
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Who are you?

Started by Barney, 18.04.2008, 15:11:52

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I use Sniff for quite a time. Have other nicks also but i stick to this one at quite alot of places.
Ich ziehe durch die dunkle Stadt, nur der Schatten ist mein begleiter!


WhiteShadow Fox.

The name was thought be a friend of mine.
White - The color of my fur
Shadow - Personal thing. I sometimes have a problem with my eyes. outside even when its clouwdy  i get blinded (depending on how tired i am) therefore i usually stay in the shadows ;)
Fox - My species

That explains it ;)


My primary nick is Darkwolf.
But this is mainly used outside the fandom and is a name I have since even dail-up internet was a more common thing in people's homes.
I first got into contact with the fandom via an IRC channel and this channel already contained a fur who's name is Darkwolf.
On most other locations on the internet, it's mostly the same situation and the nickname Darkwolf is already taken.
So it became Darkwolf_1982 when Darkwolf was in use.
However, since I am an equine and the name Darkwolf has another bit of history which I will spare you guys everyone started to address me as Pony for some reason.
And by everyone I mean this first and (then) only connection with the furry fandom on that one IRC channel.
The nick Darkwolf is close to me, but what the heck... I renamed myself to Pony in that IRC channel.
Now, everyone knows me as Pony.
Since I changed this in a short time span, most furs in the fandom wouldn't even know my primary nick is Darkwolf.
The name Pony grew on me, and of course makes more sense in the fandom since I am an equine.
So there you have it: Pony! (and why.)
The sun shines in my face, running as fast as I can, the wind blowing thru my mane...


None... I'm so lame.

I already carried this nickname way before I found the fandom. It's a name that once flew into my mind while in drawing class. Never seperated from it again.


-The name is unique all over the internet
-While loads confuse it with Gwendolin.. I'm surely not female but male.
-It's full name originally was : Gwyndolium Aretha ayallis Teryl Kyron. Quite a mouth full...
"Just one sign... and your cookie is mine!"


My original name was Bishoop, wich still is my artist name.

But i wanted to change it, becase after having been in just 2 rp´s i found out that Bishoop is just a stupid name to say when you call out for some one... or in the middle of yiff  :P
So i wanted to change it, to something that could actualy sound like a name.

And after some time i heard the name in a old anime, and i feelt it on my tounge, trying to see it with my fursona, and it just fitt perfectly.

So well... i gess i need to go make a Rape my ass picture for stealing a anime name now  ::)


I chose Shadow when i was young and dumb! *14 :P* but now its Sharey ^^ its slightly more feminine and it comes from Stargate SG1 ^^;
What should i put here? Hmm, i really dont know O.o


Well no specific reason that I can remember, it's a long time ago.

Always used too change my nicks every month or so almost :P but then for uknown reason I ended up with
Gray Fang or Fangz, dunno why, dosnet sound that great even ^^ proably just my lack of imagination that coused it ^^