The Eurofurence Forum

Off Topic => General Furry Talk => Introductions => Topic started by: Sinnoh - Hop-Up Cola Addict on 19.06.2015, 03:14:27

Title: A Wild Kaiju Appeared!
Post by: Sinnoh - Hop-Up Cola Addict on 19.06.2015, 03:14:27
Hi everyone! I'm Sinnoh! I'm a 19 year old fur from Finland who will soon be stomping around in a corgi kaiju fursuit.

I'm originally from America but I moved to Finland to end a long distance relationship. Now I happily reside here but will be making my way over to Germany in August for Eurofurence! It'll be my first con so I'm both nervous and excited.

I will be going alone and none of my friends are attending, so I'm hoping I won't be lonely throughout the con experience. I hope to make some new friends though this!
Title: Re: A Wild Kaiju Appeared!
Post by: Jorinda on 19.06.2015, 07:56:01
Corgi Kaiju? Sounds interesting.

Don't worry, making new friends at EF is not difficult :) there are so many friendly people.
Title: Re: A Wild Kaiju Appeared!
Post by: Sinnoh - Hop-Up Cola Addict on 19.06.2015, 11:48:35
Thank you so much! And yeah, I've read a lot of posts about how it's all too easy to make friends at cons, so that reassures my mind a lot!
Title: Re: A Wild Kaiju Appeared!
Post by: Blackymoon on 19.06.2015, 19:51:22
Have a safe trip and nice time - maybe we will meet in all the fluff :)
Title: Re: A Wild Kaiju Appeared!
Post by: Sinnoh - Hop-Up Cola Addict on 19.06.2015, 20:32:23
Thank you so much! I truly hope we do! :D
Title: Re: A Wild Kaiju Appeared!
Post by: Wotan on 20.06.2015, 10:48:57
Welcome to the best European furry convention! You will have the better time there like I did last year! And this one we will repeat and with more friends :) You will understand there :D *hugs*
Title: Re: A Wild Kaiju Appeared!
Post by: gummi_bjorn on 20.06.2015, 17:42:38
hi sinnoh.

i'm gummibjorn from denmark, and this will be my first con as well.
so maybe we will meet and have some fun or drinks or whatever.
EF is not only my first con but my first furry gathering ever, so i'm super exited and look forward to meeting everyone.
if you want to make specific plans for meeting feel free to mail me.
with love from denmark
Title: Re: A Wild Kaiju Appeared!
Post by: Sinnoh - Hop-Up Cola Addict on 20.06.2015, 21:55:40
Quote from: Wotan on 20.06.2015, 10:48:57
Welcome to the best European furry convention! You will have the better time there like I did last year! And this one we will repeat and with more friends :) You will understand there :D *hugs*

Thank you so much! I can't wait to attend and then begin making it an annual thing! I certainly want to repeat with more friends every year. *hugs* ^^

Quote from: gummi_bjorn on 20.06.2015, 17:42:38
hi sinnoh.

i'm gummibjorn from denmark, and this will be my first con as well.
so maybe we will meet and have some fun or drinks or whatever.
EF is not only my first con but my first furry gathering ever, so i'm super exited and look forward to meeting everyone.
if you want to make specific plans for meeting feel free to mail me.
with love from denmark

Hello there! I'm happy to hear I'm not alone in this haha! This will also be my first furry gathering ever as well, so I truly think we should make plans for meeting! I would love to swing on by and chill! I'll send you a PM now!
Title: Re: A Wild Kaiju Appeared!
Post by: Hohtis on 20.06.2015, 22:19:44
Hello Sinnoh!

I'm also making my first trip to Eurofurence this year. ^^ I've been into other furcon/cons/meetups before though. Oh, and, I'm from Finland too!
Though to some it might come as a surprise, I'm quite friendly to be around and I'm really active. (which makes me a bad companion to be around 'cause I tend to move a lot)

If you want to meet up (before or at con), you can send me a private message. And if you bump into me in the con, don't be shy and come to say hello!