The Eurofurence Forum

Off Topic => General Furry Talk => Topic started by: BlackWolfFenris on 22.04.2008, 16:37:07

Question: Have you made experiences with it?
Option 1: Yes, both good and bad. votes: 9
Option 2: Yes, most of them good. votes: 6
Option 3: Yes, most of them bad. votes: 2
Option 4: No , I haven't. votes: 6
Title: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: BlackWolfFenris on 22.04.2008, 16:37:07
Heya fellow Furrs ,
I think we all heard a lot of Furry related preconceptions and clichés ... so I wanted to start a new discussion about it. Did you make experiences with it and if yes , what kind of. There surely happened a lot of funny but also some sad and upsetting things , so if you're in the mood to , tell your story or just vote.
Best wishes , BWF
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Barney on 22.04.2008, 23:04:49
Actually I haven't. I haven't been in the fandom that long yet, but EF13 and all the furs involved met my expectations quite well. Hmm, cuddles... So no, no bad experiences yet.
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Nocturne on 19.05.2008, 20:22:48
Well, what exactly are furry related clichés for you? An explanation would help some.
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: BlackWolfFenris on 20.05.2008, 14:08:14
Well ... just normal things in the fandom ... hugging and stuff.
Or how other people think about the fandom ... heard that some people think that most of the fandom is gay or something like that.... well that's more like a preconception but I would really want to know if someone made experiences with that.
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Barney on 20.05.2008, 17:52:22
Well I did notice on Youtube that a lot of people hate furries. I've seen plenty of videos that have the comments "Yiff in hell furfags!" all over them. Some of those actually believe us furs have... sex with animals... WTF?
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Recherei on 20.05.2008, 22:00:33
The post, "Yiff in Hell, Furfags!", has never been taken too seriously by anyone I know.  In fact it has gone from being a lame attempt at trolling to a comic rallying cry of the fandom.
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Cookie on 25.05.2008, 19:08:55
In a film, series and comics convention, a fellow fursuiters and me where getting a signature from the actor Bruce Campbell, who had much fun with my friend's Wolf fursuit, making fake "biting" pictures...

So we were in the process to get those pics signed by Bruce when Robert Englund, (who was sitting next to him) said aloud "So, Bruce Campbell has furry fans? What does that tell us about Bruce?" and he added loudly "That he likes taking it up the ass???"

We were sooo embarassed... luckily i was in my suit, so they couldn't see me blush..

Cliché, you said?

(what is funny is that we are two heterosexual furries..:) )
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Moutos Woofidis on 30.05.2008, 12:09:46
My experiences have been mainly online, with the exception of Eurofurence and the only other furry I've found locally! :D

My negative experiences have been caused exclusively by fake furries, including clowns and wannabe clowns.  The clowns were the worst because they expected the furry fandom to resemble "the magical kingdom"... :o

With the more real furries, e.g. lifestyles, weres, and even toons who were truly bonded with animals, I had nothing worse than a few insignificant arguments.  Animals know how to make relationships! ;D
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Moutos Woofidis on 30.05.2008, 12:14:30
Quote from: Recherei on 20.05.2008, 22:00:33The post, "Yiff in Hell, Furfags!", has never been taken too seriously by anyone I know.

Fags watch soap operas, such as CSI, and get the illusion that they are real situations!! :P

At least furfags still makes us furries, whereas they are just fags... ;D

Cookie - to that fool, I'd have responded with something like this:

"You take the dumb box too literally". ;D
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Barney on 31.05.2008, 19:21:57
Quote from: Cookie on 25.05.2008, 19:08:55
So we were in the process to get those pics signed by Bruce when Robert Englund, (who was sitting next to him) said aloud "So, Bruce Campbell has furry fans? What does that tell us about Bruce?" and he added loudly "That he likes taking it up the ass???"

Robert Englund? Isn't he that Freddy guy from Nightmare on Elmstreet 1 - I don't know how many?
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Cookie on 01.06.2008, 23:23:27
Yeppies, the very same! Freddy Krueger himself!

Apparently, he strongly dislikes furries...

Had his pic taken with us (as we won the contest anyway, thanks to Mr Warwick "Willow" Davies defending us - he knows what it is to be covered in fur!...), though !



Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: CodeCat on 02.06.2008, 01:13:26
Hey... some wolf behind you looks familiar! ^^
Title: Re: Your experiences with Furry related clichés
Post by: Cookie on 02.06.2008, 09:33:23
Yep, it's Mod :)