
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Trade two Standard-rooms against one Deluxe Room or bigger

Started by Reimajo, 16.01.2017, 17:38:06

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I discussed with a friend, who also has booked a standard-room, that we could both get in one room, resulting in two free spaces for other attendees.
This would however just work if we get a larger one since I have tons of (camera)stuff with me like every year. So if you booked anything else then Standard or Standard-Twin and want to "trade", please write me a Message.

This is what we have to offer:
- Standard Room, 15. Arrival / 20. Departure
- Standard Room - Twin, 16. Arrival / 20. Departure

This is what we need:
- Deluxe Room or bigger, at least from 16. Arrival to 20. Departure, but more is better.

I also contacted the hotel about this already, but it may not work, so we would end up having both a double room for ourself and our stuff which is not good in any possible way.

Best regards, KeksTheFurry