The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Feedback => Topic started by: Cream on 20.08.2019, 13:50:24

Title: EF 25 - The App
Post by: Cream on 20.08.2019, 13:50:24
Hello, I have a little bit feedback about the Eurofurence-App.
(Sorry when I don't know the right technichal terms)

First: It's a really good app and I used it to organize my events! Thanks to the team who created it!

Here are some "wishes" I would like to see in the App...

- When I favor an event, I can only see my favorites at the start page at the bottom so I always have to scroll down. Maybe we can have a button for "Favorites" at the side bar?

- Something to the page "Events": When I scroll down, choose an event and go back, I'm always on the top and have to scroll down again. It would help, when you are in the same position as you were before clicking on an event.

- Maybe a consideration: When you open the page "Events" you are at the position in the list where the last events started. Like it's 1 p.m. and you see the events, which started at 12 p.m. for example. Of course you can scroll up to see the past events.
I just thought about it, it's no criticism.
Title: Re: EF 25 - The App
Post by: Fineas on 20.08.2019, 17:32:05
I second all of the above.

And please if possible considering introducing a dark mode.
Title: Re: EF 25 - The App
Post by: Jumpy on 22.08.2019, 12:49:10
I really liked the app.

There were a couple little nitpicky things, all related to favourites, and as the topic has already come up, let me add my 2c.

Title: Re: EF 25 - The App
Post by: Zen on 24.08.2019, 17:08:12
Last year i loved this App.
But this year i could not use it to mark my favorite Events because the App crashed at least every second time as i add a event to the favorites.  :'(
Quote from: Fineas on 20.08.2019, 17:32:05
And please if possible considering introducing a dark mode.
I would love to have a dark mode for this App... <3
Title: Re: EF 25 - The App
Post by: Moose on 24.08.2019, 21:02:26
In my experience the app worked mostly flawless.  (Android)

I second that the favorited apps remaining after they were "over" was a small nuisance, but nothing more.

Another small nitpick was that when ever I would go from watching an event on the schedule and back to the schedule, the screen would return to the top.
I would love to see that the screen return to the same event as was being watched.

And of course thanks to all the hard working people for an amazing con <3
Title: Re: EF 25 - The App
Post by: Fineas on 26.08.2019, 17:00:20
Quote from: Moose on 24.08.2019, 21:02:26
I second that the favorited apps remaining after they were "over" was a small nuisance, but nothing more.
I personally like that I can watch back on those things I favorited, because it reminds me I went to them and I could leave feedback easier afterward.
But it is a bit hard to see they are "over" as opposed to the favorites coming up that are today and the ones after that are important a day in the future.
Title: Re: EF 25 - The App
Post by: Nathalias on 27.08.2019, 00:05:30
The App worked really good for me. Thank you for supporting Windows Mobile.