Heya, my "name" is Aikho Ursidae, just call me Aikho :3
I'm a grizzly bear, you can see the face in my avvie :D
I'm a musician, and I'm a starting DJ, no real hardware (my trusty gaming computer used for both my live mixes and my music production ;))
You can find a few songs and a few discontinues projects on my FA account and I will get around to uploading a few finished songs to my website, promise ;D
My website is at http://aikho.furtopia.org/tp/
My FA account is at http://www.furaffinity.net/user/aikho/
And if there is stuff you'd like to know, ask, I'll try to answer ::)
welcome to the eurofurence forum fellow fur ^^
Thankee :D
*huggles back*
We already know each other from #eurofurs, but still welcome! :D
Yesh, I know we do Code :)
but thanks anyway ;D
Welcome, Aikho! ;D
Yeah...I know I'm new here myself, but I can still say it <G>
Thank you Spikester ;D
Time to join in on the bandwagon!
Hello Aikho and Welcome....Even though we already know eachother!
O' Hay Kixt :D
Ooh endnu en skandinavisk fur :D hej!