I just realized that I forgot to post one of these :P
So yeah, Ris'hary here, long time TLK fan. I always liked anthropomorphic animals but have never been active in the fandom. That changed about 3 months ago when I decided that attending a convention looks like a lot of fun, so here I am.
I have just finished my 4-year B.Sc in biochemical engineering and rewarded myself with a trip to Berlin and EF21 :)
Besides TLK and anthro stuff I like video games, tabletop RPGs (Currently GMing a pathfinder group) and playing the piano.
I also do card manipulation and magic so if you see me in the convention, come say hello, I'll probably have something cool to show you!
(Look for these (http://ajtplayingcards.co.uk/communities/5/004/012/906/585/images/4619012515.jpg) or these (https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0013/7332/products/bicycle-titanium-edition-07_1024x1024.jpeg?v=1404254406) cards, if you see them, I'm probably around!)
See ya all at the convention!
Hello and welcome!!! Nice another guy from Israel! Last Year I knew a crazy bunny from there! Hope to see you at EF :)
crazy bunnies are dangerous!