The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Feedback => Topic started by: kawaiirat on 20.08.2019, 14:59:02

Title: EF25 fursuit lounge feedback
Post by: kawaiirat on 20.08.2019, 14:59:02
i don't know if this is much feedback, but i feel the fursuit lounge needs expanding with more places to dry your suit parts, it was super hard to find any room to put my head and paws and when i finally did find space someone took it upon themselves to touch and move my suit to make room for their own :( was such a struggle to find space all throughout the con, the room is huge and there's defo room for more tables with dryers the same goes for racks to dry bodysuits idk it's just something i struggled with a lot!
Title: Re: EF25 fursuit lounge feedback
Post by: Ragear on 20.08.2019, 22:28:02
Hi Kawaiirat,

you did hear what Cheetah said about the numbers of suiters at the con? Like 40%? Of 3300 participants?

I do my suit treatment in my room to other ppl have more space.

besides (I know, sorta dead-beat argument) Mystifur would be more than happy to acceot another pair of paws for helping everything setting up and taking dawn again (last staffers leaving today). It might be lamentable that suiters tend to hog dryers and store their suit in the lounge but there's not much to do, unless we switch to coin-dryers ...

Thank you for your feedback!


Title: Re: EF25 fursuit lounge feedback
Post by: Vlooi on 21.08.2019, 13:39:59
I'll just hop in this thread for some feedback.
I loved the new fan, the massive black one. It blows right through any suit and cools down anything <3
Drinks were always available, and the snacks never ran out, we were well taken care of! And again there were chairs with no armrests for us big-tailers who have to sit on them sideways.

I would like to see some more tables in the lounge! I missed the regular empty tables that can be used for getting my suit or just the head on and off as I come in the lounge to cool down. Every table was either filled with fursuit drying equipment, fans, or had the water barrels on them. Maybe some empty ones can be squeezed in for those who just want to get out of the head, have a drink and go back out again? :)
Title: Re: EF25 fursuit lounge feedback
Post by: Ragear on 21.08.2019, 19:37:14
that "big black monster" tripped the safety switch :/
Title: Re: EF25 fursuit lounge feedback
Post by: Suicune on 21.08.2019, 19:58:53
Loved the stormbox! Somewhat need like 2 of them during the dances permanently!
Title: Re: EF25 fursuit lounge feedback
Post by: Cyrilius on 23.08.2019, 14:06:36
It cannot be said often enough... thanks to the fursuit-lounge crew for all their hard-work. Everything was perfect once again. ^^
Title: Re: EF25 fursuit lounge feedback
Post by: Moose on 24.08.2019, 21:07:56
First and foremost thanks to everyone working hard to making EF such a nice experience <3

Something that I would like to see is that the small headless lounge, on the way to rotunda, stays up for as long as possible.
I'm in particular thinking of sunday-monday.
I'm sure the fursuit team try hard to stretch is as long as possible and just want to let you know that I was missing the lounge at the very end :)

Best regards :D
Title: Re: EF25 fursuit lounge feedback
Post by: Nathalias on 27.08.2019, 00:11:27
Yes, the places on the coolers for the suit and head are a bit too limited... besides that the suit lounge is really nice with enough space and coolers and drinks for yourself to get you freshed up.

Since last year I use my own coolers for the suit and head wich works really good because there is enough space to place them somewhere.
Title: Re: EF25 fursuit lounge feedback
Post by: silverfoxwolf on 27.08.2019, 18:41:39
One thing that popped in my mind was security using different points and seats to check badges, would be nice if they used the same point as there were some tables that could be used to set drinks aside when entering. Using the same point makes it much easier to have the badge ready in advance to make their checking easier and faster.