The Eurofurence Forum

Eurofurence Community => Special Interests => Fursuiters Forum => Topic started by: Cheetah on 29.09.2007, 13:26:06

Title: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Cheetah on 29.09.2007, 13:26:06
So ... what are your favourites? :) (
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Eisfuchs on 29.09.2007, 15:20:46
I'm biased, so I will refrain from commenting ;)
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Wawik on 29.09.2007, 21:49:52
Quote from: Cheetah on 29.09.2007, 13:26:06
So ... what are your favourites? :)


"What the hell am I doing here?  :o"
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: MrPaddy on 01.10.2007, 01:52:44


"What do you mean you don't want me to meet your parents?"
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Lokosicek on 07.10.2007, 21:52:38



A KAT!!! in a coat! :)
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: K9Primate on 07.10.2007, 23:35:02
It's really hard to point at any particular favorite, because they're all adorable in their own right.

wanna play?
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: gwyndolium on 08.10.2007, 07:29:39
Don't look at the TV!!


Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Okami on 22.10.2007, 00:35:55


Tired of being powerful.
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Cookie on 16.01.2008, 16:56:11
For the photoshoot this year, please indicate clearly WHERE you have to give your name to be registered for the photoshoot!..

It will avoid some disappointment such as mine last year when after waiting for 25 minutes in the photoshoot room, i had to rush to toilet (leaving my head on a chair to indicate i was there) only to come back and learn that it was "too late" for the photoshoot...

Thanks guys!!
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Thalian on 16.01.2008, 18:50:20
Hello, everybody.

I guess I should answer to this one, to explain a few details.

Quote from: Cookie on 16.01.2008, 16:56:11
For the photoshoot this year, please indicate clearly WHERE you have to give your name to be registered for the photoshoot!..

Well, to be honest: We had people of the gopher crew directly behind the door, herding the fursuiters into a straight line and managing everything for us. It was not so hard to find out that these guys were the ones who had to be asked - Sorry, but everyone else managed to do so.

I WILL admit that we could have organized it better, if we had a list with defined timeslots for every interested suiter. This was the second time we offered a shooting on a big con, and we learned something new, as every time. This year, there will be a list, which will be filled BEFORE the shooting.

QuoteIt will avoid some disappointment such as mine last year when after waiting for 25 minutes in the photoshoot room, i had to rush to toilet (leaving my head on a chair to indicate i was there) only to come back and learn that it was "too late" for the photoshoot...
Thanks guys!!

Indeed, yes...It WAS too late. We had a deadline this evening, because the big evening event was about to start, which we also wanted to attend. In fact, we were already running late and just in time managed to get there.

You are not going to blame us for also wanting to have some fun and entertainment ourselves during this convention, are you? We can't have the studio open 24/7 during the convention - It's simply not possible.

Anyway, as i said before: This year, things will be a little different anyway - Not only the planning of the timetable :-)

See you in Suhl - Thalian
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Zefiro on 17.01.2008, 02:23:35
Quote from: Thalian on 16.01.2008, 18:50:20
We can't have the studio open 24/7 during the convention - It's simply not possible.

Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Tekumseh on 17.01.2008, 11:26:37
Zef - you have one of those?
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Zefiro on 17.01.2008, 13:31:27
Quote from: Tekumseh on 17.01.2008, 11:26:37
Zef - you have one of those?
No, and I don't think we need one. The choice to be made would be "have it open 24/7" or "have the highest quality standards from our Photosmith and team" - I don't really believe such a box would be choosen in this case ;)

Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Shivon on 19.01.2008, 22:17:08
Even though with the list, I am sure it will be filled within no-time. That means that every fursuiter who wants to do the Photoshoot, and comes 5 minutes too late for the sign up, gets screwed. More or less like the EF registration this year. If your not there within a few hours of the opening, your chances of even attending EF14 are rather slim.
Same goes for the photoshoot I think.

If your going to maintain the same hours of photoshooting like last year, all I can recommend is giving EVERY fursuiter the EXACT amount of time for their photoshoot, and not a minute longer! I don't care who it is :P. But you must try and get as much fursuiters on the photoshoot as possible.

Ooooohhh noesss!! Shay burned my balls!! Cody is no longer a male :D ;D.
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Runo on 20.01.2008, 02:55:57
Quote from: SilverLuna on 19.01.2008, 22:17:08
Even though with the list, I am sure it will be filled within no-time. That means that every fursuiter who wants to do the Photoshoot, and comes 5 minutes too late for the sign up, gets screwed. More or less like the EF registration this year. If your not there within a few hours of the opening, your chances of even attending EF14 are rather slim.
Same goes for the photoshoot I think.

If your going to maintain the same hours of photoshooting like last year, all I can recommend is giving EVERY fursuiter the EXACT amount of time for their photoshoot, and not a minute longer! I don't care who it is :P. But you must try and get as much fursuiters on the photoshoot as possible.

Whao, hold your horses... nothing's decided yet about who'll be able to attend and who will not. So the chances are not sooo slim, even moreso considering some will cancel their registrations until august. And with staff checking out every possible solution, I'm sure more or less everyone who wants to will get a chance to attend.

And about the photoshoot: I think the most important thing will be for the crew and the 'models' to have fun and get in the right mood – better good photos, though latecomers don't get photographed, than bad photos of everyone...

Keep them motivated! Thalian's crew really do hell of a job there, and they do it for free. I wouldn't want to scare them away.

Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Nekotorisha on 20.01.2008, 03:20:07
are you kidding. thalian makes the BEST photo's ever. just get your fuzzy butt in there soon enough if you want a photo.
if your too late it's your own dumb fault. and think about this for a second. he's standing there all day long making photo's. while you have fun all the time and get boozed up. therefore, respect for thalian and the crew.
i'll see you coming EF in your lens. keep up the good work

Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Cookie on 20.01.2008, 16:04:02
Quote from: Thalian on 16.01.2008, 18:50:20
We had people of the gopher crew directly behind the door, herding the fursuiters into a straight line and managing everything for us.

There was absolutly no one when i arrived.. only a bunch of suiters sitting on some chairs, placed against a wall.
I sat there about 25 minutes, waiting until i really had to run to toilets...

Maybe (probably) there were stuff said aloud...i don't speak german (shame on me- with a german boyfriend), and my hearing is not that keen in my suit :)
Maybe i didn't see the person.. (my viewing is not that good either, in suit)
Maybe i was distracted...

I'm not blaming anyone... That was not my intent! Sorry if it looked like that..

Just make things really clear this year, so even the dumbest fursuiters (like me) can understand what to do and when...:)
(especially as i'll be busy half of the time selling stuff in both the art show and the dealer's den, like i was last year!)

Thanks and keep the good work!!

(and just for info, i never get "boozed up")
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: greskil on 10.03.2008, 19:23:55
Im hoping to have my full fursona suit by this year and it will only be my second time at EF so i'd love to be at the photoshoot. I was thinking about it last year as i took one of my own paw made suits with me but i kinda missed out not knowing much about it and also being pretty busy while over there so its a lot my fault i missed out.

Anyone have any info on the photoshoot and how to go about sorting out for it please? Thank you very much in advance
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: shirikdraguinea on 10.03.2008, 19:50:39
Last year I was lucky and got to be the first person in *POSE! :P* this year I know I may not be so lucky, especially as I have two suits to use - depending on the number of suiters though I may just get Shirik photographed and make do with random snapshots people take of my other suit ^^
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Cookie on 13.03.2008, 20:55:38
That would be neat if fursuiters that already got a pro photoshoot (or several) of their fursuit done at EF would let the others (who don't have it yet, for different reasons) have a try at it first..
(Except of they changed a major thing on it, of course)

I know it's swell to take pics, but it would be more "fair", as i understood that there would be SCORES of fursuiters this year....?

Would give a chance to everybody to get their pic taken this time?

(Ok, now you can throw stones at me again... but it's what i think)...
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Suran on 14.03.2008, 18:19:09
Setting up and maintaining a priority-queue in front of the photo-shoot-room?
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: MOW on 14.03.2008, 23:39:37

Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Kamuniak on 30.03.2008, 15:50:32
What if furries would just be so nice to each other, that those who have been in many photoshoots already, let those who haven't been in any, go before them? :)
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Cookie on 30.03.2008, 22:08:02
That's what i was going to suggest... :)

People know if they had many photoshoots already..."famous" fursuiters are well known, after all.. I even saw figurines of them....

Yes, be nice :)
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Colifox/Rizzorat on 01.04.2008, 01:06:40
Quote from: Kamuniak on 30.03.2008, 15:50:32
What if furries would just be so nice to each other, that those who have been in many photoshoots already, let those who haven't been in any, go before them? :)

It would be very hard to convince many of the 'famous' furries to do this, as by rights, I guess they are as entitled to have their pics taken as anyone else.  But yes, this certainly would be nice if certain more 'popular' suiters gave their places up to those that have never had pics taken.  Its never surprising to look through the shoot pics and see scores and scores of photos of those suits.  Last year, we got turned away because there wasnt enough time, which was hugely disappointing.  As much as I appreciate the fact it is a free service, there were some people that were completely hogging up the time.  Hopefully this year, I might get lucky :)  Ive brought my tent to set up queue first, thats one thing Brits are good at! queuing!
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Nightfox on 05.04.2008, 10:49:09
It was not easier for "famous fursuiters" (i find that stupid anyway) to get a slot.
So i don't see a reason why anyone should abstain his place.
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Edelweiss on 27.07.2008, 15:16:05
What about adding an un-official fursuit photoshooting?

Assuming we find some quiet place inside (or close around) the hotel with an not-too-bad background i would offer to make some photos of fursuiters alone or in small groups, possibly some low quality videoclips as well.

I am in no way someone who could make professional photos, for this we have the official photoshooting, but in difference to this i could take a bit more time and funny action.
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Dhary Montecore on 27.07.2008, 19:32:41
Quote from: Edelweiss on 27.07.2008, 15:16:05
What about adding an un-official fursuit photoshooting?

Assuming we find some quiet place inside (or close around) the hotel with an not-too-bad background i would offer to make some photos of fursuiters alone or in small groups, possibly some low quality videoclips as well.

I am in no way someone who could make professional photos, for this we have the official photoshooting, but in difference to this i could take a bit more time and funny action.

I don't think I have to say anything to this for the suiters that attended the Fursuit Photoshooting at EF at least once. There is absolutely no need for such an event. If you want to take photos of fursuiters - do it but the whole Photoshooting-team worked hard for months to offer as much timeslots as possible and to satisfy every need of the suiters.

Why do a "unoffical photoshoot"? Fursuiters can get photographed professional and (i'm sure every suiter who attended the Photoshooting of Thalian would subscribe) have a fun time doing it. Plus some of us have worked many month to think of, develop and create a whole new way of queue management so we can offer our service to even more suiters and with even more convenience.

No offense, but there's no need at all to add a second photoshooting. That, of course, doesn't mean you can photograph as you like :)

Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Suran on 27.07.2008, 20:31:14
Care to share any details about the improvements you talked about?
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: K9Primate on 27.07.2008, 20:37:13
Quote from: Edelweiss on 27.07.2008, 15:16:05
What about adding an un-official fursuit photoshooting?

Actually this has been done more or less in previous years, meaning indeed people taking pictures of the fursuiters.
This all over the convention with varying results, but they usually do capture the mood pretty well.
Personally I really enjoy taking pictures, despite most of them are rather mediocre or downright crap. :P
But it serves as a memory of all the fun we had, at least I suppose that's the point, so keep it up.
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Dhary Montecore on 27.07.2008, 20:49:55
Quote from: K9Primate on 27.07.2008, 20:37:13

Actually this has been done more or less in previous years, meaning indeed people taking pictures of the fursuiters.
This all over the convention with varying results, but they usually do capture the mood pretty well.
Personally I really enjoy taking pictures, despite most of them are rather mediocre or downright crap. :P
But it serves as a memory of all the fun we had, at least I suppose that's the point, so keep it up.

Ayep! Nobody's talking about photos taken during the con :) We were talking about a event of its own. Something like (correct me if I got this wrong) a Fursuit Photoshooting done the unprofessional way but as a full and announced event.

Quote from: Suran on 27.07.2008, 20:31:14
Care to share any details about the improvements you talked about?

I'm sorry but no. There will be brief information for fursuiters what they gotta do to join the photoshooting a week or two prior to the convention. But since not everything has been finally sorted out yet I can't provide further information to the new system. At least not without consultation of my team leader. Thanks for your understanding :)
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Thalian on 27.07.2008, 21:47:29
Quote from: Dhary Montecore on 27.07.2008, 20:49:55
Ayep! Nobody's talking about photos taken during the con :) We were talking about a event of its own. Something like (correct me if I got this wrong) a Fursuit Photoshooting done the unprofessional way but as a full and announced event.
I think you got that a little wrong - He was talking about an "unofficial shooting", meaning that people who are interested can meet in a private place and Edelweiss would offer to take photos. This is no official part of the timetable, and I see no problem with this. In fact, I am pretty sure that this has happened all the time on EF in the last year: People meeting to take some photos of each other :)

So, I do not see any problem here, because it doesn't hurt our own event, and after all, nobody pays for the shooting anyway, so it's not even possible to steal customers from us ;)

Best regards - Thalian (who just came back from working on some of the improvements *g*)
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Dhary Montecore on 27.07.2008, 22:22:06
Quote from: Thalian on 27.07.2008, 21:47:29
I think you got that a little wrong - He was talking about an "unofficial shooting", meaning that people who are interested can meet in a private place and Edelweiss would offer to take photos. This is no official part of the timetable, and I see no problem with this.

Hmm.. I got stuck at "adding" and I didn't see why someone should ask such a question for something thats done every year :) But you're probably right and I got it wrong :)
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Avalanche on 17.08.2008, 17:00:31

But I am biased :P
Title: Re: Fursuit Photoshoot Discussion :)
Post by: Lokosicek on 20.08.2008, 04:54:45
Quote from: Avalanche on 17.08.2008, 17:00:31

But I am biased :P

YAY! You two are so cute ^^ See you soon at EF again :)