At next EF21 I would like to repeat the nice dragon photoshoot made at EF20.
Event's Facebook public page:
Who can join?
Dragons and dragon-hybrids only (we will check it before take the pictures). Also photographers are welcome.
I don't have a fursuit, can I join?
YES! That's an event for ALL dragons. Basically we will take 2 pictures, one with fursuits only and another one with all dragon attendees mixed together *fluffy* !
When will the photoshoot be taken?
Thu 20th @ 15:00
Where will the photoshoot be taken?
Campfire in front the hotel
Time and meeting point will be let you know with home-made signs at EF21 directly, take a look around ^^
Pictures of the dragon photoshoot taken at EF20 by KumaTheKodiak:
See you there! *flops waiting bellyrubs*
Fursuits only https://www.dropbox.com/s/fn939k80ldjtgzd/RedJeto_EF21_DragonPhotoshoot-1.jpg?dl=0
All dragons unite! https://www.dropbox.com/s/791my2guz0hyl66/RedJeto_EF21_DragonPhotoshoot-3.jpg?dl=0
What should we do to prey species smuggling themselves into the picture like last year?
Prepare for dinner.
Of course Chibi will join again if nothing comes between it :3
I am no draggy, but I will try to be there to watch all the draggies :3
Same here lots of cute dragons ;)
Sounds like you should rather do a dragon zoo exhibit than a photoshoot :) *SCNR*
I'll be there with my fluffy dragon-hybrid Lenny o/
Woo yes! I'll be there now that I'm able to come for EF this year!
Rawr. Yes. :D
Thank you very much for the info. ^^
I will be present "wagwag" :3
yay! Count me in :)
I've missed it last year, but I will make it this year for sure ;D
Can't wait to be in a big pile of dragons *rawr* ^w^
At least one Canadian Dragon will be in attendance! ;D
this cutie draggy shall be there too :) Depends on the program and if I don't have my own panel at the same time ^^
According with the busy EF21 Schedule http://www.eurofurence.org/EF21/schedule/ avoiding the main events, the photoshoot will be taken on Thu 20th @ 15:00
I will be there.
Meeting point will be the Campfire (Thu 20 at 3pm)!
Here the official pictures from Red Jeto:
Fursuits only https://www.dropbox.com/s/fn939k80ldjtgzd/RedJeto_EF21_DragonPhotoshoot-1.jpg?dl=0
All dragons unite! https://www.dropbox.com/s/791my2guz0hyl66/RedJeto_EF21_DragonPhotoshoot-3.jpg?dl=0
Thanks very much once more to all the attendees <3
Yay for dragons <3 ;)
Thank you, Drachetto, for organizing this one!
Besides from the dances, this was actually the only time I had my suit out. Missed both the Fursuit Parade and the Furuit Photoshoot, so it's nice to have at least one memory, and surrounded by all those other great dragons :)
I already gloated about it to my work colleagues *g*