
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

early arrival question

Started by Kuro, 17.08.2009, 19:29:14

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So, the deal is:
I'm not staying at the hotel (sleeping at home) so I thought about this "early arrival" thing.

1) Do I have to upgrade my registration to go there on Tuesday? Since I don't need a hotel room I'm not sure. I already know that I don't have to pay the "dog fee" (or what it's called) if I bring my dog some time 'cause I don't sleep there...
2) Is there a deadline to upgrade my registration 'cause I'd first have to send some money to my paypal account

have a nice day ;3


Ich wohne während der con nicht im Hotel sondern schlaf daheim und hatte schon einige Zeit jetzt über die "früher ankommen" Option nachgedacht.

1) Muss ich meine Registration um die "früher ankommen" Option erweitern, wenn ich schon am Dienstag hin will? Bin mir nicht sicher, weil ich ja kein Hotelzimmer oder so brauch und mir wurde ja gesagt, dass ich auch nichts bezahlen muss, wenn ich meinen Hund mal mit hinnehme, da ich ja nicht da wohn...)
2) Gibt es eine Frist zum erweitern meiner Registration? Ich müsste nämlich vorher erst n bischen Geld auf mein Paypalkonto überweisen und eine normale Überweisung kann ja auch n paar Tage dauern.

n schönen Tag noch ;3


Quote from: Kuro on 17.08.2009, 19:29:14
So, the deal is:
I'm not staying at the hotel (sleeping at home) so I thought about this "early arrival" thing.

1) Do I have to upgrade my registration to go there on Tuesday? Since I don't need a hotel room I'm not sure. I already know that I don't have to pay the "dog fee" (or what it's called) if I bring my dog some time 'cause I don't sleep there...
2) Is there a deadline to upgrade my registration 'cause I'd first have to send some money to my paypal account

have a nice day ;3

1) No

2) Yes, but only if 1) is Yes


Edit: fix quoting


Quote from: Loewi on 18.08.2009, 06:30:01
Quote from: Kuro on 17.08.2009, 19:29:14
So, the deal is:
I'm not staying at the hotel (sleeping at home) so I thought about this "early arrival" thing.

1) Do I have to upgrade my registration to go there on Tuesday? Since I don't need a hotel room I'm not sure. I already know that I don't have to pay the "dog fee" (or what it's called) if I bring my dog some time 'cause I don't sleep there...
2) Is there a deadline to upgrade my registration 'cause I'd first have to send some money to my paypal account

have a nice day ;3

1) No

2) Yes, but only if 1) is Yes


Edit: fix quoting

Thanks for the quick answer :D


Quote from: Kuro on 17.08.2009, 19:29:14
So, the deal is:
I'm not staying at the hotel (sleeping at home) so I thought about this "early arrival" thing.

1) Do I have to upgrade my registration to go there on Tuesday? Since I don't need a hotel room I'm not sure. I already know that I don't have to pay the "dog fee" (or what it's called) if I bring my dog some time 'cause I don't sleep there...


I am assuming that you are coming in Tuesday to volunteer setting things up as there are no other activities then.


lol im comming in early Tuesday around 9 in the morning.

But thats mostly just for me to get some time to relax and all before people start showing up... i always like to get a early start on my beer drinking  ;D