
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

Wildtierhilfe Fiel says thank you

Started by Wildtierhilfe Fiel Rosi, 12.09.2015, 13:01:51

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Wildtierhilfe Fiel Rosi

I don´t really know how to say it because words cannot nearly describe what we feel!!!!
We felt so welcomed back and it was like "coming home" after two years!
32000 Euro!!!!!.....still cannot believe how much you all gave for the animals and how much you support our work with your help.
As many of you know, we already rebuilt a lot of shelters and we tried to build it all more safe than before ( which does´nt mean that the shelters were´nt built safe enough before).
In the north of germany we have rough weather conditions, we know that and always try to build "weather-safe", but you can´t do anything when it comes to a tornado. Hopefully this was the only tornado ever!
With what you donated we are able to do a lot more for the animals!
We can go on building, buying more better stuff and have some money in the back, which let us sleep much better now!!!!
Whenever it comes to a little bit more wind than usual, we sit inside and hear every little crack like there is something worse going on. The shock is still sitting deep :(
With your help we know that there is a tomorrow for the animals and our work!
Many animals come injured or close to death and they are all little fighters!
So are we!
With your help we know that we will never give up, because we have you all in our back!
THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you for being there for us and all animals!
With all my love and deepest thanks,
Rosi from Wildtierhilfe Fiel e.V.

P.S. My english is not getting better with time, sorry  ;D


Quote from: Wildtierhilfe Fiel Rosi on 12.09.2015, 13:01:51
P.S. My english is not getting better with time, sorry  ;D

If this message is a benchmark, then yes it is.
You are doing fine.

And from a personal note; thank you for being this enormously awesome.
For running such an intensive business, doing so much to house injured and orphaned animals.
For bringing cute animals to Eurofurence :-3
And being so nice and approachable.

I wish you all the best.
And if you can spare the time.
Please drop by on a day in August in Estrel.
I'm sure we can find a way to give you guys a short vacation with the right help :-3

Indigo Icetalons

This post brought a tear to my eye. We are of course all so happy to help you.

I will say this over and over again but the real heroes are you who gave your lifes to better those of the animals around you. We merely enable you with the money needed to spread the love and care you so evidently possess.

Let's hope this tragic event never happens again.

Thank you two so much for being the best people ever!

Yours sincerely,



I think it is awesome what you do for all the animals. And I am glad that I was part of all the people that donated :)
Hope Hobbit got safe home again. What an adorable fellow ;)