Looking for German speaking furries to help learn Deutsch for EF

Started by urban, 22.01.2016, 23:00:15

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Hallo! Wie gehtes ihnen? Können sie mir helfen?

I'm hoping to find some German speaking furries who can help me in a bid to learn the language. I find google translate can be a bad choice and other sites tend to argue over what is best to say and when. I couldn't find any forum topics relating to anything like this and thought it may be a good idea to start an almost pen-pal style thing but rather just using chat and forum messages available. If there's any nice and patient Deutsch furs out there who'd care to help can you please put down some details so I -or others- can message you to make friends, learn the language and have laughs! it means more people to talk to at EF and in poorly spoken German which might be hilarious? maybe?

Danke schön

Royen Blackwing

Hallo urban. Mir geht es gut. Selbstverständlich kann ich, aber auch viele andere, dir helfen  :)

This sounds like a good idea. I would enjoy talking / writing to you in German, English or a mix between both, just write me a PM with a topic that interest you. Maybe a general introduction of yourself would be helpful too  ;)



BTWerewolf on telegram and skype  always glad to help


Hello Urban,

of course everyone that is able to speak at least some english will gladly help you. If you got any questions I'll answer it. *otterhugs*. Of course its allways better to do this on a con. Besides that you meet a lot of interesting people. :)


If you use Telegram, we can chat. My username is @JorindaBirb.