This was my first con ever, and I had a wonderful time! At first it was really really weird being among furs for the first time, and it just sort of hits you. But once you get past the initial culture shock, it was absolutely awesome! So thanks to the EF staff, and of course all the congoers for making this an unforgettable experience. I'll definitely be coming again if I'm able to (and if it's closer... cause that drive was madness)!
Now, anyone else want to share their experiences?
Yeah ... I'm back home too. Time at EF ran out so fast =/
I did not had much time at EF, because I arrived on friday afternoon.
But the 2 days I had were amazing and so cool.
The sigs were nice, but my favourite shows were "Stage Fever" and Kage vs. 2 ^^
The pawpet show was good, too. But it wasn't easy to get a good view on it.
The two sidescreens would have helped, but I don't know if the cameras could have
captured the show in the correct perspective.
Oh ... and I was too shy to dance during the last night.
I didn't want to make an idiot out of me ... you know ... I can't dance at all ^^#
Thank you Cheetah and all the other furs to arrange this awesome event!
I'd love to be there next time again. The Ringberghotel in Suhl was a purrfect location
in my opinion. So it'd be cool if EF14 could take place there next year again :)
Congratulations, EF13 rocked ^^
Konu and myself are back too^^
The EF this year was even more than I had expected and right that what I had needed.
I was the hardest competition for our suits ... now we go on to the repairs XD
But it was a great fun and I'd liked to thank anybody who mad this con to what it was.
Special thanks go to
Riffuchs ... our most useful Orga and Photograph on my inofficial Fursuit group photo ... (I hope Somewolf doesn't kill me for this XD)
lizard (i guess it was him XD) ... for the "In front of"
Kazagh ... for his *ksst* and his special offers ... like my "Zwangsläufigkeit" and Mandewos "Doggenmoese" >.>
Black Wolf ... for his Balcony ;)
To Tani and Nightfox for lettin me be the most important part of their stage performance ;)
The Stage crew, especially Mystifur ... for their endless patience with our questions and suggestions.
To Fox Cubbold, Greskil and Shiinshu for this wonderful evening outside^^
To all this helping hands in the fursuit lounge who helped to put me together XD
To all who joined us in our Assicon-concert in the foyer ... I hope we didn't disturbed the others to much XD
To all the people on the "big blue dance"-Dancefloor who provided me with additional glowsticks 8).
And to all the Organisators, Technicans, Gophers and all who we forgot.
*Waiting for the next con* (You can never have enough of that)
LeTigre and Konu
P.S. ... Who the f*** is Vorderman???
Also back home,
Wanna thank everybody from the EF staff till the EF attendies for this great event.
It was my first con and i loved it!! Met so many people..
Next year i´ll be there for sure.
And for the UK´s Voldermen!!!!!!^^
Just got back myself, all in all a good time, met some new people, caught up with a few older London furs and I have faces to go with names now. I had a few qualms, but nothing to really detract from my enjoyment and I wouldn't want to rock the boat just after the first con. I tip my hat to the staff/organisers, I bought Cheetah a drink...mostly because he was the most recognisable, being that he's enourmous.
Sleep now...
I'm not much of a party person, so I mostly mooched around a bit or stayed in our room in between events. The events themselves were great though!
Eurofurence reservation: €160
Fuel costs: €100
Meals, etc: €50
Cheetah making a go for Kage's pants: priceless.
Also, I have a bunch of photos I took. None too fancy, but I was wondering if it's ok to post here?
Quote from: CodeCat on 10.09.2007, 01:17:31
Also, I have a bunch of photos I took. None too fancy, but I was wondering if it's ok to post here?
Last year lots of photos ended up on the website, maybe this would be a good idea this year too? Also, I'm sure Timduru is happy to accept photos for his fursuit (events etc.) gallery.
I too have safely arrived home at 10pm. This was my first visit to EF and I must say it was awesome! No wait, it was even more than that, I'm not even sure if there's a word that can describe how great this was. Everyone did an amazing job, from staff to special guests, preformers, fursuiters, hotel staff, everyone. When I'm asked how it was, I don't really know what to say, since I find no propper words to express how I feel. You just had to be there to understand. I've met lots of new people, everyone very pleasant!
Took a couple of photos too, which will be uploaded shortly!
It was a wonderful time, indeed. And it passed by far too quick.
Well, sitting now at the office prevents me from falling into the famous "PCD" :-)
This was my first Con ever.. my first time suiting amongst fellow fursuiters and well.. I LOVED IT!
It was great, not only were the people great, but the staffers too! Thanks so much to Cheetah and his crew for setting this great con up and filling it with stuff to do, stuff to watch and people to hug!
Who wants a cookie? :)
A big fat batch goes to my fellow Fursuiters and to two people that did a lot for me personally..
Mystifur for setting up the Stage Fever sketches.. you did an awesome job dude!.. I tip my hat to you..
And Tani DaReal for being so sweet to help out in our sketch and being so professional!
The highs were extremely high, the lows were pretty damn low, but the con overall has been possibly the best experience of my life. Especially seven of us playing Guitar Hero, with one controller, crushed onto one bed. ^^;
And of course, *raises elbow* VORDERMAAAAAAN!
I've met some of the most beautiful people in the world at this con, and I love ya all.
I must've missed something important, cause I have no idea what vorderman is...
Quote from: CodeCat on 09.09.2007, 17:31:14
Now, anyone else want to share their experiences?
Same as yours codecat, was weird in the beginning, but once you get past that...WOW...what an experience ;)
It began actually shortly before I arrived at the hotel, just about 200 meters from the hotel's driveway a fox was sitting on the side of the road that tuesday night, watching my car approaching, and it was only when I stopped right in front of him it gotten nervous and ran of to hide and spy fromout the shelter of the woods...
'Welcome to EF13' I thought with a grin looking at the pair of shiny eyes in my headlights watching my car fromout the forest.
Reading from different posts on this forum I figured that EF was gonna be one big party, wrong! It was so much more then that!
Gryphon was absolutely brilliant in his part about the anti-furs, I really laughed my heart out with that one... The pawpet show was so touchy by moments...
Met not many furs actually, but the ones I have met were so great, I really appreciate them and from my part they became VERY good friends in no time.
Learned a lot from different sigs, was nice to see the artists beyond their work, looking at Blotch's Yiff-art for example I figured that Blotch (like all other artists making that yiffy artwork) must have been some kind of frustrated perverted overaged computernerd, lightning struck me as I found out Blotch is actually two young girls! It was like someone pushing the reset button of my brain... (yeah I know I've been living in the 'common' world for too long)
Shortly, EF13 was quite a shock at first, but what an awesome shock it was ;) This foxy wags his tail in excitement thinking on EF14.
The EF was great.
My English is not so good. But this things i have to say:
Good Things:
1. The Fauna Projekt (really good Music hopefully the Music will be available at CD)
2. 2 vs Kage
2. the A.J.A Conzert ( at the beginning i was sceptically but it was great)
3. Furry Music Caffe
4. O´Wolfs Sig over Furs in the media (very Important Sig to Prevent bad news)
5. The Fox Fursuiter (sorry i don´t know the name) who danced behind Screen at the BBF Fur Dance
6. The Most People at the con
Bad Things:
1. Persons who want attention at any price (Der Typ mit der Baby Nukelflasche, This Frog suit thing, the guy in the pink skirt) That throws a really bad light at the Fandome.
2. Fursuiter who running arround without an Head in Public.
Quote from: KrankesPapst on 10.09.2007, 15:14:44
Bad Things:
1. Persons who want attention at any price (Der Typ mit der Baby Nukelflasche, This Frog suit thing, the guy in the pink skirt) That throws a really bad light at the Fandome.
I indeed and sadly must agree with this!
Quote from: KrankesPapst on 10.09.2007, 15:14:44
The EF was great.
My English is not so good. But this things i have to say:
Good Things:
1. The Fauna Projekt (really good Music hopefully the Music will be available at CD)
2. 2 vs Kage
2. the A.J.A Conzert ( at the beginning i was sceptically but it was great)
3. Furry Music Caffe
4. O´Wolfs Sig over Furs in the media (very Important Sig to Prevent bad news)
5. The Fox Fursuiter (sorry i don´t know the name) who danced behind Screen at the BBF Fur Dance
6. The Most People at the con
Bad Things:
1. Persons who want attention at any price (Der Typ mit der Baby Nukelflasche, This Frog suit thing, the guy in the pink skirt) That throws a really bad light at the Fandome.
2. Fursuiter who running arround without an Head in Public.
5. Do you mean the fursuiter with long ears? That was prolly me :P. It was me in Cody fursuit that was dancing behind the white screen. Everybody said it looked totally awesome. But im not sure if any other fursuiters went doing the same after me. Cause I was like dead tired after the dancing :P.
Quote from: KrankesPapst on 10.09.2007, 15:14:44
Bad Things:
1. Persons who want attention at any price (Der Typ mit der Baby Nukelflasche, This Frog suit thing, the guy in the pink skirt) That throws a really bad light at the Fandome.
1. My German is terrible so the first one confuses me, what was the issue you had with the frog? What's wrong with pink t-shirts?
Well, I had a lovely time. I skipped EF12 as EF11 seemed very negative and seedy, but this year the con was friendly, fun and there was never someone you couldn't hang out with and just be happy. It seemed like EF10, another convention where I left the happiest fackal around.
There were two things I did want to say though.
Firstly, on Wednesday I got very, very, very drunk. I want to apologise if I insulted anyone, and if I made a prat of myself: pictures please! :)
Secondly, the conbook is absolutely perfect. I handed it to my parents and they read through it, and they now actually _understand_ the furry fandom and I why I love it.
Quote from: polonium-210 on 11.09.2007, 11:59:27
Firstly, on Wednesday I got very, very, very drunk. I want to apologise if I insulted anyone, and if I made a prat of myself: pictures please! :)
Well, we all did, for a small fella you can sure put it away with the best of them, and I think I have a picture of you and Kage somewhere, not quite sure why I took it now... it must've made sense at the time.
Quote from: KrankesPapst on 10.09.2007, 15:14:44
2. Fursuiter who running arround without an Head in Public.
You're right, a few people do it extensively, and that's not so nice. Sometimes however, there's just no other way, eg after the fursuitwalk, I had to do so because I didn't see anything otherwise (fogging), and Tigers_Claw had banged his nose, which was then bleeding. So we both walked outside without our suitheads on. I'm sure there were many other occasions when things like these happened to other suiters, too...
Argh I keep getting sidetracked
I just walked through my door 1hr ago.
The first task I performed when I got in, brought these thoughts to mind "Aaahh, soft toilet paper."
After all the furs had left, I had the hotel to myself for a day.... AND I WAS FUCKING BORED STIFF!!!! So bored infact, that I used the hotel's internet terminal, how sad is that?
Well, I must say EF13 blew me away completely. First con, first suit. The moment I entered the lobby and saw all those people, I litterally thought to myself: "What the HELL am I doing here?" After the check-in I still wasn't convinced, but after I got in suit and people started hugging me out of the blue.... euh... WOW! So many nice furs to hug!
The food was great and the hotel-staff was very nice (I could understand them and speak to them). Unfortunately my roommate complained I made even more noise than the chainsaw noise I said I would make... He did have a repertoire of his own as well. Next time I'll take earplugs with me.
With a little luck three of my friends will attending EF14 :)
QuoteBad Things:
2. Fursuiter who running arround without an Head in Public.
I'm afraid that would be me. See, I made some beginner faults on the head (just say all the faults) and at some points the sweat running from my head was simply too much. The fan inside the head didn't do their work properly. That's why I'll build a new head with a big ass fan in the back and some tubing to keep my head cool.
Other than that: See you at EF14!
Quote from: Barney on 12.09.2007, 11:21:44
Well, I must say EF13 blew me away completely. First con, first suit. The moment I entered the lobby and saw all those people, I litterally thought to myself: "What the HELL am I doing here?" After the check-in I still wasn't convinced, but after I got in suit and people started hugging me out of the blue.... euh... WOW! So many nice furs to hug!
Exactly the same here! When I arrived and until thursday evening I felt kinda lost and out of place. But the shock and awe was just a bit too much... so much to take in at once I sort of got bogged down. But after a while I caught on, and I enjoyed it immensely! ^^
Quote from: CodeCat on 09.09.2007, 17:31:14
At first it was really really weird being among furs for the first time, and it just sort of hits you. But once you get past the initial culture shock, it was absolutely awesome!
I could say same :) This was my first time in EF or in any furry con, so during first day I was a bit confused about everything happening around me. But after that I had really, really great time there. I could have been there longer, so much to see :)
Too bad I didn't know practically anyone, it was a bit hard to start conversation with people. Or maybe reason was just me and my quiet personality. But maybe next year I already know some people there :) So many people I would like to have talked with.
I liked hotel location, I love to have forest near :) And about events, Stage Fever was my favourite. And actually all fursuit-related events. And actually everything ;) So thanks to everyone for this experience!