I would say: Id was THUNDER!!!!! Yeah!!! :)
It was wonderful that I could be there with my Vinylis. Rather, it was an honor for me to be able to work together with you, gentleman.
And though it may be another 80's Dance are next year, I would be happy to be able to be back with my Vinylis with it.
I really liked the 80s dance. You and everyone who was organizing the event did a great job. The only wish I have would be that you should stick to 80s music. I remember that after some time the music was switched to 90s dance music for some time.
However, apart from that it was awesome and it is one event I already look forward to in the next year.
The 80s dance was THE party highlight for me this year! A BIG thanx to everybody who made this possible! I liked the variety of music styles from synthpop to hardrock.
For me this evening was not so much back to the 80s, it was more like back to EF12-15, where the dances gave me intense feelings of being together with a big family.
The only negative thing about the 80s dance was the lighting, the too dense fog at some time and the large space between the dance floor and the DJ desk.
It would surprise me greatly if there is no 80's dance next year xD
Quote from: Leophan on 25.08.2015, 21:56:31
It would surprise me greatly if there is no 80's dance next year xD
I know right? Considering the whole con is goin 80's xD
Maybe all dances will be 80's dances next year with one exception. :D
I hope that I return with my vinyl records to be there.
The Eighties dance was huge fun. Many were hoarse from singing along to all their favourite tunes.
And because the beats were not all that fast, it was both fursuiter- and greymuzzle-friendly ;) You could take break or take it slow every once in a while.
I also appreciated the volume: It was immersive, but not too loud to interact with your friends.
Quote from: Twillight on 25.08.2015, 13:18:55
It was wonderful that I could be there with my Vinylis. Rather, it was an honor for me to be able to work together with you, gentleman.
Thank you Twillight, it was both fun and honor, and really nice to bring that vinyl back to life!
I hope we get another shot next year, i'll sure be prepared ;)
Also personally, it was really nice to go back to the tunes I grew up with, with some Rock peppered-in, and on a sound system much better than the average 80s boom box ;)
Quote from: Luxen on 26.08.2015, 19:53:32
The Eighties dance was huge fun. Many were hoarse from singing along to all their favourite tunes.
And because the beats were not all that fast, it was both fursuiter- and greymuzzle-friendly ;) You could take break or take it slow every once in a while.
I also appreciated the volume: It was immersive, but not too loud to interact with your friends.
I appreciated the speed buildup (it got faster as the party went on, maybe started a bit too slow even, but it was good), and definitely appreciated the sound level too!
They should probably call it the 80s to 90s dance, but yeah I certainly enjoyed it!
Quote from: Kristofferson Silverfox on 25.08.2015, 19:21:23
I really liked the 80s dance. You and everyone who was organizing the event did a great job. The only wish I have would be that you should stick to 80s music. I remember that after some time the music was switched to 90s dance music for some time.
However, apart from that it was awesome and it is one event I already look forward to in the next year.
At one point I thought: "Too bad, they are not playing 80s anymore now. So I can go to bed as well." When I turned on EF Prime in my room, it was 80s again. So I returned to the dancefloor and ... the music hat changed again to 90s, 00s, 10s, whatever. (I can't distinguish between those.)
Well, I had a great night, anyway. ;D
Quote from: Langohr on 31.08.2015, 21:05:00
Quote from: Kristofferson Silverfox on 25.08.2015, 19:21:23
I really liked the 80s dance. You and everyone who was organizing the event did a great job. The only wish I have would be that you should stick to 80s music. I remember that after some time the music was switched to 90s dance music for some time.
However, apart from that it was awesome and it is one event I already look forward to in the next year.
At one point I thought: "Too bad, they are not playing 80s anymore now. So I can go to bed as well." When I turned on EF Prime in my room, it was 80s again. So I returned to the dancefloor and ... the music hat changed again to 90s, 00s, 10s, whatever. (I can't distinguish between those.)
Well, I had a great night, anyway. ;D
Fuzzy had the idea to play also music from the 90th He wanted it necessarily.
So we let him play his 90'th music.
And as we always alternated us, that came about, what you have heard.
I will actually apologise for playing the 90s stuff... The way we originally had planned it was, as I understood it, to be the same as last year... start off with early 80's tunes, then creep up through the years and nudge into the 90s towards the end of the evening.
Apparently that wasn't what people really wanted this year... and after playing a couple of 90s tracks I noticed this so didn't play any more (except for a couple of silly mashups of 80s tracks with some modern stuff... but that's still acceptable, right?) ;)
If the brief from the get-go would have been *only* 80's tracks _and nothing else_ then I would have stuck to that, of course.
Ah well... glad everyone had as much fun dancing as we did DJing ;)
The only bad stuff from my perspective were:
- Too much smoke at some points (I believe the smoke machine behind the DJs got stuck 'on' and had to be unplugged!)
- Low/no lighting at the beginning (the lighting crew apologised for this right from the get-go: the lighting rig had crashed and they had no controls at all and were rebuilding it all as the dance was in progress... which is why the lighting got better and better throughout the night)
- DJs standing too far from the dancefloor - we couldn't even see the dancefloor for the most part... I was shocked to see just how many people were dancing... only by looking at photos people have been uploading taken from the dancefloor...
Here's what we could see (a photo I took while DJing)
This photo was taken at 22:50 and (I am told) there were over 200 people on the dancefloor at the time... so... yeah...
- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no :)
We had to get them to cut the bass speaker every time we switched to vinyl, or else the head would just skitter around... Next time I suggest we have vinyl players on *solid* ground, or a floating surface.
So... not really much bad at all from my view... waaaay more funstuff than those few negative points :)
Big thanks to all involved, and also to everyone that turned up and danced!
So glad you all enjoyed the opening night of the con as much as we did :)
- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no
I'm replying because I talked to Garra while it was happening :) Placing the subwoofers in front of the stage or partly under the stage is pretty standard, and there is not really a different viable position for subwoofers. However, nobody really knew that turntables were going to be used. So the solution for next time is to thing of renting isolation mats:
Quote from: Cheetah on 01.09.2015, 17:40:06
- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no
I'm replying because I talked to Garra while it was happening :) Placing the subwoofers in front of the stage or partly under the stage is pretty standard, and there is not really a different viable position for subwoofers. However, nobody really knew that turntables were going to be used. So the solution for next time is to thing of renting isolation mats:
Gute Idee, Cheetah.
Bin gespannt wieviel Resonanzvibrationen diese Matten schlucken.
Ich scheine der einzigste zu sein, der Erfahrung mit Vinyl hat.
Mein Technics hat echt das meiste geschluckt, aber bei den Vibrationen des Bodens (unsere Füße wurden sehr stark Massiert ;) ) mußte auch er hart kämpfen, und wir mußten den Baß runter ziehen.
Man hätte mich mit meinen Vinyls, einfach neben der Bühne auf einen kleinen stabilen Extra-Tisch plazieren sollen, ich schätze dann hätten wir keine Probleme gehabt.
Denn der Saalboden vibrierte wesentlich weniger als der Bühnenboden.
Aber nun gut, es hat den Leuten ja auch mit weniger Bass gefallen.
Hatte nicht jemand auf der EF 18 auch Tunrntables dabei?
Good idea, Cheetah.
I'm curious how much resonance vibrations swallow these mats.
I seem to be the only one who has experience with vinyl has.
My Technics has really swallowed most, but when the vibrations of the ground (our feet were heavily massaged;)) he also had to fight hard, and we had to pull the bass down.
One would have me placing my vinyls, just next to the stage on a small stable extra-table, I guess we would have had no problems.
Because the hall floor vibrated substantially less than the stage floor.
But well, it has the people like so well with less bass.
Had not someone on the EF 18 also Tunrntables here?
Please bring those inflatable props back next year, everybody loved them ;D
It was really cool and very useable.
Just to make it even better: Please try to play the original / well-known versions of the songs. Some of the songs (likely because there was no time to listen into every song) were strange remixes / remakes or alternate versions where the singing parts suddenly disappeared, or looped or went off-pace, and I am very convinced that while likely few non-Germans know the German text of Peter Schillings Major Tom, virtually NOBODY knew the ENGLISH version. :)
Aside from that, very cool thing, it rocked.
Shall i come back with my Vinyls and of course original Versions of the 80'th Songs on EF22?
Was fun and entertaining watching the 80's dance on EF Prime. Awesome tunes and I shall be watching it again next year ^^
Definately yes!
@Arctic Steve:
You should not only watch it, you should join it! ;)
Quote from: Twillight on 01.10.2015, 17:35:19
Shall i come back with my Vinyls and of course original Versions of the 80'th Songs on EF22?
Back to the 80s with 80s songs. PERFECT! ;D
Quote from: CleanerWolf on 06.10.2015, 19:17:02
@Arctic Steve:
You should not only watch it, you should join it! ;)
I would offer more vinyl for use but getting them there from the UK is a challenge without driving!
Quote from: Twillight on 01.10.2015, 17:35:19
Shall i come back with my Vinyls and of course original Versions of the 80'th Songs on EF22?
Yes, please return. I enjoyed it a lot :)
Quote from: Blue Raptor on 20.09.2015, 12:09:17
It was really cool and very useable.
Just to make it even better: Please try to play the original / well-known versions of the songs. Some of the songs (likely because there was no time to listen into every song) were strange remixes / remakes or alternate versions where the singing parts suddenly disappeared, or looped or went off-pace, and I am very convinced that while likely few non-Germans know the German text of Peter Schillings Major Tom, virtually NOBODY knew the ENGLISH version. :)
Aside from that, very cool thing, it rocked.
I knew the words. ;)
As a side note, is there a play list available from the 80's dance? There were tons of songs that I quite liked, but have never heard over here in Canada, and I'd love to find out the names!
Quote from: Cheetah on 01.09.2015, 17:40:06
- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no
I'm replying because I talked to Garra while it was happening :) Placing the subwoofers in front of the stage or partly under the stage is pretty standard, and there is not really a different viable position for subwoofers. However, nobody really knew that turntables were going to be used.
I said I was going to do so. However, the vibrations were THAT bad during my set.... worse than anything I had seen before. So bad I was happy I didn't bother even bringing any lights to the dance. Vibrations so bad that they threaten to tilt over bottles of beer? Nope, this is not standard, and even with the regular setup having the subs below the stage, something WAS wrong here. Don't get me wrong, it was truely epic, but... next year, please let me play vinyl again, too. :>
Think I am exaggerating? Think again, and figure out if you'd put ANYTHING fragile there, like a laptop with a mechanical harddrive.... or a $5000 camera.
Guys, this is NOT normal, this is destructive.
Woah :)
Quote from: BigBlueFox on 20.10.2015, 05:58:24
Quote from: Cheetah on 01.09.2015, 17:40:06
- One final thing: the bass... whoever decided it was a good idea to have the bass speakers under the stage... that vinyl players were going to be sitting on... well... heh... no
I'm replying because I talked to Garra while it was happening :) Placing the subwoofers in front of the stage or partly under the stage is pretty standard, and there is not really a different viable position for subwoofers. However, nobody really knew that turntables were going to be used.
I said I was going to do so. However, the vibrations were THAT bad during my set.... worse than anything I had seen before. So bad I was happy I didn't bother even bringing any lights to the dance. Vibrations so bad that they threaten to tilt over bottles of beer? Nope, this is not standard, and even with the regular setup having the subs below the stage, something WAS wrong here. Don't get me wrong, it was truely epic, but... next year, please let me play vinyl again, too. :>
Think I am exaggerating? Think again, and figure out if you'd put ANYTHING fragile there, like a laptop with a mechanical harddrive.... or a $5000 camera.
Guys, this is NOT normal, this is destructive.
What BigBlueFox says I can confirm 100%.
As for my part, so I have to rely on the judgment of the locally available, man on the main console. I had indeed first on the local customs adjust, since I was a volunteer. Otherwise I would not have gone with my turntable on the stage, but would put me somewhere next to it towards. But it was too late as we could as yet do something, so we have, as best he could, thus arranged. The Reloop Turntable of Matt, but could be, not at all used for the bass, and the feet of my Technics have though about 95% of the vibrations of the stage floor (we had a free foot massage) can swallow, but had to when Vinylis off were, the bass are taken back a little.
But I think that you can only learn from your mistakes, and next time it will work better.
Was BigBlueFox sagt kann ich zu 100% bestätigen.
Was meinen Teil betrifft, so habe ich mich auf das Urteilsvermögen des vor Ort vorhandenen, Menschen am Hauptmischpult, verlassen. Ich musste mich ja auch erstmal auf die gepflogenheiten vor Ort einstellen, da ich ja Volunteer war. Sonst wäre ich, mit meinem Turntable nicht auf die Bühne gegangen, sondern hätte mich irgendwo daneben hin gestellt. Aber es war zu spät als das wir da noch was machen konnten, also haben wir uns, so gut es ging, damit arrangiert. Der Reloop-Turntable von Matt, konnte aber wegen des Basses, garnicht benutzt werden, und die Füße meines Technics haben zwar zu 95% die Vibrationen des Bühnenbodens (wir hatten eine gratis Fuss-Massage) schlucken können, aber dennoch musste, wenn Vinylis dran waren, der Bass etwas zurück genommen werden.
Aber ich denke das man aus Fehlern nur lernen kann, und nächstes Mal klappt es besser.
Tja, manchmal weiß man es hinterher. Die Subwoofer hatten wir auch letztes Jahr schon unter der Bühne - da hat es keine Probleme verursacht. Man kann vieles im Voraus berechnen, aber nicht was wo welche Resonanzen verursacht. Sollte das Bühnensetup nächstes Jahr ähnlich ausfallen werden wir das Problem im Hinterkopf behalten und mit Michi drüber reden was man da vielleicht machen kann.
The dance was really much fun to me, I am happy so many DJs volunteered and we got a good show running. Also I was happy with garra for lowering the bass every time he recognizes vinyl happening :3
The subwoofer was really crazy ( but sounded great nontheless :3 ). I hope we can get this event running again next year, too - its perfectly theme fitting :3
For the turntables, we discussed freefloat turntable stablisizers like http://www.vinylengine.com/images/forum/floater.jpg . These I guess would work great, just give some odd feeling for the DJs - still better than jumping needles I think :3
Special and many thanks to everyone participating and making this event such a blast and thanks for bringing all the props, too :3
Ich würde mich jedenfalls freuen, wenn ich auf der EF22 wieder mit meinen Vinyl-Records dabei sein darf.
I would be happy in any case, if I may again be present on the EF22 with my vinyl records.
AT EF22, every dance should ideally be an 80s dance!
Quote from: karpour on 09.01.2016, 19:07:27
AT EF22, every dance should ideally be an 80s dance!
Die Frage ist ja auch ob ich mit meinem Vinylis wieder kommen soll, und wenn ja bei welchen der Events auf der EF.
The question is also whether I should come back with my Vinylis, and if so in which the events on the EF.
I'm not done with all my pictures yet, but there are some more of you guys:
Sadly the galery-plugin is somehow broken and you're unable to see the pictures in big size as preview.
- Strange