Hi there and welcome to the thread about the coverage of the EF 23 in the media!
I'd like to share some articles and videos with you that were made by newspapers and tv channels about the Eurofurence 23 and collected by several visitors (unfortunately they are all in German):
Tagesspiegel: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/furry-konferenz-in-berlin-menschen-in-ganzkoerper-flauschanzuegen-zeigen-was-sie-koennen/20197842.html
Morgenpost: https://www.morgenpost.de/bezirke/neukoelln/article211627835/Warum-sich-Menschen-Tierkostueme-anziehen.html
Die Zeit: http://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2017-08/furries-konferenz-eurofurence-23-fs
ZDF Morgenmagazin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PmL_C2OFJ8
ZDF "Hallo Deutschland" (jump to 27:38): https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/hallo-deutschland/hallo-deutschland-vom-22-august-2017-100.html
Which articles etc. did you find so far? :)
I am pleasantly surprised that the media has finally started painting a friendlier and funnier image of Furries..
tbh, I don't think there's ever been a negative news report about Eurofurence.
Quote from: woo on 23.08.2017, 03:54:41
I am pleasantly surprised that the media has finally started painting a friendlier and funnier image of Furries..
We're doing our best ;D
Btw, does someone here speak Indonesian?
I wonder what they write. The photos they use are by AFP.
That Indonesian ones basically translate the AFP Photo captions, no more than that, but previously, Con photos do show up on Indonesian news such as printed Newspaper, calling it Mascot or Animal clowns. Hardly anyone knows what is furry here, the image still pretty much blank.