Greetings fellow furballs!
My name is Sfynx, I'm 26 years old and i reside in Leiden, the Netherlands. My fursona is a snow leopard that shares his body with a two-tailed kitsune spirit. This will be my first time attending EF, or any con for that matter. I've been a furry for I think at least five years now, but most of that time was spend in lurker mode. Therefore apart from one fur that I already knew and my brother, I don't really know any furs. Time to make some new friends!
I have a reserved personality and I can be quite shy when it comes to making contact with people I don't know yet. Although sometimes the fox comes out to play. :3
hi Sfynx.
well you have choosen the perfect con to start with, EF was my first con too.
if you want to get a new danish friend give me a shout.
you can find me on twitter as @gummi_bjorn or on skype as tim_sejr
or if you wait until the con then take a look in the lobby bar, look for a black hat with a fat dude under it.
come say hi, i am a friendly bear and dont bite (unless asked)
i have other furry friends from the netherlands, but i can allways use one more.
hugs from the danish gummybear.