
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Your species, what is it, and why?

Started by Super Swede, 07.09.2008, 21:02:51

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Quote from: Sniff on 18.10.2008, 21:58:43
I am a wolf. It suited best for me, as i am really much of a loone. And i like the howling part. you can hear me howl around. :) yeah that makes the dogs barking.  But i can come along with cats too, they impress me if i see a cat in the eyes. So wild and yet so tamed. :)

The reverse is also true! Can you see me, I'm pretty far away??   ;)


Yeah true. Well i can see you, yes. Nice avy. ;)
Ich ziehe durch die dunkle Stadt, nur der Schatten ist mein begleiter!


Quote from: Sniff on 19.10.2008, 19:46:30
Yeah true. Well i can see you, yes. Nice avy. ;)

Thanks! The internet makes it easier to see each other!  :) Our local NHL (National Hockey League) team is the Phoenix Coyotes (Wolf species generally located in the Southwestern United States). Any time they score we all start howling.... It's quite a sound when 18,000 people start howling at the same time! Heaven for all the Canine's here for sure. :o


Lucky you. ;) We don't have a coyote team here. But i would howl for your team. Hoowwlz! ;)
Ich ziehe durch die dunkle Stadt, nur der Schatten ist mein begleiter!


Quote from: Sniff on 20.10.2008, 02:06:54
Lucky you. ;) We don't have a coyote team here. But i would howl for your team. Hoowwlz! ;)

I couldn't find an example on You Tube where you can hear the fans howling, however this clip does play the song when a goal is scored. If you can imagine everyone howling along, you can see what I mean. You should see it during the playoffs, 3 solid hours of howling!  :o


Howls with the song. Yeah that is cool i can imagine all the howlers out there. I would sure like to see the whole game. So you ever loose your voice? :)
Ich ziehe durch die dunkle Stadt, nur der Schatten ist mein begleiter!

LKG01A Duke

Quote from: Barney on 07.09.2008, 22:30:20
I'm a dog. Always loved them, always will... except for some little anklebiters maybe.

that doesnt mean you can drop kick them over a garden fence Barney :-p

i m a wolf/fox hybrid with wings and 3 tails, i ve allways been strongly connected to wolves :-p


I started out as a wolf, since wolfes have been my favorit animal from a really young age, but after having had a wolf fursona for 4 months or so, i saw a picture of a husky and i just got hit right then and there, and i never looked back  ;D

My tattoo is the same as i have irl, and its about the only thing that marks my caracter as mine  :)


Husky/wolf hybrid

I can relate to both of them, don't have one that i can really pick of both :P

I love the cuteness of a husky and the roughness of a wolf.


I am a Shire Horse.

They always have been my absolute favorite animals. I can find a lot of similarities between them and me. I am working with horses since I was 5 so I really grew into them I could say. Always when I am around a horse there is something interesting going on. The horse and I could "understand" each other pretty well from the beginning.

I am a Shire since I knew about furry and I have been around the Internet and the fandom. I have never changed it and I never will change that.

Greetings from the "Gentle Giant;)

There is no business than show business


I am  a jaguar - exotic and powerful. I chose a jaggy cause I like spots and they have the best colouring in the aniumal kingdom.

Curiously I would say I have more in common with them now, predatory, intelligent, social, playful and above all endangered.

Call me Aggy!


Quote from: Aestir on 28.01.2009, 11:55:22

I love the cuteness of a husky and the roughness of a wolf.

Yep, I can sign that.
Belgian shepherd/wolf would be my favourite personality.

A wolf roams the great outdoors wild and free, arduous and tireless, yet he is social and family caring.
A dog is loyal to his friends and those he serves, and also playfull and ... cuuuute   


Quote from: Super Swede on 07.09.2008, 21:02:51
So, what spieces are you, and why have you choosen this specific spieces?

Human. Why? Why not? I am who and what I am, and I am happy with it. I see no reason to adopt a new persona to interact with furry any more than I need a persona to interact with a pavement while walking, or the water while swimming. That's not to say I view other furries as things, but that I view the Furry Movement (for want of a better term) as a thing, and a meta-genre, and a means to an end. To me that end is entertainment and friendship. I don't want anything coming between me and my friends. And I prefer the 'hands on' first person approach as a rule. I'd rather read a book or watch a film or swing the hammer than watch someone else doing the same. (Yes I'll have a go with the chainsaw. Sure I'll work that crane. Bungee jumping? Why not?) So in my imagination, when it comes to (say) spending the night with a beautiful vixen... Well, you get the idea.

Sure i have characters, like Rabbit yonder  left. As a writer I have lots of them; and some of them I really like. But I've never felt the need to make a character so much like myself that I could use it as an avatar. I'm not sure I understand why some people do, or why it's so popular. If a character doesn't have some (virtual) independence, what's its value as entertainment?

Besides which, humans are animals too, however much some people, and even some furries would deny that. It's a continuous spectrum of sentient and sapient possibilities. Exploring that and the implications for biology, engineering, ethics and philosophy is one of the things I like about furry fandom.


A mostly chose a lion, not because lions speak to me specificly, but because of what lions stand for. You know, all the pride and truth and power and such.
Unfortunetly people also found out that lions sleep 20 hours a day <.<, which i guess fits pretty well.

But you know.. theyre known for all of the good stuff, and maybe if i smile enough, people will think i have the same personality traits.  ;D

And im the King ofcause  ;)
The world is a big and dangerous place.
We'd better stick together.


Ich bin ein Fuchs und das ist auch gut so