
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

EF 14 Date

Started by Token, 17.09.2007, 16:30:08

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Hello everyone,

I assume the date is set, the contract is signed and there is no real room for a discussion here, or?
Because it is again kida late... I really hoped for a month earlier, so beginning of August or even ab it earlier?



There is indeed not much room for discussion ... in fact none at all :) The only way to get the complete hotel for the cheap rate we're getting is booking it AFTER the main summer holiday season. The weekend we got is the earliest possible, unless we'd switch to something like the end of May :)



EF14  ;D EF14  ;D EF14  ;D EF14  ;D EF14  ;D EF14 not excited...not at all ::)


Because once again it falls in the first week of school which is hard to skip. I really would like to go for the first time next year but probably it will be a miss once again because it's my first week on a new school.
"Just one sign... and your cookie is mine!"


Exactly that is the problem. First days of school (in many countries in europe even), VERY bad to miss =(

I understand the contract is signed, but that does not change the fact that this date is really not nice ^^



Quote from: Token on 18.09.2007, 00:07:00
I understand the contract is signed, but that does not change the fact that this date is really not nice ^^

Sorry, but with guests from 20 countries, it's hard to pick a date that suits everyone :)



I guess that's the bad side of EF getting so big. It's also getting expensive.
Join #eurofurs on! Everyone is welcome!


Quote from: CodeCat on 18.09.2007, 01:01:30
I guess that's the bad side of EF getting so big. It's also getting expensive.

You have a year to save up! get saving! :P :P
My will is strong, my focus is set, my.....oooohh, shinies!

Kyyanno T. Cheetah, terrorising slow moving things everywhere since 1980 =^|.|^=


It's really not that expensive in the grand scheme of things. I would say there'd probably be more people put off by the raise in price that'd have to occur if EF were to take place mid-summer than the number of people that can't attend because of other obligations. I can't speak for the rest of europe, but in the UK, the autumn term doesn't usually start 'til after the first week of term at the earliest.

Fafnir Kristensen

and if you dont intend to participate to the art auction, the budget for the whole con is quite affordable


Well actually I was referring to the cost for the people actually organising the con. Since it's getting so big now, a small difference in price suddenly makes a huge difference when applied to 600 people. So it gets harder and harder to go for anything but the cheapest option.
Join #eurofurs on! Everyone is welcome!


The con is not realy that expensive, If you have a job and save a little each month. This new time frame is ideal for the UK on a whole. As for running costs if things are run in an ideal world, once they have every room booked up they should be close or over the initial outlay for the rooms and hopefuly with extra to spare for all the other parts of the con (And boy i can see the amount of extra's from EF13 that would have had to be counted!)

I can imagine a hotel like the ringberg is delignted to have the prospect of nearly 600 guests apear out of season! And being in the place they are they would usualy not even fill a floor at that time of year.


Just too bad that if this keeps this way it might take till EF 16 till I can attend to it. Oh well.. got to live with it I guess. 
"Just one sign... and your cookie is mine!"


EF-14 is going to suck......./SARCASM

OMG! I simply can't wait..I'm sparing monies right now....I am taking care of my crippled uncle however which takes a lot of money but I also work my ass off...I am even mawing the lawn for people *feels like a damn kid*

Shay (Wolly)

I don't know in what way schools have changed over the years, but the first week in school for me was a complete bore and a huge waste of time.

The strange thing is that I thought schools started in the first week of September, not the last week of August.
That and the fact that if you skip one single day of school, say the friday, you can still have lots of fun on EF.. it lasts more than one day!

As for the cost of it all.. driving to EF with a group of furs, eating there and paying for the whole con came to a total of 325 euro's for me.. and I was even a sponsor!
If you can't beat them... try beating them harder!