever you're interested, agreeing on a time just lets us find together more easily :)

Edit: I think outside, back side of the hotel is the only viable option. If it's raining, bad luck.



Outside is a must. I really don't see us doing this inside the hotel. Not only would it probably be forbidden, but even practically, we wouldn't have enough space for it :p

The little area behind the hotel seems good. Also, there IS a pannel on which we can leave messages for other people. We could just decide what's the best moment on the spot, according to the EF schedule

Afternoon seems like a good idea to me for an "official" meet. Although I'll probably be poïng around here and there. Kiwidos are in the theme this year after all :D
And if someone can teach me that GOD DAMN STRAIGHTJACKET move, i'd be really grateful xD *frustrated lion*


I do hope that there's going to be a note or something - I can already see everyone waiting for a note to be posted but nobody actually posting such a note ;)

Alternatively we could just meet every day  ;D
I was husky before it got trendy


Quote from: nifelan on 03.08.2011, 02:35:25
Alternatively we could just meet every day  ;D
Sure, but if we want to meet each other we shouldn't just randomly show up. So a posting somewhere would be helpful.

I'd suggest Friday, 13:00 to 14:00. That's directly after the fursuit parade and before all the panels start. If that's too much in the heat of the day, Friday 17:30 to 18:30, which is just between the panels and the evening program, might also fit. Though getting something to eat might be a good idea, too :)

The same times on the other days might work as well, so I would suggest those for daily meetings.

I consulted with Security and they don't see an issue with us doing some staff twirrling or POI, just reminded that the actual green behind the hotel might not be that big, so we should be a bit cautionous about traffic. And not use fire, for obvious reasons :)

This is not an official meeting, so it won't be in the con book. So if you wanna meet, grab a piece of paper and put up a sign. Or print it out in advance. Since I might be needed elsewhere I cannot officially "run" this. I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually need to be "run", either, but putting up a time seems like a good idea nonetheless. Please, feel free to do so.



Friday 13:00 - 14:00 sounds fine to me. It's usually a bit hectic before the evening program - at least for me :)
I was husky before it got trendy


Seems good to me too, but seeing how tight the schedule will be, I can't confirm i'll be there for sure.
Anyways, if someone could put a note on the pannel to make sure everyone gets the message, that'd be helpful too. Am a lion, don't ask me to remember stuff because that never works :P

Oh and if it's just after the parade I "might" be in suit >.>
Fursuit POI is alawys fun anyways :p



Quote from: Reeve on 19.08.2011, 13:13:55
So when is it? :3
It was at Friday, around 1pm. There was a printed note at one of the glass elevators. Though apparently it said 12:00 - 13:00, whereas I had the 13:00 - 14:00 slot in mind and arrived at 1pm. There were about 3 others still there and we had a bit of fun, though nothing really big was going on any more.

Apparently the rest of the con was too interesting for everyone :)

It would still be nice to do it again next year.

(oh, and I wouldn't assume that many persons read the forums while at the con)



Quote from: Zefiro on 23.08.2011, 21:15:09
Quote from: Reeve on 19.08.2011, 13:13:55
(oh, and I wouldn't assume that many persons read the forums while at the con)
I certainly didn't which is why I remembered the time incorrectly but still waited for past 1 o'clock pm when more people showed up :)
It would be nice to have this as an official event in the conbook next year.
I was husky before it got trendy


Totally agree here !

And by the way, does anyone know who is this juggler I met, I think his name was "Zero-01"
I think he was German. We juggled a bit outside that meeting but now I can't find him anywhere, even on FA :3