The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Questions & Answers => Topic started by: Traceo on 19.11.2017, 15:07:21

Title: How much power is allowed to be drawn?
Post by: Traceo on 19.11.2017, 15:07:21
I wanna know what the maximum power consumption per person or room is and what devices are banned?
Title: Re: How much power is allowed to be drawn?
Post by: Vaulz on 19.11.2017, 15:20:56
I don't know whether there is a specified maximum power consumption, but these are the rules on what devices may be used:,7660.msg70184.html#msg70184
Title: Re: How much power is allowed to be drawn?
Post by: Cheetah on 21.11.2017, 15:52:57
Quote from: Traceo on 19.11.2017, 15:07:21
I wanna know what the maximum power consumption per person or room is and what devices are banned?

Only small appliances (like phone chargers, laptops) and small fans (the non-industrial variety) are allowed.