Hey guys,
I'm looking for a few furs who want to play some evergreens from the 80's at EF22.
I was thinking of songs like Venus from Bananarama and The Riddle by Nik Kershaw and such.
I am looking for drummer, vocals and guitars/bass.
I myself play guitar and bass. And I can switch easily between them if needed.
Any question? Shoot me a PM :)
Greetings from Germany
Kris Husky
I could do vocals and/or "simple" drums.
I could do keyboards, bass and vocals. If we do the concert on the open stage, all my equipment will be there anyway :)
Das wäre echt super ^^
@Eisfuchs: Vocals hast du schonmal. Ich habe dich auf den letzten beiden EFs gehört :)
@Jumpy: Also brauchen wir nur die Instrumente. Keyboard ist natürlich super^^
I will have my E-Deumkit with me and my Microphone. If we could find a *real* drummer, that would be much preferred, of course. I talked to Aiwendil on MMC and he might be able to join us as a Drummer, depending on the time slot we get.
Would be cool if get a real drummer. I can talk to some friends of mine too.
Quote from: Kris Husky on 16.05.2016, 21:28:18
Das wäre echt super ^^
@Eisfuchs: Vocals hast du schonmal. Ich habe dich auf den letzten beiden EFs gehört :)
@Jumpy: Also brauchen wir nur die Instrumente. Keyboard ist natürlich super^^
was ich sowieso dabei haben werde:
masterkeyboard und synthi
egitarre mit line6 vamp
5saiter bass mit vamp
16 kanal mischpult
3 dyn mikrophone
auf Wunsch auch noch
Für die synthiprogrammierung wäre es sehr gut, frühzeitig eine setliste zu haben.
I will bring:
- 1 condenser vocalist microphone
- 6 string western guitar with pickup
- 24 track digital recorder
- electronic drumkit
cool. I'm bringing my e-guitar and my 4-string. also the amps. I can bring two stage mics.
Awesome. Please register the event with Programming, so it will have a place in the schedule.
My question before I proceed the program booking: Is it ok, if I put your names in the "Additional Host" line ?
Fine with me.
Sure, fine with me.
is wednesday or thursday ok?
No events on wednesday, but Thursday is fine with me.
Ok, let's try Thursday. I assume the Karaoke show will be later on Thursday evening, so the slot will probably be somewhere in the late afternoon.
Alright. Aku is sceduling the event.
Now we should pick the songs we want to play.
I got a few that totally fit:
- Kiss: I was made for lovin' you
- Pat Benater: Hit me with your best shot
- Nik Kershaw: The Riddle
- Genesis: Invisible Touch
- Bryan Adamy: Summer of 69
I hope, it's not to late, but I really would like to join this event :-)
I could do vocals, keyboard and bluesharp.
If Jumpy could bring his accordion to the Eurofurence, I also can play this instrument.
I would be very glad, if there's still place to join one or two songs :-)
How about:
Prince - Purple Rain
A-ha - Take on me
Quote from: Vakur on 01.06.2016, 21:15:50
I hope, it's not to late, but I really would like to join this event :-)
I could do vocals, keyboard and bluesharp.
If Jumpy could bring his accordion to the Eurofurence, I also can play this instrument.
I would be very glad, if there's still place to join one or two songs :-)
Of course you can join :3
an Kris: I'm glad to hear that :D
About the songs - I'm fine with the songs Kris already posted (The Riddle and I was made for loving you - good choice!). I just missing some typical 80's keyboardbased songs.
So I'm also for Aha - Take on me :-) (But Puple Rain is also a good song)
Two ideas from myself:
1. Eye of the tiger? Just to have one song with furry content^^
2. We'vo got three vocals and one bass until know - maybe we could try For The Longest time from Billy Joel? :)
Funny you should mention the longest time.
I happen to have sheet music for that one plus practice mp3s. We'll have to try how good it sounds.
Other suggestions:
- ELO Hold on Tight to your Dreams
- GnR Sweet Child o'Mine
- I'm gonna hate myself for having to practice it on the bass, but: MJ Billie Jean
Should we try to schedule a practice weekend? We could do it at my place in Berlin. Our Garage has lots of space, our neighbors aren't too finicky about noise and we have lots of space, not to mention a bunch of instruments sitting around. If response is generally positive, I'll post a doodle with the available weekends.
Sorry for the late answer, I'm moving at the moment to a new flat.
ELO, Guns 'n Roses, Michael Jackson... also very good ideas :-)
Maybe we give a limit, how many songs we would like to play? Then we could choose some titels, after everyone posted his favorites.
About the practice weekend, I find this is a good idea. For me Berlin is fine and I' ve got after June a lot of free weekends :-)
Otherwise we really had to practice at the Eurofurence befor we enter the Open Stage.
A practice weekend would be good.
Berlin is about 450 km from me. (living near Paderborn)
Maybe three or four days should work.
I've PM'ed you a link to a doodle. Please fill in your dates as soon as possible.
Practice weekends would start on Friday evening and run into Sunday afternoon.
With the virtual drum kit, let me propose that we should not be using actual guitar/bass amps for either the rehearsal or the concert (too loud), instead we can all go through a regular PA setup (available). 3-4 VAmps, both software (Guitar Rig) and standalone (Line 6, Bass-V) are available here.
If the Savannah Revolution rehearsals are any indication, we'll be playing well into the early (and not so early) morning, so the neighbors will thank us, and we do want to hear each other.
I have a 4-channel headphone amp, in case we want to do in-ear monitoring like we did a few years ago.
Termin für das Probenwochenende steht fest:
Freitag 29.07. abend bis Sonntag, 31.07. nachmittag
Anreise am Freitag ist möglich ab 18:00 Uhr bis open end
Abreise am Sonntag spätestens 20:00 Uhr
Adressinfo schicke ich Euch per PM.
Vielen Dank an Kris Husky, der diesen Termin "trotzdem" möglich gemacht hat.
We should get to work on our set list and decide who will play which instrument on what songs.
Billie Jean:
I've prepared a lead sheet for "Billie Jean" and uploaded it.
On that one, I'd like to take the bass, but unfortunately that means I won't be able to sing second voice.
Kris, you okay with doing guitar? Lots of funny muted guitar :)
Vakur, keyboards? I can provide pretty good sounds (close anyway) on my Roland XV1080, have a rough setup already.
The Longest Time:
I'm actually not sure if we can pull this off. It has a few too many voices and leaving any out will sound bad. I can take either of the three background voices although the highest won't sound so good.
How experienced are you guys as singers? What's your voice range?
If we do it at all, I think I should be singing, not playing bass, so that would leave Kris with the bass.
The other songs
Could you upload them please? I haven't even heard some of them, and there isn't terribly much time left to practice for me.
Also, I won't have time to prepare lead sheets for everything. Going to do Sweet Child of Mine, Invisible Touch, then Hold on Tight to your Dreams next. On all those I'd suggest this setup:
Eisfuchs - Lead Vocals, Drums
Kris - Guitar
Vakur - Keyboards
me - bass
other stuff
Vakur told me he can only arrive at the rehearsal on Saturday, but I'm suggesting that we others start on Friday evening anyway - more time to practice together and we'll definitely need to get some feel for playing together.
Oh! Another song that we might do.
"Was soll das" by Grönemeyer. Hey, it was even in the U.S. charts, and it's from 1988.
Got another famous song:
Moskau by Dschingis Khan. They were internationally active in the 70's and 80's. And still are today. Easy song.
Am trying my best to get sweet child o'mine right on guitar. (f*** you, slash, you bastard...).
"Hit me with your best shot"... the solo is almost killing my fingers. Gotta see if I can make that one work.
"I was made for loving you"... Only hard part is the solo as well. But I think I can work that one out.
The Riddle works good. working on Invisible Touch as well. Glad it has no hard patterns. Purple rain has some mean parts. practicing on them.
Summer of 69 works fine.
Haven't started on "Hold on Tight" yet, but will do this week.
We got the stage from 5pm to 7pm fixed.
Sounds good!
Quote from: Kris Husky on 05.07.2016, 23:35:36
working on Invisible Touch as well. Glad it has no hard patterns.
Are we doing this one in Eb like they do on the live version recording I uploaded or in F (original key on CD when it came out)? It might be a little easier on Eisfuch's voice if we do Eb.
Could you all please upload the missing songs to the hidrive so we all have the same versions?
So far the hidrive has sheets and recordings for
- Billie Jean in F#m
- Eye of the Tiger in Cm
- Longest Time in Eb
- Was soll das in A
- Sweet Child of Mine in C#
I'm going to try and prepare a few more today. Okay, I'm done for the day.
Ok. Update before we try it:
Sweet Child o'mine, I was made for loving you and Hit Me With Your Best Shot aren't working :/
The other songs work fine. Only those three don't. *growl* I tried them a lot. But.. eh...
The Riddle, Invisible Touch, Eye of the Tiger, Billie Jean, Summer of 69, and Longest Time are good
Purple Rain, Take on me and Hold on Tight are still work in progress.
set list
eye of the tiger am
billie jean f#m
was soll das a > b
summer of 69 d
forever young c
take on me bm
i was made for lovin' you dm
hold on tight to your dream g
purple rain bb
hit me with your best shot e
invisible touch eb
1 gelbes Handtuch mit grünen Blumen
1 blauer Kugelschreiber, Aufdruck "www.bayern-takt.de"
Ich versuch dran zu denken, den Kram zu EF mitzubringen.
Tut mir Leid wegen der späten Rückmeldung - ich hätte hier wirklich noch einmal reinschauen sollen X)
Das gelbe Handtuch ist tatsächlich meines. Ich hatte es noch mal zum Trocknen aufgehängt und dann vergessen.
Wenn du das mitbringen könntest, wäre super^^°