The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Room Sharing => Topic started by: shelbythealpha on 20.03.2022, 11:20:29

Title: Artist/fursuiter looking for a room (At Estrel)
Post by: shelbythealpha on 20.03.2022, 11:20:29
Since I hadn't had luck with getting a room at con hotel this year, I'm looking for a person who is looking for a roommate and would be willing to share a room :3

My planning stay date: 23rd-29th, but I would be able to adjust to different period as well.

*** Of course I will split the booking cost with roommate***

***Abount me:
* Not drinking nor smoking or other bad habbits
* Likes tidyness, cleanliness, and peace.
* Attending EF as artist and dealer, so keep in mind that I will be bringing some stuff to the room, but maintain tidyness.
* I don't mind a roommate bringing a friend for snuggles, I won't bother.
* Cooperative and helpful though not a very active talker, like to rest a lot,  so may be a bit booring roommate XD

***  I may sound strict, but in all fairness I sincerelly look forward to a good time at con ^^

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