The Eurofurence Forum

Off Topic => General Furry Talk => Introductions => Topic started by: Shakaar on 10.01.2017, 14:34:32

Title: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Shakaar on 10.01.2017, 14:34:32
Hello Everyone!

I figured I would introduce myself a bit here;

My Name is Sha'Kaar Thunderpaws, to most I am called Sha'Kaar and some just Kaar. :)

I am a Panther with typical Black fur and as seen by my picture I am a fursuiter! (Photos Below)

I am from the West Coast of Canada, in the city of Vancouver! I am a huge Geek and Gamer, spending most my gaming time on social games like Dungeons and Dragons (and many similar types), board games and Live Action RPG's and I do play PC and Console game too. I love the outdoors and all sorts of other activities like cooking and building stuff,.. like my fursuit, props and other costumes for my LARP games.

Under the fur I am a 36 year old male, Dutch by birth but born in Canada. (IRL Photo Below)

Though I only know English, and I understand EF is an English speaking Con However, I am hoping to be sufficiently well versed in speaking German by the time I arrive so I can fully engage with more people at the con.

I do know a few furs in Europe and I am going to the con with one of my friends Sairys Wolf (who has been to several EF's in past), I will still be new to the area and looking to meet tons of new friends!

If you have any questions you wanna know about me just ask! I love to answer questions and I never shy away from the answers.

I am looking forward to meeting many new friends at EF 2017!
Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Lutra on 10.01.2017, 19:14:28
Hi :)

Welcome to the furry wonderland. You will love the EF :)

Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Hendrik Collie on 10.01.2017, 20:23:13
Hi Sha'Kaar,

I am a Dutch Rough Collie.
This is the first EF for me too.
Hope to meet you at the con.

Hugs from Mr. Collie
Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Shakaar on 11.01.2017, 09:19:33
Quote from: Lutra on 10.01.2017, 19:14:28
Hi :)

Welcome to the furry wonderland. You will love the EF :)


Thank you! I am super excited for it!

Quote from: Hendrik Collie on 10.01.2017, 20:23:13
Hi Sha'Kaar,

I am a Dutch Rough Collie.
This is the first EF for me too.
Hope to meet you at the con.

Hugs from Mr. Collie

I'd love to meet you! we can experience the joys of our first times together!
Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Sam T. Housecat on 11.01.2017, 14:00:50
Do you speak Dutch as well? I live in the Netherlands and there are lots of Dutch (and Flemish) furs too that come to EF.  :) German and Dutch are somewhat related languages; if you want to learn German, you may pick up some Dutch words too while you're at it.  ;)
Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Shakaar on 11.01.2017, 14:11:36
Quote from: Sam T. Housecat on 11.01.2017, 14:00:50
Do you speak Dutch as well?

Sadly no. :(  However, as a child I did understand it fairly well, and even now if I think hard enough and read body language I can understand the meaning/intent behind the phrase but not the words specifically.

I am hoping by learning German i'll begin to remember what I knew as a child.

If I manage to get a solid grasp on German fast enough, i'll also likely work on Dutch too.  I have access to the Rosetta Stone software through my work, so it's pretty much free for me to do.
Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Sam T. Housecat on 11.01.2017, 14:53:51
If you understood it as a child, you probably will have a faster learning curve.

I learned Dutch as a first language but I lived in Germany during a part of my childhood, so I can speak both languages. I need to practice German a bit, since I haven't spoken it a lot for thirty years. Currently I'm trying to step up my English language skills; I write fan fiction in English and recently I started to translate a Dutch graphic novel into English. I even speak French - I love French comics. Do you speak French too, as a Canadian?  :)

If you need help with learning languages, I'd be glad to help.  :D Just send me a PM.
Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Shakaar on 11.01.2017, 14:58:54
I think I will pick it up pretty quickly, that is also my belief.

Sadly, when learning French in High School I disliked the idea of it, and did poorly at it. So sadly I can not speak it, but now in my adult years, it is on my list of other languages to learn.

I'd be happy to help you with your English too if you need it, I like to think I am fairly advanced as far as that's concerned. :)

PM will be sent! :)
Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Hendrik Collie on 11.01.2017, 23:49:30
Quote from: Shakaar on 11.01.2017, 09:19:33
I'd love to meet you! we can experience the joys of our first times together!

That sounds great!
When my new fursuit is ready I will send you some pictures ;-)
By the way I've been in Canada in 2016.

Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Auster on 12.01.2017, 03:44:56
we should make a group for the first time furs! :P

I am going from Argentina and it will be my first time in europe and in a fur con.

Now you can start to learn how to speak spanish haha

Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Shakaar on 12.01.2017, 07:22:40
Quote from: Hendrik Collie on 11.01.2017, 23:49:30
When my new fursuit is ready I will send you some pictures ;-)
By the way I've been in Canada in 2016.

I look forward to seeing them. Where did you go to in Canada?

Quote from: Auster on 12.01.2017, 03:44:56
we should make a group for the first time furs! :P

I am going from Argentina and it will be my first time in europe and in a fur con.

Now you can start to learn how to speak spanish haha

We should do a meet up for all 1st timers to EF! Make new friends and we would always have people we can talk to during the whole week.

As for learning Spanish,  I don't think I'll be able to learn 3 languages before August.  Lol
Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Hendrik Collie on 12.01.2017, 19:58:45
Quote from: Shakaar on 12.01.2017, 07:22:40
I look forward to seeing them. Where did you go to in Canada?

I've been in Yukon.
I have visited these and other places like Whitehorse, Haines Junction, Dawson etc.
It was beautiful.
Title: Re: My First EF (2017) and first time in Europe!
Post by: Shakaar on 15.01.2017, 08:55:20
Quote from: Hendrik Collie on 12.01.2017, 19:58:45
Quote from: Shakaar on 12.01.2017, 07:22:40
I look forward to seeing them. Where did you go to in Canada?

I've been in Yukon.
I have visited these and other places like Whitehorse, Haines Junction, Dawson etc.
It was beautiful.

It is very beautiful up there. My area is very similar, just with less snow. lol