So, any? ;D
We've had overflow hotels! And a flyer! And stuff!
And sometimes even an airport shuttle!!1
Travel feedback? Oh dear.. More like: Travel Story.
Everyone knows: Things tend to get interesting when traveling with Deutsche Bahn every now and then.
The travel to Berlin was no exception. Not overly spectacular, but surely will stay in mind for a while.
Not really sure if I remember everything corretly:
The first ride we had to take, to Hannover, started with a couple doors that wouldn't open, so we had to take another door and walk through a whole wagon to our seats. Great fun with all that luggage. Once we reached our cabin we at least knew that we wouldn't have any others in there, which is always nice.
Do you know these people you don't know but who have their character written all over their face?
This particular IC contained an overexited conductor. Just by seeing him we knew the guy would gonna be fun. We weren't disappointed.
While he entered th room for the first time to check the tickets, we asked him about the not woking doors that didn't have a "Out of order" paper on them. He said he would check on the next stop.
Next stop came, new people came, he probably did things. Then he came back. "Yes, the doors indeed don't work I will see if my tricks can do something, else everyone has to leave the wagon." He went to every cabin to tell people that. (And made at least one guest run around like an idiot.)
Next stop came, new people came, conductor did things. He appeared once more. "Well, no door is working, you have to leave the wagon." Great.
We took the opportunity of sitting in the first or second cabin to leave as quick as possible before everyone who just came in and already was there would clog that tiny space they call hallway. Found places in the first cabin of the next wagon. We didn't give a single fuck that people were waiting behind us already.
So, time went by. Suddenly our overexited friend who never heard something about saving labour showed up again. "Hey, there is apparently just one door broken. This door blocks all other doors because reasons. I can remove it from the system and probably make all the others work again! Then you can go back to your wagon!" He once again went from cabin to cabin.
Next stop came. Guess who? Yes, he. "The doors work again, you can go back to your wagon!" How about: No. I totally don't move my butt again through that 4 wheeled sardine can for one friggin stop. But all the others did. Well, if you ride that thing longer it may be a good idea, else it was just funny to watch that caravan walking back to the now mostly un-broken wagon.
We arrived in Hannover a tiny bit later than expected iirc.
So, next train. Hooray, working internet! And a new 3ds friendly one click login page! Much better than last years ICE travel to Berlin where internet was just a myth. And the year before where it was snailmail with an ugly login page.
I didn't believe it would go by without any happenings. Surprisingly I was right. We were told there are construction works going on between Wolfsburg and Berlin, so all trains would be delayed through this several minutes. We stopped in the middle of nowhere and a short time later we learned that trains are queueing up and we are currently at position number 5. When we were allowed to pass the construction works, we had a delay of around 20 minutes. Beside a little platform confusion in Berlin, things went smooth after it.
Way too soon came the day to ride back home. And this is when things went really funny... (cont)
Quote from: Schakaline on 23.08.2017, 23:22:15
So, any? ;D
We've had overflow hotels! And a flyer! And stuff!
And sometimes even an airport shuttle!!1
I noticed the flyer, nice new addition, plenty of useful information, thank you :)
Since parking counts as traveling as well, just one thing.
The prices in the Estrel garage are ridiculous. But I can highly recommend the Neukölln Arcaden.
Sure, it's a 15 minutes walk back, but totally worth it!
Estrel - 18€/day
Arcaden - 12€/week
Here is our travel feedback.
Are driven by car, also have our overflow hotel
found. IBIS-Neukölln is a clean hotel the Breakfast ist very good. I can recommend this Hotel. The subway station
Is only 400m away. And to Estrel there are two stations and as in the years before we bought a 7 day ticket ABC (37,50,-€) so you can drive as much as you want. Will next year also want to book again in the IBIS, if there is no more room in the Estrel. We parked the car in the side street.(0,00.-€)
see you all Next year Bye. :)