
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

EF 15 Picture Gallery

Started by Wild-Wolf, 30.08.2009, 23:55:17

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Well it took its time again :) but here's some chosen pictures:


Fursuiter (2 Suits).
Dealer ( and


Quote from: Kamuniak on 12.09.2009, 20:47:07
Well it took its time again :) but here's some chosen pictures:

Those are some wonderfull pictures! Thank you very much :D


Thanks all for the lovely pictures, here are the ones I took:

You can also find them on
Furcode: FCM3df A--- C+ D H+ M- P+ R+ T+ W--- Z Sm RLAT a++ c e f- h* i+ j* p- sm+



Eurofurence 15 pictures, sorted by day ;) There are some pictures from the trip to and from Suhl too. Sorry for the lack of quality and blurryness, I took these with my iPhone. Hopefully I'll have a real camera next year

Edit: That's a BSOD at the airport by the way. I saw three of them in total. Not worried, no. Also yes, there was one day when I didn't take a single photo.

- Weed
This wasn't a mess! It was organized chaos!


My selected photos of EF joy and intrigue. Have a gander and so on, would be nice to see if any of them you lot like.


uploaded a few days ago.
now it's just the waiting for them to come up on the gallery as well.
tho. a lot of pictures, i tried to sort em out in different folders.
going from 1-17, in number of the folders, sorted by days and timelaps.
otherwise it'd be some very heavy going thru on only sorting by the days.

anyways, soon my pictures will be up. and i realy hope u'll enjoy them^^

originals are requestable by mail (that's in my profile)

(amount of pictures, 1972)


Quote from: BluePaw on 16.09.2009, 08:13:20
otherwise it'd be some very heavy going thru on only sorting by the days.

How about deleting some of them. I mean, you don't really have that many _good_ pictures, right?

Quote(amount of pictures, 1972)


I took ~1600 photos during the con. I cut that down to 128. Even this is slightly too much, IMHO.

You normally don't want to show someone more than 100 photos on one single topic. Otherwise they'll be dead when you are halfway through.  ;)

(I've uploaded my pics a few days ago. Waiting for them to appear online on furcon...)


Quote from: Angus on 16.09.2009, 20:56:32
You normally don't want to show someone more than 100 photos on one single topic. Otherwise they'll be dead when you are halfway through.  ;)

Well, I'm looking for a few particular photos and I will gladly go through all 1972 BluePaw's photos just to see if he was the one who took the photo I'm looking for. Thus, it will be much better for me (and probably some others like me) if everyone upload all of their photos, excluding only those our of focus, blurry ones, of course. Thank you. *hugs*


Angus: hehehe, u'd be supriced on how few pictures there are that looks the same, since i didn't stay at 1 place very long. i've narrowed it down to at most 2 simmilar pictures after eachother, like if the same pose but twisted head enough to make it anoter picture, or 1 with flash and 1 without. but no more then 2. and that's not very many of those pairs ither.
i'm not very stationary if u say it like that^^

Whitefang: realy hope i won't dissapoint you then^^
and thx^^ *hugs*

adding: i'll be back late sunday again^^


Quote from: BluePaw on 16.09.2009, 22:40:51
i've narrowed it down to at most 2 simmilar pictures after eachother, like if the same pose but twisted head enough to make it anoter picture, or 1 with flash and 1 without.

Well, that's a start. ;) (It would have been much better, if you decided, which of the two was the better one...)

@Whitefang: Good luck.




Well - as we experienced series of ~10 pictures which look astonishingly similar (sometimes I damn those large buffers), 2 pictures with significantly different poses is quite OK I'd say. Sometimes its hard to decide, which one is better (I even tried with a little vote in IRC - the audience was undecided as well...).

I've not yet really sorted through my ~350 pictures. Not sure if I put some on Furcon at all, seeing that there is very little gained in comparison with other photographers...
In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, as modest stillnesse, and humilitie. (Shakespeare)


this is beginning to look as if it's going nowhere  :-\

ah well, soon hoping to be able to get a gallery-page up on my own server.
even more hoping that it'll be compatible with cooliris piclens^^

anyhow, seems like it'll be a waiting-game between the 2 of them.