The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Special Interests => Topic started by: beanieferret on 14.01.2008, 19:13:01

Title: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: beanieferret on 14.01.2008, 19:13:01
After taking my poi with me to EF last year, I found a couple of people who were interested, and who'd done stuff like this before. I also know a load of furs like to practice circus skills.. So, I was thinking it might be nice to get a few of us together during the day, and have a bit of a play. I Imagine that we wouldnt be able to play with fire (too many flammable fursuits and people to be safe) so I wouldnt bother bringing firestuff with you - but it would be nice to go play outside for a while, spin some poi, twirl some sticks and the like.

So, anyone interested?
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Nekotorisha on 14.01.2008, 22:39:43
i've been interested in poi for a long long time....actually...alot of things with fire.
i've been practicing the art of fire breathing lately. if i got more time i gonna teach myself juggling, and maybe at some later point poi, but it'll be glowstick poi or foxy socks for practice first. i won't be spinning with fire anytime soon. maybe next year.

so yeah. if somewolf thinks it's a good idea i could join with the firebreathing.
maybe juggling

(and somewolf. this is for you)  thanks for making somewolfs job easyer.

Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Zefiro on 15.01.2008, 16:54:34
Ah, that was you?

Yes, I was one of the persons interested in this, and I'll be interested again. Hopefully the weather will be a bit nicer then.
Of course I'd also be interested in playing with fire, but we'd have to make sure nothing unexpected can happen.

Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Deoloup on 18.01.2008, 10:51:04
I would love to learn poi/glowstringing :]
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Barney on 19.01.2008, 09:54:03
That should provide some interesting pictures.
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Nekotorisha on 31.01.2008, 01:20:42
i started juggling about two weeks ago now. i menage to do the cascade (that's how it's spelled?) and i'm still practicing.

i hope to do some tricks at EF and buy some fire juggling balls.
anyway. till then


Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Mystifur on 01.02.2008, 13:24:52
You're of course all welcome to gather outside and do things any time.

However, you could even talk to Cheetah and offer it as an open-air SIG and request a timeslot.
That way everyone will know about it, and when and where to gather.

(I did that with a kangaroo-boots try out event at EF12... and found myself buried in a crowd of interested attendees.)
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Zefiro on 01.02.2008, 15:06:29
A juggling SIG would certainly be interesting and could attract a small crowd, though it really depends on the wheather. But we should keep all fire-related stuff out of it. Doing it as performances with clearance from somewolf is ok, but handing out burning things to persons new to it will get us as a minimum a very unhappy wolf...

I'd propose to suggest it as a SIG where everyone can join and try out or teach others. Surely there are more furs out there who knows how to juggle and can demonstrate some tricks.

Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: beanieferret on 12.02.2008, 23:13:49
Well, doing it as a sig would be fun. I'll contact cheetah and see what he thinks. I'd be willing to do some fire spinning, but I will have to talk to him before even thinking about bringing anything like that with me. I would ask that no one who hasnt been spinning for at least a year do ANYTHING with fire, and I wouldnt recommend anyone bring any fire stuff unless they're well practiced in it (and have cheetah's permission)

Anyhoo.. I'll get in touch with cheetah, and update everyone as I know whats happening.
Sound good?
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Reactiv on 16.02.2008, 19:39:11
I'm doing acrobatic, break-dance and some of xma. I prefer long bo, but would be interesting to try poi too )
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Reeve on 01.08.2008, 10:05:13
Well, I've been practicing glowstringing for a few months now, It's like poï, but I learned that your skills improve way faster when you practice with others, so a little meeting would certainly be a great idea :D
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Zefiro on 05.09.2008, 02:18:18
Although I saw quite some furs apt with poi near the dance floor, this circus SIG like thingy apparently didn't really work. Or I was at the wrong place all the time. A bit sad, I had hoped to learn a bit from you and do some stuff together for fun.

Let's see, maybe next year.

Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Reeve on 08.09.2008, 17:46:05
I'd say wrong place at the wrong time, I've been practicing with friends outside for at least one hour every day in the afternoon ^^
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Aurelia on 09.12.2008, 16:21:30
I have some poi :)  Not had much chance to practice with them so far but will have done so before EF15, so if this is going on in 2009 I'd love to come and say hi and swing my poi around with some of you hehehe  :D
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Karakina fox on 22.02.2009, 08:59:37
Same here!

Ive been Practicing with Stuff for a few years. Would need to train a little but id love to play at the EF15 :3
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: nifela on 22.02.2009, 15:35:16
I started spinning not so long ago and finally got that flowstaff that I had my eyes on for years now...

Contact is hard  :-[
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Wilikki_1 on 01.07.2009, 17:00:32
Not sure this should be in a new topic but here goes.
I could teach all sort of circus/gymnastic tricks like, rolls, cartwheels, handstands, flips and so on. It would happen outside, this is just daydreaming but if someone somewhere somehow could provide a trampoline....^^
Let me know if you're intrested.
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Zefiro on 01.07.2009, 18:06:31
Interested, definitely.

Though I'd probably not have much time for it :(

It would be perfect if you could pin a note to the board at the entrance with days/times when you're there. Last time I wanted to learn some poi, but didn't find anyone playing when I looked.

Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Wilikki_1 on 10.07.2009, 12:03:40
QuoteIt would be perfect if you could pin a note to the board at the entrance with days/times when you're there.
I'll put note somewhere visible, probably between 12-16 for one to two hours.
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: nifela on 02.10.2009, 19:34:57
Did I miss this or didn't it happen?
Title: Re: circus skills - juggling, poi, diabolo, firestick etc etc
Post by: Reeve on 29.07.2010, 22:47:23
Something alike for this year? I'll be there, ready to set the stage on fire :P
Figuratively speaking *nodnods* :3