The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Information => Feedback => Topic started by: Ghostbear on 22.08.2016, 11:05:43

Title: Feedback 2016
Post by: Ghostbear on 22.08.2016, 11:05:43
I'm back home (well I arrived yesterday night) and what can I say... my apartment feels a bit empty right now.

I attended the EF since Tuesday, which, in the first couple of moments, felt a bit like "Sorry Ghosty, but you missed half of the con already", because it felt like like everybody was already there. ;)
As I am not a big "panel guy", I didn't attend much of the program except for the big main stage events like the Pawpet Show, Story Hour, Art Auction and of course Dealers Den and Art SHow.
The EF has, for me personally, always been a bit of a "people con", a possibility to meet those people that I can only meet with difficulties during the year or not at all.
And I was not disappointed.
I've met with some old friends and acquaintances, was able to deepen some friendships and found some new friends.
So the convention was already totally worth it. And I don't think I ever have been hugged, cuddled and snuggled so much in my life before, like on this years EF. <3

The panels I attended were really great. Especially this years Pawpet show was awesome and instantly turned into one of my favorite episodes ever.
Especially those backdrops you used were insanely good. I think one of my favorites was the graveyard with all those lights.
And I think there were really not big delays at all, at least I can't remember any on any panels I attended or walked by.
That is awesome work, guys and I know you really worked your tails off ... and I really raise my hat to you!

What really got me this year were the last, emotional 5 minutes of Kage's story hour with his father.
I did not manage to laugh about his last joke with the selfie ... because I had tears in my eyes from what Kage told us about his father and I was just fighting hard not to start crying right there.
And I think I was not alone.

I think the only criticism I have was with the service in the hotel, not the convention.
There were some things that just should not happen that way in a 4+ star hotel, used to big events.
But that is something better directed at the hotel itself and I think with will write them some polite feedback these days, so they can maybe work on that.
And it's nothing that spoiled my convention.

So..all in all, the EF22 had been an amazing and wonderful convention for me and I now know again why I am doing this to myself every year.
I'm really not comfortable in large crowds and big events and sometimes I just have to retreat to my hotel room for half an hour.
But then I just clip on my badges, grab Sammy and just head back into this wonderful big pile of fluff and I feel like I really belong there.

So I wanted to thank there entire EF staff for their awesome and very hard work and to my friends and acquaintances for making this year's EF an unforgettable experience.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Ragear on 22.08.2016, 13:39:07
Hi all,

been in Berlin from monday on, but had to leave on Saturday :/

The art show had an exceptional good quality to it, me gusta!
I understand that there's a staff shortage, so seeing the main fursuit lounge unstaffed was unsurprising yet sad. Also I'm recalling the times when there was at least semi-professional assistance for fursuit emergencies like in Magdeburg. Not vereybody is a seamstress ...

One thing I wondered about: the lobby used to be busier at 3am ... you're getting old?? Fireplace was very nice though! Thanks for setting it up!

Sadly some room cleaners were not attentative to plushies placed on beds ... I found mine tossed aside 2 times after room service had been through. Rather personal I admit, but nontheless ...



Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Lutra on 22.08.2016, 15:36:01
Again it was an awesome convention. Absolutely agree with you. Also met old and found new friends ;)
EF23, thats for sure way to go!
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Santa fox on 22.08.2016, 23:30:42
Only thing I have complaints about are the hotel and staff, and perhaps the conbook, as far as I am aware it didn't show Supersponsor Early access times? As well as trying to find places, but that quickly got solved. So nothing really from me, except congratulating on the con going as smooth as it, at least seemed to, did.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Suicune on 23.08.2016, 00:10:09
I actually got nothing major to complain, everything went nice and as expected :)
The bouncy castles were a funny idea! :D
Also the increased seat possibilities were nice. It was funny to see how every 2nd person fell over the white cubes on the white ground on the first day. Suiters and non suiters equal. xD
I also noticed most of the chairs were put aside during the dances. Noticed that much more people joined the dances. And I loved the big glow sticks with the different modes :D
To change how the group photos are made was a great idea! Using math to make everyone visible on the photo, awesome! Only germans can come up with that. :>
About the hotel: I just had to log in once on Estrels Wifi with my 3DS and stayed connected all the time. It was really nice! Has it to to with that 3DS scanner whateveritis thing I find in the Wifi search?

The only thing I complain about: The music at the campfire was too loud on wednesday evening/thursday morning. 4am and you can still hear clearly the bass in wing 1 campfire side... Or was is the roomparty goinmg on in storey... 8? Anyway, it was a little bit annoying.
Also: Nobody likes that friggin pillar named "Scheiß Säule" in Strassbourgh ಠ_ಠ
Whats in there anyway? When I was knocking at it, it turned out it's hollow. Can Estrel please make it gone? D:
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Reshi on 23.08.2016, 01:35:08
might write something more in-depth later but;

the con was great, nothing was extremely delayed (? some main stage evets were delayed for 30-60minutes at max which is more than fine, i didn't mind a bit), even with growing con i felt there was enough room for everyone. nothing to complain really, regarding the con atleast haha.

see you all at EF23! ☆
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Twillight on 24.08.2016, 00:26:25
Es war für mich eine echt tolle EF. Alles war extrem top. Und auch die Verspätungen waren in einem guten normalen Rahmen. Alle Veranstaltungen die ich besuchte waren aus meiner Sicht top!! Und die PawPetShow erst!!  :)

Eine besondere Ehre war es für mich wieder auf dem Eighties Dance als Dj mitwirken zu dürfen und meine Vniyls auflegen zu dürfen. Zum Glück konnte ich sie dann für eine Nacht in einem Lagerraum lassen (ich durfte sogar meinen Wagen für eine Nacht im Hof des Estrels parken) und musste sie nicht nachts um 3 durch Neukölln zu meiner Unterkunft transportieren. Danke an den Furry der die Entscheidungsgewalt darüber hatte (rotes Band), und mir die Erlaubnis dazu gab. Bin ja nunmal halt kein Staff Mitglied, sondern nur ein kleiner freiwilliger der etwas zum Programm beigetragen hat.  :)

DANKE!!!!!! :)

Es war mir immer etwas unwohl bei dem Gedanken meinen Fursuit über Nacht in der Suiterlounge lassen zu müssen (ist ja schließlich mit eines der wertvollsten Dinge die ich besitze), aber den Suit jeden Abend oder Nacht durch Neukölln zur Unterkunft transportieren zu müssen, ist eine nicht so prickelnde Alternative. Es gab zwar Leute die mir angeboten hatten das ich meinen Suit in ihrem Estrel-Zimmer lassen könnte, aber ich wollte sie nicht ständig nerven, wenn ich meinen Suit haben wollte.
Also habe ich vertraut, und wurde zum Glück nicht enttäuscht.  :)

Es gab zwar auch negatives, aber das hatte nichts direkt mit der EF zutun.

Ich konnte viele tolle Leute wiedersehen und knuddeln!   Ich und das Rudel hatten sehr viel Spaß. 

Großes Lob an alle die zum Gelingen der EF beigetragen haben.  :)

It was a really great EF for me. Everything was extremely top. And the delays were in good normal frame. All events I attended were in my view top !! And the PawPetShow only !! :)

it was a special honor to be part again in the Eighties Dance as Dj for me and to be able to hang up my Vniyls. Luckily I was able to make them for a night in a storage room (I even got to my car one night in the courtyard of the Estrel park) and did not need it at night to transport 3 through Neukölln to my accommodation. Thanks to the furry of the power of decision over had (Red Ribbon), and gave me permission to do so. Bin nunmal just not a staff member, but only a small volunteer has helped the something about the program. :)

THANK YOU!!!!!! :)

It was having to always leave me a bit uncomfortable with the thought my Fursuit overnight in Suiterlounge (is finally with one of the most valuable things I own) is, but the suit to have to transport every evening or night Neukölln Property a not so sparkly alternative. There were people who had offered me that I could leave my suit in their Estrel room, but I did not want to constantly annoy, if I wanted to have my suit.
So I trusted, and was not disappointed fortunately. :)

There were also negative, but that had nothing to do directly with the EF.

I could see many amazing people again and hug! I and the pack had a lot of fun.

Kudos to all who contributed to the success of EF. :)
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: GreekYoshi on 24.08.2016, 10:58:34
Con was awesome as every year, everything went smooth and i enjoyed it a lot, a big thanks and congrats to the con staff :)

However i have two complaints:
1) Why there was a guy in fursuit parade cuting the parade in half, and the rest of us (me including in the second half) didnt knew where to go? I mean, he told us to go through the second small entrance of the hotel, but there where so many people in there, guests and the first half of the fursuit parade, that we litteraly didnt knew what to do, ending up staying there standing for about 15 min. Was that really neccessary to happen? :/
2) No security in fursuit lounge entrance...*sigh*... why in the name of raptor jesus did you put the strict rule of the fursuit badge anyway? xD
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: EchoesAbove on 24.08.2016, 17:26:42
Positive Feedback sums up to:
YOU GUYS ROCK!! Thanks for the awesome weeklong party! I got to meet so many new people and had lots of fun at the events!

However I have a complaint, which concerns squeaking fursuits.
Squeakers are a nice way of expressing yourself when in a suit without talking, however some suiters seemingly do not know when to actually STOP.
While the majority of suiters I met actually used their squeakers in expressive ways, there was this one suiter who nearly made me throw him out of the next window.
I was sitting in the artist alley late afternoon on Saturday when a suiter I actually had met before came and stood before one of the many "don't awoo" signs, and he started squeaking at it permanently. And didn't stop. I asked him to stop squeaking after about 10 minutes because it REALLY got on my nerves permanently having a high pitched squeak in my ears while trying to concentrate on commissions. As a reply, I only got more and louder squeaks in my direction. When I approached security (since he obviously didn't plan on stopping or moving) after about half an hour of nonstop squeaking (how did he even breathe?!) I got a very comforting look and was told that even they couldn't do anything more than actually ask him to stop/move, since there is no rule covering this very specific issue.
I'm well aware I had the bad luck of catching the odd suiter out in this case, but would it be possible to actually figure out a way that such suiters can be disciplined?
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Dhary Montecore on 24.08.2016, 17:36:46
Quote from: EchoesAbove on 24.08.2016, 17:26:42
However I have a complaint, which concerns squeaking fursuits.
Squeakers are a nice way of expressing yourself when in a suit without talking, however some suiters seemingly do not know when to actually STOP.
While the majority of suiters I met actually used their squeakers in expressive ways, there was this one suiter who nearly made me throw him out of the next window.
I was sitting in the artist alley late afternoon on Saturday when a suiter I actually had met before came and stood before one of the many "don't awoo" signs, and he started squeaking at it permanently. And didn't stop. I asked him to stop squeaking after about 10 minutes because it REALLY got on my nerves permanently having a high pitched squeak in my ears while trying to concentrate on commissions. As a reply, I only got more and louder squeaks in my direction. When I approached security (since he obviously didn't plan on stopping or moving) after about half an hour of nonstop squeaking (how did he even breathe?!) I got a very comforting look and was told that even they couldn't do anything more than actually ask him to stop/move, since there is no rule covering this very specific issue.
I'm well aware I had the bad luck of catching the odd suiter out in this case, but would it be possible to actually figure out a way that such suiters can be disciplined?

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. While technically right, the security officer should have know that they can very well tell someone off for causing discomfort to others. A name and description or time and date for a CCTV identification would be useful here. But apart from that, the entire "Awoo" issue will have consequences regarding the Rules of Conduct for the upcoming years.

We are sorry for your discomfort.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: meo on 24.08.2016, 23:40:55
As you talked about the Awoo-thing Dhary: While I don't have a thing when done outside or only done on occasion, but there was at least one occasion where Pinky herself enforcing one as we waited for the seating for a mainstageevent (if i am correct the Opening or the PPS). While I like Pinky in person, it really ticks me off since someones starting to howl right next to me and the acoustic in the "waiting hall" worked quite..."well"

Another thing i would like to point out: Are the Windows at the Lobby possible to be open at the breakfast already. This year it was very warm even early in the morning but maybe still a possibility to cool down the lobby a bit and change the air out.

Beside these two negative points all went well this year, sure the problem with "could someone clone me so I can attend 2 Panels at the same" time happens no and then, but hey I don't want to be in Akulatraxas shoes anyway. I had way more fun this year somehow and it seams the Hotel gets quite used to us *thumbs up for that guys*
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Snow-wolf on 25.08.2016, 00:01:20
Quote from: Santa fox on 22.08.2016, 23:30:42
Only thing I have complaints about are the hotel and staff, and perhaps the conbook, as far as I am aware it didn't show Supersponsor Early access times? As well as trying to find places, but that quickly got solved. So nothing really from me, except congratulating on the con going as smooth as it, at least seemed to, did.

Which early access times were you missing? :)
The Dealers Den is the only event which does have early access (this has been in the Conbook, in the timetable). (There was no early access for Art Show this year, simply because it's not really needed) ^^
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: James The Dog on 25.08.2016, 00:33:44
Ugh... the howling thing, that really went too far. When I was in the queue for the pawpet show, that must have happened about 10 times, and it gave me a throbing headache that got worse each time. It was mildly funny at first, but by the end of the con...
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Alpha_Ki on 25.08.2016, 11:41:58
Aside from some internal things the only thing that really pissed me of by the end of the Con was the Awoo-Thing... I know a person who started several (saw him) but can't tell if it was him all the time. Some people lack of attention and need to force it by "being funny" without a sense of humor... HRSN! Name will given to the team. 
Plus my missing seating plan, we had on the last day and the whole concept didn't work out as planned.

Aside that: BEST EF EVER!!!!
I loved the theme. The decoration was great. The huge Walkman was amazing and I've seen a lot of people taking pictures with it. Great idea!
We had great guests and I met soooo many lovely people. EF is always like another universe.

Thank you to the whole team, MY team and all these wonderful guests making EF what it is --> a huge and stressfull party and a great experience! 8D
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Santa fox on 25.08.2016, 18:58:45
Quote from: Snow-wolf on 25.08.2016, 00:01:20
Quote from: Santa fox on 22.08.2016, 23:30:42
Only thing I have complaints about are the hotel and staff, and perhaps the conbook, as far as I am aware it didn't show Supersponsor Early access times? As well as trying to find places, but that quickly got solved. So nothing really from me, except congratulating on the con going as smooth as it, at least seemed to, did.

Which early access times were you missing? :)
The Dealers Den is the only event which does have early access (this has been in the Conbook, in the timetable). (There was no early access for Art Show this year, simply because it's not really needed) ^^

Fairly sure security opened up to Mainstage for us Supersponsor/Sponsors early on the Opening/End/PPS show, as well as the dancing event(?) As I recall several people with Green lanyards being turned away, while the rest of us got in without problem. Only to have it opened up for the rest after about 5 - 15 minutes. Perhaps I got it wrong, though? Dealers den was of course marked, which I got into line for; I have no complaints
about that.

Infact, it isn't so much a complaint as much as a remark, as I was left wondering a bit once I got into line for the first mainstage event, and saw the above happen.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Sheena-Tiger on 25.08.2016, 19:11:21
The procedures I remember is in those cases... sponsors have extra queues which are allowed in first and once those lines are gone normal attendees are allowed.
That is not really "early access" in the sense of "you get in an hour early" like with the Dealers Den.

I was never part of the Queue Management though, so my information might be old and thus I would be happy if one of the Queue-Managers of our team would correct me in that case.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Santa fox on 25.08.2016, 19:16:16
Quote from: Sheena-Tiger on 25.08.2016, 19:11:21
I was never part of the Queue Management though, so my information might be old and thus I would be happy if one of the Queue-Managers of our team would correct me in that case.

In that case, nevermind; Though, I could have sworn the pocket schedule had a additional 30 minute prior to any event start for seating, which usually seemed to fit in more or less with SS/S lines. Was just a bit confused :p i'll be sure to keep it in mind for next year, though.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: James The Dog on 25.08.2016, 19:28:13
Quote from: Alpha_Ki on 25.08.2016, 11:41:58
Aside from some internal things the only thing that really pissed me of by the end of the Con was the Awoo-Thing... I know a person who started several (saw him) but can't tell if it was him all the time.

Though it's not just the fault of the people who start it, it's as much the fault of the people who go along with it. If nobody went along with it then people would stop trying to start it pretty quickly.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Suicune on 25.08.2016, 19:47:21
Oh, right, the awoo thing... Yeah, clearly made my ears explode a few times...
I don't need that, especially not in rooms with great echo...
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: ANTIcarrot on 25.08.2016, 20:45:35
The artshow closing seemed very crowded during closing this year. In fact I was camping next to my bid, when on the other side of the board I could have sworn I heard something being knocked off the table...

Whether I did or not that is an issue that may need to be addressed. By adding so many bid slots to the bid sheets the auction has effectively been moved into the art show, where many people are as enthusiastic about bidding, but where there isn't an auctioneer and stage between the bidders and the very valuable pieces of art in front of them. Or to the left or right of them. Or behind them...

I fear if this continues something very bad might happen.

Thinking of the space issue...

Would it be possible to use the upstairs gallery? It seems tailor made for the adult section, and as I don't think it's being used for anything.

There is a section of the room put aside for photo shooting. Is it possible that this could be moved anywhere else? Just to free up more room?
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Snow-wolf on 25.08.2016, 20:57:19
Quote from: Santa fox on 25.08.2016, 18:58:45
Quote from: Snow-wolf on 25.08.2016, 00:01:20
Quote from: Santa fox on 22.08.2016, 23:30:42
Only thing I have complaints about are the hotel and staff, and perhaps the conbook, as far as I am aware it didn't show Supersponsor Early access times? As well as trying to find places, but that quickly got solved. So nothing really from me, except congratulating on the con going as smooth as it, at least seemed to, did.
Which early access times were you missing? :)
The Dealers Den is the only event which does have early access (this has been in the Conbook, in the timetable). (There was no early access for Art Show this year, simply because it's not really needed) ^^

Fairly sure security opened up to Mainstage for us Supersponsor/Sponsors early on the Opening/End/PPS show, as well as the dancing event(?) As I recall several people with Green lanyards being turned away, while the rest of us got in without problem. Only to have it opened up for the rest after about 5 - 15 minutes. Perhaps I got it wrong, though? Dealers den was of course marked, which I got into line for; I have no complaints
about that.

Infact, it isn't so much a complaint as much as a remark, as I was left wondering a bit once I got into line for the first mainstage event, and saw the above happen.

Ahhh i see! To be honest I didnt even know this was the case for main stage events as well. I will talk to security and stage team and see if it is possible to include those times or at least have a remark about the apparently existing sponsor/super sponsor queue :) Or maybe I did know at some point and simply forgot about it? n.n

Definitely a good heads up! Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: karpour on 25.08.2016, 20:59:27
I'll write what I can think of now, might add more later:

Opening Ceremony
Absolutely ROCKED!

Artist Alley
The new location was great, very visible and lots of light! :)

Artist lounge
Was great as always and super popular, thank you for opening it so early and keeping it open all the way until Sunday night! It was very packed this year, so of course more space would be great, but I understand that's hard. The location of the artist lounge is great though and is a very important place for many artists at EF.

Big Blue Dance
Best set in years! So much bouncy hands up made it perfect for Baseball to have a fun night there :D

Thanks to everyone who donated for charity, collected and helped out the team. Stay tuned for a total amount :)

Bouncy Castles
Definitely the most flips I ever did at any con :D
Thanks for putting those there, it really added loads of extra fun

Daily EF
Thanks for making the great newspaper again, always fun to collect, by now I have quite some together and they make great memorabilia :)

Heavenly, though I think this year they were a little more overloaded with us than last year.
I remember last year it was open until 11:00, while this year apparently officially only until 10:30. Would it be possible to have it open until 11:00 again next year? That's 30 minutes of valuable extra-sleep ;)

Staff buffet
A real life-safer after working way too long without a break. Thanks for taking care of staff :)

Fursuit parade
I was surprised by how fast the parade went considering the massive amount of suiters! It was fun, only thing that was a bit of a traffic jam was where the parade made a u-turn at the bouncy castles, since everyone entered and exited through the same door.

I of course can't say what happened behind the scenes, but obviously Security did a great job at everything. It's one of the toughest jobs at EF and I hope everyone appreciates how much work the team puts into the con!

Thanks again for bringing order into the chaos :D

Looked great! I liked the giant Walkman, sadly didn't manage to get it to play music!

All in all I have to say everything went seemingly more smoothly than last year and the bar has once again been raised!
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: James The Dog on 25.08.2016, 22:52:28
if the bouncy castles aren't back next year I'll be very upset!
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Torajin on 26.08.2016, 07:47:11
It was great again this year, we had a lot of fun.

The plus side:

I liked that the metal pillars and huge cameras everywhere are gone on the main stage.
It really feels like we have the huge room for us and we can dance (aka move strangely) without being hindered.

The layout for the chairs for enter the arena is also a huge improvement compared to last year.

I think this year, the group photoshot registration was set so that there's a slot for everyone, I think?

Huge and improved fursuit support, there was a lot of people distributing water to fursuiters, that was helpful.

Knowing that security has access to the hotel cameras and records is reassuring. And that was fun to see how easy it is to get sensitive information from smartphones screens before the PPS.

No major delays, did you use a system like, if we have time, we do 'that', if we are late, we cut it?

I found the hotel staff even nicer than before.

And the group photos... the idea about the lines to see everyone... thank you!

The minus side:

only minor details not worth mentioning (Was I lucky enough to avoid most of the awooh thing I read about everywhere?)


We had a lot of fun, I noticed you listened to us and improved everything.

Once again, THANKS A LOT to dedicating yourselves so that we can have a maximum of fun.
Best week of the year for me.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: River Goldeye on 26.08.2016, 12:18:40
Overall, I'm very pleased with the con, had a great time and time seemed to go by way too fast because of all the fun. I'm going to write down the few things I can think of at the moment, might add more later.

The hotel staff was overall very kind and helpful, the cleaning department seemed to not always know what they were doing (at one point we had them come back several times during the day asking if our room needed cleaning, they didn't swap dirty wineglasses for clean etc), but nothing more than minor issues with the hotel. The breakfast could probably be open until 11 each day. It would be helpful with half an hour extra sleep time. Speaking of breakfast, it was delicious, as usual.

I am very happy that con security has access to CCTV, and in case anything happens, can go back and find out who did it. The short response times also made me feel extra safe. It also felt very good to have the fursuit lounge covered as well. I did miss having a checkpoint outside it, but I understand the problem of having it staffed. And there were no incidents that I know of from non-suiters. The watercarriers were very appreciated. I do carry my own water pouch 50% of the time when I do fursuiting, but for the times when I didn't wear it, those watercarriers really helped a lot!

I'm not sure, but I, and my mate as well, felt like most spaces were warmer this year compared to last. At the fursuit friendly dance, the dancefloor seemed way hotter than last year. Same with the dead dog. Adding more fans during dances might be a good idea? To us, the fursuit friendly dance was just *barely* less desertlike hot than a normal dancefloor. Also the lobby was just way too hot and humid some of the days, opening windows or something to get some airflow would have been a good idea.

On a side note, having smokers just outside basically every exit was very annoying when fursuiting. Sometimes we needed to catch some fresh air as soon as possible but couldn't go outside to do that. I feel nauseous from cigarette smoke, and the limited airflow in a fursuit head really makes that worse. Apart from possibly having the suit stinking of smoke, I feel sick from it. Maybe at least have a few exits where smoking is strictly prohibited?

I was overall very happy with the stage events, they were not too delayed this year and was really fun. I especially loved the Pawpetshow and the Gameshow, but really all the events I went to were great. I also love the big screens at the sides of the stage, since I ended up behind some very tall people a few times, and just couldn't see the stage itself that well...

EF Prime seemed to work fairly well this year, although we did have quite a few times when it was lagging, at least in Wing 1. Also the WiFi seemed to be a lot more stable this time. I had a few minor issues with it but it was nothing compared to last year, when it was pretty much unusable.

Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Cairyn on 26.08.2016, 13:42:49
Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 25.08.2016, 20:45:35
The artshow closing seemed very crowded during closing this year.

It unfortunately is. But we will have to live with it; unless we get a significantly larger room to double the aisle width, or switch to a bid-by-smartphone scheme, or move the Closing into a different room (no proximity to the exhibits during bidding - but then, wouldn't it ALL be THE auction?).

To my knowledge nothing was damaged during the closing (at least two items fell down during the total of the show due to bad pegs on the item itself). For the more delicate statues, extra security had been detailed. For the future, we plan to add an extra row of tables to keep people getting too close to them.

Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 25.08.2016, 20:45:35
By adding so many bid slots to the bid sheets the auction has effectively been moved into the art show

As to my observation, many people put even low bids down at the closing (like, fourth or fifth bid). These items wouldn't have made it to the Auction either way. So, the "closing auction" has been going on for several years already. The additional bid fields have excluded only about 6% of the items from going to Auction (as compared with the previous 10-bid-position bidsheet; counting items having 10-14 bids) so while it makes a big difference for the Auction, it's only a small difference for the Closing.

The mechanisms of "bidding" unfortunately create the high attendance at closing. Only way out would be to virtualize the closing and use the main stage.

Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 25.08.2016, 20:45:35
Would it be possible to use the upstairs gallery? It seems tailor made for the adult section, and as I don't think it's being used for anything.

The gallery is used for light control, security lookout, and as storage for the packaging material. (You can't see that from the floor.)

Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 25.08.2016, 20:45:35
There is a section of the room put aside for photo shooting. Is it possible that this could be moved anywhere else? Just to free up more room?

We are considering slight room reassignments, it is difficult though since the photoshoot needs a high ceiling (just as the Dealers' Den needs daylight, and the Fursuit Lounge needs A/C).
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Suicune on 26.08.2016, 13:56:14
Now that it's mentioned:
At least the smoker corner at the main entrance is a problem. Not only because you get that disgusting smell into your face/suit when going outside.
It's also a problem when you have a room in wing one campfire side. The housekeeping opens the windows by standard if it isn't hot outside or if you don't tell them not to do so. Even if there is a roof over the entrance, the smell still makes its way into the rooms! At least it was noticeable in storey 2.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: James The Dog on 26.08.2016, 20:34:50
There's no way to get to the beergarden without having to walk through it either, as they crowd at the top of the stairs leading down to the road. And speaking of the beergarden, possibly make a few tables there non-smoking as well? Again so us suiters have somewhere to sit in the garden without getting our heads full of smoke, or can eat without the smoke drifting from a neighbouring table. Maybe it's partly cultural differences as smoking is clearly much more accepted and tolerated over there than it is in the UK.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Schorse on 26.08.2016, 23:20:24
Quote from: Suicune on 23.08.2016, 00:10:09
Also: Nobody likes that friggin pillar named "Scheiß Säule" in Strassbourgh ಠ_ಠ

:D :D

I really like how the hotel staff adapts to us, it feels like they're eager to be part of the con and not just doing their job. It seems like everything went pretty smooth this year, I didn't hear about issues from security like in the past years. You also could see a lot of hotel security in the lobby all the time. As already have been said, it was very warm in the hotel. At least, the A/C in my room worked very good. :) Breakfast was awesome as usual, already looking forward for next year.

A big thumbs up for improving to be on time with the events!

I also want to give thanks to Con-ops for letting me borrow their iron saw, that really helped a lot. *group hugs*

To sum it up:
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Runo on 26.08.2016, 23:44:47
Oh, since Schorse mentioned the A/C:

Suiters beware!

I didn't really think about it and laid my suit head on the panel with the A/C "exhaust" when we arrived at the hotel (space to put stuff out of the way is always in short supply). When I picked it up a few days later to suit (didn't manage to do so before, too much PPS prep), the lower part of the head was damp, even slightly wet in one part. Ewwww! Probably just condensation, but still, letting it sit there damp was probably not the brightest idea... not that I had known/thought of it beforehand. Needless to say, I disinfected the hell out of it.

Long story short: Don't put anything on there or even near it (paws hanging above it felt the slightest bit damp as well) that shouldn't get wet! I guess putting something to drink or so there to keep it cool is no problem, of course.

Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Ralesk on 29.08.2016, 11:53:06
The great:
* The lasers!
* The flickering foam things!
* Fuzzywolf's DJ set in the Dead Dog Party! (sorry, I keep forgetting the other guy's name)

The bad:
* XL T-shirt feels nothing like one, it's too long (almost reaches my knee, unlike pretty much every other T-shirt I own) and too narrow (again entirely unlike the other XL sized T-shirts I own).  I sadly didn't check on site, but doubt XXL would have solved this because I don't think I should need to have a T-shirt that goes down to my knees when I'm 177 cm tall.
* The short auction.  Partly, it seems, that people didn't fill the 15 bid slots (maybe could have made it dynamic, like in case of too few things on auction, also letting things with 12 bids go as well? I realise it does have issues, but if announced loudly and clearly, people probably would have understood it), and partly because barely any bids at all on the first day (there was too many things to do on Thursday, I couldn't even go to the art show until the second day at all — not sure if I'm alone with this)
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Cairyn on 29.08.2016, 12:26:20
Quote from: Ralesk on 29.08.2016, 11:53:06The short auction.  Partly, it seems, that people didn't fill the 15 bid slots (maybe could have made it dynamic, like in case of too few things on auction, also letting things with 12 bids go as well? I realise it does have issues, but if announced loudly and clearly, people probably would have understood it), and partly because barely any bids at all on the first day (there was too many things to do on Thursday, I couldn't even go to the art show until the second day at all — not sure if I'm alone with this)

We cannot change the rules after the end of the game. Before the art show is checked for bids after the closing, we do not know how many pieces there are in the auction. Putting stuff into the auction willy-nilly after that means that people lose their items that they already won. No matter what "announcement" you use, that is invitation to a shitstorm.

The bid positions were increased with the specific goal to shorten the auction. That worked (maybe better than intended, but you never know before you try). Further expansion of the art show in the future will fill up the auction again, I suppose, or we'll redesign the bidsheets some more.

People not bidding on the first day seems to be a similar issue with all bidding systems. I leave it to bidders to figure out when best to place a bid to increase their chances of winning; there are so many considerations... and we don't have a "Buy now" button that may prompt people to start bidding early.

However, Thursday has an extended opening time in the evening (and even longer for EF crew), so we encourage visitors to come in even if the day is busy!
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Ralesk on 29.08.2016, 12:48:51
Quote from: Cairyn on 29.08.2016, 12:26:20
Quote from: Ralesk on 29.08.2016, 11:53:06The short auction.  Partly, it seems, that people didn't fill the 15 bid slots (maybe could have made it dynamic, like in case of too few things on auction, also letting things with 12 bids go as well? I realise it does have issues, but if announced loudly and clearly, people probably would have understood it), and partly because barely any bids at all on the first day (there was too many things to do on Thursday, I couldn't even go to the art show until the second day at all — not sure if I'm alone with this)

We cannot change the rules after the end of the game. Before the art show is checked for bids after the closing, we do not know how many pieces there are in the auction. Putting stuff into the auction willy-nilly after that means that people lose their items that they already won. No matter what "announcement" you use, that is invitation to a shitstorm.

The bid positions were increased with the specific goal to shorten the auction. That worked (maybe better than intended, but you never know before you try). Further expansion of the art show in the future will fill up the auction again, I suppose, or we'll redesign the bidsheets some more.

People not bidding on the first day seems to be a similar issue with all bidding systems. I leave it to bidders to figure out when best to place a bid to increase their chances of winning; there are so many considerations... and we don't have a "Buy now" button that may prompt people to start bidding early.

However, Thursday has an extended opening time in the evening (and even longer for EF crew), so we encourage visitors to come in even if the day is busy!

Oh, no, I didn't mean change the rules after the fact, but more like beforehand, to make the experiment smoother I guess.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Cairyn on 29.08.2016, 13:42:03
Quote from: Ralesk on 29.08.2016, 12:48:51Oh, no, I didn't mean change the rules after the fact, but more like beforehand, to make the experiment smoother I guess.

But beforehand we don't know how many items will make it to the auction. It might as well have happened that people at Closing would just continue bidding, and even 15 bid positions would not have helped. Now, after trying, we know that 15 is limiting the auction a lot (at least at the current time), but that is a purely experimental insight.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Drachetto on 29.08.2016, 17:17:14
Everything was great as always, I'm totally satisfied about quite everything. Just few points Id' like to talk about:

What I'd like to see improved:
-About the fursuit group photoshoot, trying to make the waiting time for the picture as much short as possible (that because waiting being still raises the inner warmth a lot and it's very frustrating). Also would be nice to make a countdown with the megaphone (3...2...1...chesee!) to avoid some fursuits still watching elsewhere in the final picture;
-The Berlin Wall: this year there was a car parked there, sadly that's one of the few location of the hotel good for photoshoots. It will be great if that location could be full avaiable next year;
-Stairs: could be possible to have them open, at least up to the 3rd floor, next year? That would be nice to avoid part of mess at the elevators.

What I have appreciated most:
-The Wi-Fi always worked fine, that's very appreciated for who is not coming from Germany and needs it to surfing the net;
-About the few main events I attended, the delays were even shorter than the past, that's a good, appreciated improvement;
-About the fursuit group photoshoot, the lines on the ground made it simplier and nobody risks to be covered in the final picture. That was a really good idea!
-Helpers providing water with camel-bags, I love all of you <3 All of them were always so kind with fursuiters and very userfull, especially in the events like the fursuit group photoshoot and the macro meeting when the warmth was getting too high.

Finally, thanks very much once more to the EF staff, the security, people at the consoles, the cameramans, the con-op, all the free helpers and everybody who worked for the convention and his effort is 'invisible' to us: you make EF being possible every year and I'm so greatefull *hugs tightly*
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Zestence on 29.08.2016, 18:06:24
It was a great convention this year. I absolutely loved the theme and all the related artwork. Everything was reasonably on time and I had a lot of fun.

I did miss the fursuit group photo because I didn't know when or where it was and I don't read Twitter or Telegram that much. It's my own fault for not following any information channels, but I was still a little disappointed.

Fursuit lounge was great as usual, but I feel like the fans could be spread out more than they are now. There's three powerful fans sitting on a table and two people standing in front of them blocking all the airflow.

And I guess the EF app people know this already, but the hotel map would be much much more useful if the rooms were named  :P

Only real "problems" I experienced were with the hotel. Specifically the reception at check-in. They seem to change the rules regarding payment and deposit charges every year. At EF20 they wanted an outrageous 100€ per day deposit, so 600 in total, in addition to the room. I was able to negotiate it down to 35€ for the entire week, but I did have a small heart attack first.
At EF21 I emailed them in advance and they said they no longer take deposit charges and room is charged at check-out. Everything went smoothly that year.
This year they demanded we pay immediately at check-in, and also wanted a 100€ cash deposit. We did have the money, so it was not really a problem, but I would like to know in advance whether they require deposit charges or not so I can at least be ready for it. Also it seems like it depended on who you were dealing with, not everyone was charged a deposit this year.

All things considered, minor issues with how the hotel handles things are the only real complaints I have. Eurofurence itself is running smoother and smoother by the year. I'm having a really hard time thinking of things that need improving that can reasonably be improved with the resources available.

So instead I offer my thanks to the staff and the volunteers for making it all happen. EF has always been a joy visit and continues to be my personal highlight of the year. I absolutely cannot wait for EF23 and I will definitely see you all again next year.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Reshi on 29.08.2016, 21:35:40
Quote from: Zestence on 29.08.2016, 18:06:24
Only real "problems" I experienced were with the hotel. Specifically the reception at check-in. They seem to change the rules regarding payment and deposit charges every year. [...]
This year they demanded we pay immediately at check-in, and also wanted a 100€ cash deposit. We did have the money, so it was not really a problem, but I would like to know in advance whether they require deposit charges or not so I can at least be ready for it. Also it seems like it depended on who you were dealing with, not everyone was charged a deposit this year.

Oh yeah that was something that happened to my friends aswell, they were supposed to pay a deposit of like 200€. For me they asked if i wanted to pay at check in or at check out and opted for check out since that's what i've been doing earlier. and i was charged the "just in case" deposit of 50€ from my card for the possible cleaning/mini bar etc. fees like usual.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Angus on 30.08.2016, 21:41:36
Quote from: Drachetto on 29.08.2016, 17:17:14
-The Berlin Wall: this year there was a car parked there, sadly that's one of the few location of the hotel good for photoshoots. It will be great if that location could be full avaiable next year;

Hm, was it one like these ( I thought, that's been part of the decoration. These cars were very popular in Eastern Germany back in the 80's. Our family owned one of these too. So, that's part of my personal 80's memories from the time when I was a child. And placing it in front of the Berlin Wall fragments was actually quite fitting IMHO.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Twillight on 30.08.2016, 22:13:51
Quote from: Angus on 30.08.2016, 21:41:36
Quote from: Drachetto on 29.08.2016, 17:17:14
-The Berlin Wall: this year there was a car parked there, sadly that's one of the few location of the hotel good for photoshoots. It will be great if that location could be full avaiable next year;

Hm, was it one like these ( I thought, that's been part of the decoration. These cars were very popular in Eastern Germany back in the 80's. Our family owned one of these too. So, that's part of my personal 80's memories from the time when I was a child. And placing it in front of the Berlin Wall fragments was actually quite fitting IMHO.

Yes. Part of the Decoration.  And a Trabant is as much the memory of the German Democratic Republic as the Berlin Wall. It fits together precisely. And it belongs to the Eighties.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Drift on 30.08.2016, 22:24:41
Quote from: Twillight on 30.08.2016, 22:13:51
Quote from: Angus on 30.08.2016, 21:41:36
Quote from: Drachetto on 29.08.2016, 17:17:14
-The Berlin Wall: this year there was a car parked there, sadly that's one of the few location of the hotel good for photoshoots. It will be great if that location could be full avaiable next year;

Hm, was it one like these ( I thought, that's been part of the decoration. These cars were very popular in Eastern Germany back in the 80's. Our family owned one of these too. So, that's part of my personal 80's memories from the time when I was a child. And placing it in front of the Berlin Wall fragments was actually quite fitting IMHO.

Yes. Part of the Decoration.  And a Trabant is as much the memory of the German Democratic Republic as the Berlin Wall. It fits together precisely. And it belongs to the Eighties.

Most Defenitly! And they were so good to work with - two people working together were able to take out the engine without help of a pulley or other support...
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: VulpesRex on 31.08.2016, 10:34:29
Quote from: Drift on 30.08.2016, 22:24:41
Quote from: Twillight on 30.08.2016, 22:13:51
Quote from: Angus on 30.08.2016, 21:41:36
Quote from: Drachetto on 29.08.2016, 17:17:14
-The Berlin Wall: this year there was a car parked there, sadly that's one of the few location of the hotel good for photoshoots. It will be great if that location could be full avaiable next year;

Hm, was it one like these ( I thought, that's been part of the decoration. These cars were very popular in Eastern Germany back in the 80's. Our family owned one of these too. So, that's part of my personal 80's memories from the time when I was a child. And placing it in front of the Berlin Wall fragments was actually quite fitting IMHO.

Yes. Part of the Decoration.  And a Trabant is as much the memory of the German Democratic Republic as the Berlin Wall. It fits together precisely. And it belongs to the Eighties.

Most Defenitly! And they were so good to work with - two people working together were able to take out the engine without help of a pulley or other support...

   Two people? Wow...that must have been one really big elastic band!  :D

   Joking aside - I've always wanted to see a Trabbi, and on the MoterFurs Meet day, the owner was kind enough to show us the engine, and help me "shoehorn" myself into the driver's seat.  This was very much like the early post-war autos made by Messerschmitt (sp?) and such, practical and utilitarian transport made in recovering factories.

   These cars are Legend; they fit the true meaning of 'Classic", as in "representative of an entire class or period".  'Iconic", if you prefer, and I'm glad that there was one there to see in front of The Wall.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: silverfoxwolf on 02.09.2016, 17:23:26
Quote from: Ralesk on 29.08.2016, 11:53:06
The great:
* The lasers!
* The flickering foam things!
* Fuzzywolf's DJ set in the Dead Dog Party! (sorry, I keep forgetting the other guy's name)

The bad:
* XL T-shirt feels nothing like one, it's too long (almost reaches my knee, unlike pretty much every other T-shirt I own) and too narrow (again entirely unlike the other XL sized T-shirts I own).  I sadly didn't check on site, but doubt XXL would have solved this because I don't think I should need to have a T-shirt that goes down to my knees when I'm 177 cm tall.
* The short auction.  Partly, it seems, that people didn't fill the 15 bid slots (maybe could have made it dynamic, like in case of too few things on auction, also letting things with 12 bids go as well? I realise it does have issues, but if announced loudly and clearly, people probably would have understood it), and partly because barely any bids at all on the first day (there was too many things to do on Thursday, I couldn't even go to the art show until the second day at all — not sure if I'm alone with this)

If you mean the earlier part of the evening, that was myself :)
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Jorinda on 06.09.2016, 09:28:37
Although I missed half of the events I wanted to attend, I had a great time.

I liked the mainstage a lot. Both the decoration and the lights/laser stuff. And the queues were not too bad.

EF Prime had some small flaws, like no sound at some times, but the morning cartoons and the event livestream were nice. (Maybe next year you could have some kind of "Con's over, see you next year" screen in the end?)

The hotel employees were very friendly and helpful whenever I asked for something. (By the way, the sentence "A TV crew is coming to my room" makes a whole cleaning team appear within 30 seconds. ;) )

Also - noone in this thread has said Thank You to the medic team yet? They're super helpful and professional.

Btw, I was a tad annoyed by the Awoo, too. Large crowds tend to be stressful enough without random screaming.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Tabia on 07.09.2016, 16:26:29
I'm finally at home and able to write a little note here.
It was my very-very first time at EF, furry-con and in Europe. So much new experience! And I'm extremely happy about everything I could feel, see, hear and participate in.

I've met so much wonderful, open, friendly and talented people, so that have a real feeling that it's kind of my home. I'm glad that I saw old beloved friends and made new, had opportunity to fun, dance and exchange warmth and smiles, even earn a litle bit of money with artshow and selling the stuff.

Great thanks to everybody! Especially-to organizers and all of volunteers. You're amazing, guys. So much sparky souls and talented paws made this con unforgettable. You gifted me an inspiration, lots of smile and happiness. I'll do all my best to return in next year and for this time-with fursuit, I hope x)

Lots of love, your Tabia Lioness
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Fafnir Kristensen on 09.09.2016, 20:20:39
thanks for the ears protection boxes!
though you need either more of them or officially assign some staff to take care of them before musical event because one box wasnt enought at the first event (the FursuitFriendlyDance) and it was totally lacking during the BigBlueDance
just in case you are wondering where 2 of the boxes appeared from, I brought them (same brand as the one you had)
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Suicune on 10.09.2016, 00:19:56
Ah, what just came to my mind: It was once again a little bit annoying for the people I met that there are no country flags on the badges
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Fafnir Kristensen on 10.09.2016, 00:24:02
Quote from: Suicune on 10.09.2016, 00:19:56
Ah, what just came to my mind: It was once again a little bit annoying for the people I met that there are no country flags on the badges
why do you need the flag? the country name is written on it and people are more likely to recognize the name of the country rather than the flag
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Suicune on 10.09.2016, 04:47:40
Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 10.09.2016, 00:24:02
why do you need the flag? the country name is written on it and people are more likely to recognize the name of the country rather than the flag

It's enough if people recognize the most common ones and know what language they can/have to use to talk to you. And it's much easier to have a look at a tiny flag than a tiny writing. 2nd one often requires a closer look while the flag colors can be seen from some distance. And if you run around without glasses in your fursuit like I do, reading smaller stuff is a challenge.
I had it happen quite often that people would pick up my badge first or right after they said "Hi" to see what language I speak before they actually say something else. And yes, I also try to have a look at someone elses badge first before I say something, but I don't touch their stuff since I don't like it myself. It's mostly a german thing I guess, but that's no surprise.
Could also offer them as stickers.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Fineas on 11.09.2016, 15:52:05
Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 10.09.2016, 00:24:02
Quote from: Suicune on 10.09.2016, 00:19:56
Ah, what just came to my mind: It was once again a little bit annoying for the people I met that there are no country flags on the badges
why do you need the flag? the country name is written on it and people are more likely to recognize the name of the country rather than the flag

I speak 3 languages. And I'm fine speaking any of them.
So I kind of see a point there my country does not say a lot.
From a service standpoint we have introduced these pins as an option so we can be of better service (see attachements)

Maybe if someone has the stomach for it, they can organize a similar solution for attendees.
These you could re-use on any convention really.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Wawik on 11.09.2016, 17:15:38
Quote from: Suicune on 10.09.2016, 04:47:40
It's enough if people recognize the most common ones and know what language they can/have to use to talk to you.


Now what?
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Cheetah on 11.09.2016, 17:43:27
Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 09.09.2016, 20:20:39
thanks for the ears protection boxes!
though you need either more of them or officially assign some staff to take care of them before musical event because one box wasnt enought at the first event (the FursuitFriendlyDance) and it was totally lacking during the BigBlueDance
just in case you are wondering where 2 of the boxes appeared from, I brought them (same brand as the one you had)

That was very well meaning, and it was very nice of you that you provided the extra two boxes. However, if you did not give them to con ops, but instead put them up yourselves, that will mess up the resource calculation of con ops, who might think their own boxes were more than enough, and bring the same (too small) amount next year :) So please let them know in case they don't read along here :)
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Cheetah on 11.09.2016, 17:46:22
Quote from: Schakaline on 11.09.2016, 17:15:38
Quote from: Suicune on 10.09.2016, 04:47:40
It's enough if people recognize the most common ones and know what language they can/have to use to talk to you.


Now what?

This will give you a 1:5 chance they will speak either Romansh, German, French, Italian or Dutch in various funny dialects :)
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Fineas on 11.09.2016, 18:43:04
Quote from: Cheetah on 11.09.2016, 17:46:22
Quote from: Schakaline on 11.09.2016, 17:15:38
Quote from: Suicune on 10.09.2016, 04:47:40
It's enough if people recognize the most common ones and know what language they can/have to use to talk to you.

[Swiss and Belgium flag]

Now what?

This will give you a 1:5 chance they will speak either Romansh, German, French, Italian or Dutch in various funny dialects :)
Well I guess you only use flags of a country that have a single official language.
Or if a language is only spoken in a country that has multiple official languages just roll with it?

If everyone that attends at least speaks English you negate the whole issue together, but it takes so much time to just learn one.
Always something to be desired for I guess...
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: StormEngineer on 11.09.2016, 22:18:02
My problem is that I still don't know who/what pieces got the Art Show awards... I missed the auction, and this information was never again disclosed in any way or through any channel - which by the way I find extremely disappointing. As a participating artist myself, I really want to know who got the awards, but I can't be everywhere in the same time... :/ It should have really be in the Daily Eurofurence, but the single information there was the highest amount an artwork sold for. Nothing about the awards.

EDIT: Oh and I just got a lengthy email from Cairyn, promising to give artists feedback and stats about the Art Show - and it still didn't even mention the existence of the awards.

So, can someone finally reveal this top-secret info to me?
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Giovanni Magnus on 12.09.2016, 14:41:11
Can't complain about much, it was an amazing convention from start to finish. The addition of the Eurofurence app was brilliant, it made adding events to my schedule a whole lot easier.

Maybe next year, it would be handy to have a menu on the app, listing local dining choices or the restaurants at the hotel.

Although, one thing that I might have to say was how all the furniture and stuff was being dismantled in the registration atrium on the Sunday, whilst my friends and I were still using it. I'm sure there is a schedule you guys have to adhere to, but it would have been nice to not have the sofas taken from us whilst we were still using them; they're may not be events on the Sunday, but it did feel like we were being thrown out.

And once again, kudos to the hotel staff, always as friendly as ever, particularly since I am forever misplacing my phrasebook, and they go that extra mile to speak English for me (it always makes me feel awkward when I struggle to speak German, because nothing makes you stand out or look uncultured than when you struggle with the language).
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: CubOCoffee on 12.09.2016, 19:40:05
Concerning the language, I don't think there is a real problem. Almost everyone I met spoke english very well.
If ones english is insufficient, one can always use paws, feet, tails, etc..

On a different subject: I move, that Eurofurence introduces its own currency.

I saw one attendee trying to pay with a Goldtaler, which is the accepted currency of the "Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum". (Yes, we go there too ;D, but not as Skunks)
Granted, this may be a bigger event, but maybe all the big Furry-Cons can devise a universal currency.
Fur-Dollars could be a nice collectible and Furries would be recognized as the nerds they are :D.
The name of the currency could of course be different.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Fafnir Kristensen on 12.09.2016, 19:51:08
Quote from: Fineas on 11.09.2016, 18:43:04
Quote from: Cheetah on 11.09.2016, 17:46:22
Quote from: Schakaline on 11.09.2016, 17:15:38
Quote from: Suicune on 10.09.2016, 04:47:40
It's enough if people recognize the most common ones and know what language they can/have to use to talk to you.

[Swiss and Belgium flag]

Now what?

This will give you a 1:5 chance they will speak either Romansh, German, French, Italian or Dutch in various funny dialects :)
Well I guess you only use flags of a country that have a single official language.
Or if a language is only spoken in a country that has multiple official languages just roll with it?

If everyone that attends at least speaks English you negate the whole issue together, but it takes so much time to just learn one.
Always something to be desired for I guess...

so, more like "spoken language flag" and not "country flag", because as Cheetah said some country dont use only one language

or you can also get these badges :D
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Suicune on 12.09.2016, 20:33:39
Nice buttons :3
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Fafnir Kristensen on 12.09.2016, 20:43:46
Quote from: Cheetah on 11.09.2016, 17:43:27
That was very well meaning, and it was very nice of you that you provided the extra two boxes. However, if you did not give them to con ops, but instead put them up yourselves, that will mess up the resource calculation of con ops, who might think their own boxes were more than enough, and bring the same (too small) amount next year :) So please let them know in case they don't read along here :)
to be honest I did it wildly,
I was kinda annoyed last year because nobody at conop knew where the boxes were and it was only because of the awesome kindness of one of the soundstage guy and one security guy that one box (from the soundstage ) could have been made vailable to the attendee (for the first dance).
so I didnt want to lose as much time and energy bothering conop staff who have already a lot of work to do (hey I appreciate all the work they do!) so I decided to do it by myself, I must say I was quite happy this year to see someone had remembered that point and organized it, at least partially.
but you are right, it would be better to coordinate effort and I should have taken the time to speak with conop.

so, if anyone from conop read this, how many boxes did you buy and how many were used ?
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: meo on 12.09.2016, 22:16:52
Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 12.09.2016, 19:51:08
or you can also get these badges :D

may one ask if you made them yourself or where we can get them? I kinda like the idea and the design.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Alpha_Ki on 12.09.2016, 23:29:59
Quote from: meo on 12.09.2016, 22:16:52
Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 12.09.2016, 19:51:08
or you can also get these badges :D

may one ask if you made them yourself or where we can get them? I kinda like the idea and the design.

Thank you!  :D
You can get these buttons at my table in the Dealers' Den. I do have these also as canine, feline, horse and fox with the most spoken language flags.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Fineas on 13.09.2016, 09:22:07
Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 12.09.2016, 20:43:46, if anyone from conop read this, how many boxes did you buy and how many were used ?
Hmmm, no official statement however,
at the start of the convention I spotted 3 boxes in the ConOps office and placed 1 box to a table near the main stage entrance (in the middle of the day before any dance events).

On Friday (if I recall correctly) these boxes where no longer in the ConOps office,
there was at least half a box of the things before the 80's Dance at around 21:00
when I came back later at 22:30 the box was empty.

It is my firm believe you can not have enough of them,
I do have the feeling that people might tend to treat these as disposable (which they are),
but if you throw them out when you leave and get new ones an hour later you are looking at some hefty numbers of ear buds we have to provide to saturate that demand.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Fineas on 13.09.2016, 10:04:15
Quote from: Alpha_Ki on 12.09.2016, 23:29:59
Quote from: meo on 12.09.2016, 22:16:52
Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 12.09.2016, 19:51:08
or you can also get these badges :D

may one ask if you made them yourself or where we can get them? I kinda like the idea and the design.

Thank you!  :D
You can get these buttons at my table in the Dealers' Den. I do have these also as canine, feline, horse and fox with the most spoken language flags.
Oh I must have overlooked those. These are quite cool. Well done.
Ill direct any one asking about language buttons to your table next year :-3
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Fafnir Kristensen on 13.09.2016, 11:44:26
Quote from: Fineas on 13.09.2016, 09:22:07
Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 12.09.2016, 20:43:46, if anyone from conop read this, how many boxes did you buy and how many were used ?
Hmmm, no official statement however,
at the start of the convention I spotted 3 boxes in the ConOps office and placed 1 box to a table near the main stage entrance (in the middle of the day before any dance events).

On Friday (if I recall correctly) these boxes where no longer in the ConOps office,
there was at least half a box of the things before the 80's Dance at around 21:00
when I came back later at 22:30 the box was empty.

It is my firm believe you can not have enough of them,
I do have the feeling that people might tend to treat these as disposable (which they are),
but if you throw them out when you leave and get new ones an hour later you are looking at some hefty numbers of ear buds we have to provide to saturate that demand.

yeah, thats why I also taped a sheet of paper near the box saying something along "please try to keep your protections for the other event of the week" in english, german and french. though someone removed the table and the paper the last day before the bigbluedance, no idea why
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: silverfoxwolf on 14.09.2016, 16:59:27
Could there be some printed maps posted around next year? The electronic signs are good for finding some rooms, it would be much easier though whilst suiting to just walk up to a map and locate where to go.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Zefiro on 14.09.2016, 17:44:35
Quote from: silverfoxwolf on 14.09.2016, 16:59:27Could there be some printed maps posted around next year?
I printed three big (A0) posters with the hotel map, and gave them to conops. I thought they were put up somewhere, though admitedly I didn't check myself anymore.

Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Runo on 17.09.2016, 08:25:15
Quote from: Giovanni Magnus on 12.09.2016, 14:41:11
Although, one thing that I might have to say was how all the furniture and stuff was being dismantled in the registration atrium on the Sunday, whilst my friends and I were still using it. I'm sure there is a schedule you guys have to adhere to, but it would have been nice to not have the sofas taken from us whilst we were still using them; they're may not be events on the Sunday, but it did feel like we were being thrown out.

Well, if you manage to convince all staffer's (real life) employers to give them an extra vacation day and pay an extra night at the hotel for them, I'm sure they'll be happy to move the con teardown one day back. Otherwise there's just a tight schedule to be kept, and order in which things are torn down and put both into the trucks that move them to storage or back to the companies ef rented them from, and an order in which they must be put into storage... so to keep the current schedule, as inconvincing as it might be, Sunday will already be teardown day, and that means Eurofurence's furniture additions as well.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: StormEngineer on 21.09.2016, 17:28:51
Still no info about the Art Show awards. Seems like finding Jimmy Hoffa will be easier than finding out who got those awards.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Cairyn on 25.09.2016, 22:06:27
Art Show Awards:

Guest of Honor: Rivalmit, "Fire Bird: Phoenix"
(no single image online, but here are some group pictures; the piece in question is the yellow-rimmed orange bird in the middle) ( (

Chairman: Rivalmit, "Akulatraxas Dragon Companion" ( ( ( ( (

Art Show Manager 1: Ragna, "Void Dragon" (

Art Show Manager 2: Winterbalg, "Eternal Companions"
(no image online)
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Akulatraxas on 27.09.2016, 14:44:22
@Cairyn: I think Ysegrim might have pictures including the awards?

I can help with a turnaround of the phoenix:

A turnaround of the Dragon

Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Cairyn on 27.09.2016, 15:24:47
Quote from: Akulatraxas on 27.09.2016, 14:44:22
@Cairyn: I think Ysegrim might have pictures including the awards?

Yes (partially), but we cannot just make photos of other people's art and then publish it without permission.

Starting next year, we will ensure that the Art Show Rules include obtaining the rights for such images automatically, so we can publish the photos in the Daily Eurofurence and on the EF web site.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: ysegrim on 27.09.2016, 16:16:37
Quote from: Cairyn on 27.09.2016, 15:24:47
Quote from: Akulatraxas on 27.09.2016, 14:44:22
@Cairyn: I think Ysegrim might have pictures including the awards?

Yes (partially), but we cannot just make photos of other people's art and then publish it without permission.

I do not keep any photos of items from the art auction (with the exception of items that were either displayed in the public area outside Art Show/DDen, like the banners/standees/... from the charity auction, or from items my partner or I bought). In other words, when EF is over I don't have any pictures that any other con attendee would be allowed to have. This said, since I bought "Eternal Companions", I can ask Winterbalg whether I can make that picture available. Can't do anything for the other items, though.

Starting next year, we will ensure that the Art Show Rules include obtaining the rights for such images automatically, so we can publish the photos in the Daily Eurofurence and on the EF web site.

Great! (I assume, for now, that this will only be for awarded pieces, and that I'll hand over these pictures to the Art Show management during EF.)
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Akulatraxas on 27.09.2016, 16:22:46
Quote from: Cairyn on 27.09.2016, 15:24:47
Starting next year, we will ensure that the Art Show Rules include obtaining the rights for such images automatically, so we can publish the photos in the Daily Eurofurence and on the EF web site.

Nice! :)

Quote from: ysegrim on 27.09.2016, 16:16:37
In other words, when EF is over I don't have any pictures that any other con attendee would be allowed to have. This said, since I bought "Eternal Companions", I can ask Winterbalg whether I can make that picture available. Can't do anything for the other items, though.

I can give you the permission for the sculptures, if you need them.

And I can ask Ragna if you want :)
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: ysegrim on 27.09.2016, 21:50:44
Quote from: Akulatraxas on 27.09.2016, 16:22:46
I can give you the permission for the sculptures, if you need them.
And I can ask Ragna if you want :)
Sorry, I don't have these pictures any longer :)

I just got the permission from Winterbalg to post her pic -- she will provide a better version as soon as she's back.
Title: Re: Feedback 2016
Post by: Cairyn on 27.09.2016, 22:32:53
I still have the pictures - "Void Dragon" is missing though, so no "award picture" exists.