Jordan Blake and the Temple of Four Winds, anyone recorded it?

Started by Weed, 07.09.2010, 12:58:02

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The title says it all, did anyone happen to record the fursuit theather show? I saw only about 10-15 minutes of it before I had to leave for other duties, and I would love to get a copy and watch the rest of it :)

- Weed
This wasn't a mess! It was organized chaos!


Lizard recorded most if not all of the EF Prime broadcasts of stage events, if I'm not mistaken. Otherwise we'd have to ingest the tapes of our cameras and edit that (which would take quite a while...)
Is it that things really change? Or does the outside rearrange?
Is perception genuine? Or does truth lie deep beneath the skin?
— Alexander James Adams, Blood and Passion


From what I heard, it was recorded fully, and that it might eventually make it online. I really hope it does. But until that I (most likely we) just have to wait

- Weed
This wasn't a mess! It was organized chaos!


Quote from: Weed on 07.09.2010, 19:10:46
From what I heard, it was recorded fully, and that it might eventually make it online. I really hope it does. But until that I (most likely we) just have to wait

- Weed

It has been fully recorded. When it'll be posted online is still unknown but do expect a notification here on the forum when it's released.
Turning the spotlight on you

Darkwing: Katzen sind zwar Nachtaktiv aber du schlägst alle Rekorde!


Quote from: Nikoshi on 07.09.2010, 20:04:18
It has been fully recorded. When it'll be posted online is still unknown but do expect a notification here on the forum when it's released.

Wonderful, thank you :)

- Weed
This wasn't a mess! It was organized chaos!


We're currently in the possession of the footage, recorded from multiple angles, this will travel to EZ_wolf sometime this month who will make it into one nice production and then release it.
If all the world's a stage... I want better lighting!