I can't seem to manage to upload or link to an avatar in my profile. I upload the file or link the picture (Tried both), click the "Change profile" button and instead of the picutre I get this default "Picture is missing" thing. Is there a specific format/size that I need to use? Thanks.
I would try the normal 100 X 100 pixel size. Maybe your Avatar was bigger. also try only to use a jpeg.
Hi Rishary,
the maximum size for avatars that you upload yourself is currently 130x130 pixel. If you use an avatar from an online source the maximum size is 65x65. There is no file size limit in place.
I can see that you tried to upload an avatar but it has 0kB. Maybe the upload was interrupted or some adblocker or script blocker interrupted something?
Please try again! If it still doesn't work you can send me your avatar and I'll put it in place for you. :3
PS: I'll move this topic into "Forum Issues" as it belongs there. Don't be alarmed. :3
Thanks, now it works. Maybe the size limit should be visible at the relevant page.
Strange, I could have sworn I posted it "Forum Issues"...
Quote from: Rishary on 25.06.2015, 18:43:26
Thanks, now it works. Maybe the size limit should be visible at the relevant page.
Strange, I could have sworn I posted it "Forum Issues"...
Yeah, you are right there! Unfortunately it seems our forum software lacks that feature. Sorry for that!
Happy that it worked out for you. Welcome on the forum!