
Eurofurence 28 — "Cyberpunk"
Sep 18 – 21, 2024
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg

List of movie clips shown during PPS breaks

Started by Arcarno, 24.08.2011, 22:17:14

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Hey all, apologies in advance if this was already posted somewhere, but I couldn't find anything about it yet.
I was just wondering if someone could list the name of the movie trailers that were shown during the pawpet show breaks. There were quite a few movies that looked very fascinating which I would really like to see when they are released and available. I couldn't always get the name of them, especially from the Japanese? Anime ones, and there was one Anime among them that really peaked my interest. So could someone please help me out here? :) 

Quincy the Raccoon

The only one I still can remember was this one:
Puss in Boots

And that's the extend of my knowledge  :'(
Ringtailed bandit, that's what I am :3


Ah right, that one. Definitely going to see it :) But I really would love the names of the other ones, especially the Animes with furry characters in it. One of them really looked amazing. I think it had a fox anthro char in it and it was some weird fantasy/sci-fi mix of a world.



Yes, the game was shown.
Can not wait for puss in boots to come out!


Thanks Foxen, that was the one I meant. Too bad it is not a movie but a game :/ Oh well, there were also others that looked interesting. Hopefully one of the staff can post that list anytime soon.


Another of the movie clips shown was "Fur", a french animation short: